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BY: Marc Joseph Ajero, and Billy Ryan Jariolne

1 Copyrighted Software
BY: M. Hamoc

2 Patented I.T. Related
By: B.R. Jariolne

0 Plagiarism Detection
3 Services and Software
By: M.J. Ajero

0 OpenSource Software
By: M.J. Ajero & M. Hamoc

Cyber Squaters
By: K. Bonita
Related Inventions
The Patent Act provides a broad definition
of what can be patented: any new or useful process,
machine, manufacture,composition of matter, or any new
and useful improvement thereof. Although these
categories of patentable subject matterare broad, they
are also exclusive, and any item that does not fall into
one of them is not patentable.
Intel’s Autonomous Driving Tech
Highlights This Year’s Self-Driving
Tech Trend

Self-driving vehicular technologies have been

grabbing the world’s attention at least since this past CES where
they took center stage. Of particular interest is how the trend
has involved tech sector players like Google and others and not
just traditional automakers like GM, Ford or Toyota.
Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC) is another high-tech developer
joining the fray thanks to the issue of patents like U.S. Patent
No. 9134731, titled Locality Adapted Computerized Assisted or
Autonomous Driving of Vehicles.
The patent protects an apparatus with a policy generator operable
to generate locality specific policies for driving a vehicle within a
This particular innovation is aimed at the deployment of
autonomous vehicles in developing countries with poor road
infrastructures, reducing the risk of operating a vehicle on unsafe
roadsor in areas with a high percentage of crime.
Amazon’s On-Demand 3D Printing
System for Quick Response to Internet

E-commerce is making a huge impact on the conve

ntional business model for retail and Inc.(NASDAQ:
AMZN) is leading the charge in that sector. It’s stranglehold on ret
ail is so powerful, it hired the largest number of seasonal employe
es this year of any corporation, closely followed by shipping comp
any UPS, another indication of the strength of e-commerce. In the
most recent Black Friday holiday, Amazon’s website took in more t
han one-third of all online sales on that day and it’s top sellers wer
e its own products like the Amazon Echo speakers or the Fire TV
streaming stick
Bank of America’s Mobile Banking Platf
orm Underscores Digital Wallet Trend

Sometimes, an invention makes the top ten list not so much for i
ts novelty but sometimes for what it represents in the world of te
chnology. Digital wallets and mobile payment services have bee
n a major topic of discussion this year on our blog. Our choice fo
r second-place in our top patent survey for 2015 is Bank of Amer
ica’s U.S. Patent No. 8914308, titled Method and Apparatus for I
nitiating a Transaction on a Mobile Device. It protects a method f
or displaying the initiation of a transaction on a mobile device inv
olving the selection of a template converted into a reviewable tra
nsaction enabling payment of funds to a trusted receiver. The in
novation was pursued because of a lack at that time of financial
services designed for smartphones and tablets
Qualcomm’s Wireless Charging
Scheme for Electronic Devices

Systems for providing power wirelessly through

inductive charging techniques has also sprung up from time to
time this year on our blog. We’ve even witnessed a technologic
al trend towards the wireless charging of electric vehicles
properly parked above an induction coil. Qualcomm, Inc.
(NASDAQ:QCOM) holds sixth-place in this patent countdown
with U.S. Patent No. 9130602, entitled Method and Apparatus
for Delivering Energy to an Electrical or Electronic Device Via a
Wireless Link. It discloses an apparatus for providing power to a
device with a transmitting antenna operative to power a device
by a wireless link and a control unit controlling the direction of
the wireless power transmission.
The wireless power transmission scheme enables the charging
of devices throughout an interior space, like lamps and other
electrical appliances, without requiring the use of wires that can
ruin aesthetics or cause walking hazards.
Atrium's Satellite for Retransmitting
Sunlight to Earth for Growing Crops

Perhaps this is in the forefront of our minds here at I Watchdog

because we explored this invention recently in our coverage of
novel Airbus technologies, many of which were pretty
astounding in terms of air travel. However, there can be no
doubt that perhaps the most attention-grabbing technologies
patented this year is U.S. Patent No. 9180980, which is titled
System in Space for Reinforcing Photosynthesis and Method.
Issued to Atriums SAS, a Paris-based subsidiary of
Airbus Group SE (EPA:AIR).
It claims a method for reinforcing photosynthesis on Earth using
a retransmitting satellite orbiting the earth and having multiple
elements for collecting sunlight and retransmitting it towards
Earth to reinforce photosynthesis and crop growth.
Google’s Emergency Medical Response

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), more commonly known as

drones, were big in our headlines this year through last January’
s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to Congressional
regulatory hearings. Their use has been considered for an array
of applications including the emergency response system
developed by Google, now Alphabet Inc.(NASDAQ:GOOG) and
protected by the issue of U.S. Patent No. 8930044, titled
Multi-Part Navigation Process by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
for Navigating to a Medical Situation. It discloses a UAV with
multiple navigation processes generating flight-control signals
for navigating the UAV towards a medical situation. This UAV
could carry medication or defibrillation equipment to a person
experiencing a medical emergency. Honorary mention for drone
innovations in 2015 go to the Boeing Company (NYSE:BA) for
its UAV innovation protected by U.S. Patent No. 9117185, entitle
d Forestry Management System
Disney’s System for Robotic Mimicking
of Human Action
This has been
an interesting year in
robotics as well and we’ve
seen some truly astounding
innovations like the animal
robotics developed by
Boston Dynamics, which
showcased incredible speed
and stability. Stability in
humanoid robotics is the
focal point of our
eighth-place patent issued to
the Walt Disney Company
(NYSE:DIS), which

is U.S. Patent No. 9162720,

entitled Robot Action Based on
Human Demonstration. It claims
a method for reproducing a
designated action of a human
with a robot which involves
receiving image capture data
and contact force data obtained
from a human performing an action, approximating a center of
mass trajectory of the human action and generating a planned
robot action for emulating the human action. This innovation
addresses issues in replicating human actions by robots because
of differences in dynamic and kinematic properties which typically
causes robots to improperly perform a sit-to-stand action.
Brain Implant

In the late 1800s, doctors realized electrical stimulation of the

brain could cause physical movement in humans and animals.
In the 20th century, experiments involving brain stimulation
successfully changed a patient's mood and behavior.

This 1993 patent from the University of Utah outlines the so-call
ed "Utah Array," described in a later patent as an "implantable,
integrated apparatus that contacts the brain with a plurality of
metal needles to detect electrical signals or to transmit signals
to the brain."

Since then, brain implants have advanced to the point where

patients can move robotic prosthetics or type out text on a
computer with their thoughts. In the future, technologies like
neurallace that cover a large number of neurons could be used
to allow humans to interface with computers using their minds.
Bionic Eye

The first attempt to restore sight to the blind was in 1968, when
doctors G. S. Brindley and W. S. Lewin surgically implanted a
device in a 52-year-old patient. The electronic device was not
implanted in the patient's eye, but rather on the optical lobe of
his brain. By stimulating the neurons of the brain, the doctors
caused the patient to see spots of light in half his field of vision.

Today, with much smaller electronics, sight-restoring devices

can be implanted directly into the retina, as described in this
2013 patent. A camera, often mounted on sunglasses, has been
used to take in data about the surrounding area and send a sign
al to the retinal implant, which then stimulates photoreceptors in
the eye. Completely blind patients have been able to use the
technology to restore partial sight, including the ability to see
shapes and light. As electrodes continue to shrink, allowing
more specific photoreceptors to be stimulated, the technology is
only set to get better.
Trio of Inventors Pursues IP in
Disabling Devices While Driving

In our coverage of innovations designed to reduce

distracted driving this past April, we uncovered a good deal of
intellectual property for technologies meant to reduce the risks of
driving while distracted or drowsy.
For our ninth-place patent of 2015, we wanted to profile an
invention developed by a trio of inventors from Georgia and
protected by the issue of U.S. Patent No.8994492, which is
titled Disablement of User Device Functionality. It discloses a
method for restricting a functionality of user equipment that
exists within a particular zone within a vehicle by determining
a zone within a driver’s region of interest and analyzing signal
transmissions to determine the physical proximity of a user
equipment within a particular zone.
This invention is designed to overcome the limitations that law
enforcement experiences when trying to ensure that drivers are
not performing distracting actions, such as texting, while driving.

Modern technology and the development of
Internet have given us access to tons of information any
time we desire it and from any place on the planet. Original
Ideas tend to become rarer and rarer. Everybody seems to
be reproducing other people's ideas and presenting them as
their own. Although this practice is not anything new, a lot of
people might argue that nowadays it has reached its peak.
In this article, I'll highlight the top 10 free plagiarism
detection tools that will allow eLearning professionals to
tackle the plagiarism nightmare.
1. Dupli Checker
This is one of the most effective free plagiarism detection
tools on the Internet. While it doesn’t have a fancy interface,
it certainly gets the job done well.

Free Of Charge
You don’t have to pay anything. Whether you are a on
e-time user or plan to make the most of this free
plagiarism detection tool on a daily basis, you are not
required to pay for subscription.

Ease Of Use
You are presented with a very basic, functional layout
that does not require for any previous experience with
plagiarism detection tools.

2 Ways To Check For Plagiarism

Duplichecker enables you to either copy and paste
your text in the field and then check it for plagiarisms,
or upload a Docx or Text file from your computer.
50 Plagiarism Scans Per Day For Registered Users
If you sign up for free, Duplichecker allows you to do
50 plagiarism checks in a single day.

1 Search Per Day For Unregistered Users
If you choose not to indulge in a free sign-up then you are
limited to only 1 plagiarism check per day.
2. Copyleaks
This cloud-based authentication platform enables you
to track how eLearning content is being used all
around the Internet.


For Education And Business

Different sections on the platform for educational and
business purposes. The business section addresses
to publishers and SEO agencies, while the educations
ection to schools, students and universities.

Multiple File Formats And Languages

Copyleaks is able to scan content in various file formats
and all Unicode languages.

Variety Of Tools
Copyleaks allows you to use the API tool to search for
plagiarized all over the Internet. It also offers a mobile
app along with an MS Office add-on, which you can
use to check for plagiarisms as you are writing a
document on MS Word.

You Can Use It Only After You Sign Up
Unfortunately, you need to create an account for free
first, in order to search for plagiarized eLearning content
3. PaperRater
A multi-purpose free plagiarism detection tool that is used
in over 140 countries.


3 Tools In 1: Proofreader & Grammar Check,

Vocabulary Builder, Plagiarism Checker
If you need to check your text for grammar mistakes,
have it proofread with suggestions for different wording,
or have it checked for plagiarism, this is the tool.

Developed By Industry Experts

Developed by a team of computational linguists and
subject matter experts.

Fast Results
PaperRater boasts accurate results in seconds.

No Ability To Save Reports
If you are looking to store result report, then you are out
of luck here.
4. Plagiarisma
Basic and easy-to-use, multi-purpose plagiarism detection
tool that is used by students, teachers, writers, as well
as various members of the literary industry.


190+ Languages Supported

There is virtually no language excluded from the list.

Plagiarism Check By URL, Online Or File Upload

Copy and Paste or Τype your text in the appropriate
field, provide a URL, or upload a file from your
computer. Supported file types include: TXT, HTML,

Firefox And Chrome Extensions

Have your text quickly checked by downloading the add

No Ability To Save Reports
If you are looking to store result report, then you are out
of luck here.
5. Plagiarism Checker
User-friendly, entirely free plagiarism detection tool to
check whether content is plagiarized.


Detailed Guidelines
One of the easiest to use free plagiarism detection tools
due to its step-by-step approach on how to use it.

Check If Others Have Plagiarized Your Online

Click on the “For authors” option to check whether
they have plagiarized your content and posted it on
the Internet. You may also get a notification by email.

Entirely Online
No downloads required.

Supports Only Google Or Yahoo Browsers
If you are using none of those 2 browsers then you mig
ht want to look elsewhere
6. Plagium
Basic but fully functional free plagiarism detection
tool with different levels of search..


Easy to use
You basically copy-paste text. It features 2 types of
searches, quick search and deep search.

Free For Up To 5,000 Characters Each Time

For up to 5,000 characters per search you don't
have to pay any fee.

Limited Free Features
Only if you sign up you can upload your file, have it che
cked, and receive a word usage report on it.
7. PlagScan
Plagiarism detection tool for both individuals and
businesses that checks texts against online content,
scientific journals and the user’s documents as well.


Fully Online
No download required.

3 Ways To Do Plagiarism Checks

You can select from: a) directly pasting you text into the
appropriate field, b) importing the file from the web by
entering its URL at the indicated area, or uploading
it from a cloud storage area such as Dropbox,
Google Drive, or OneDrive, c) uploading a file
from your desktop.

No Subscriptions For Private Users

The user pays on-demand according to their
respective needs.

Integration Features
Businesses can integrate Plagscan into several Content
and Learning Management Systems (CMS/LMS).

Relatively Complicated Interface
As opposed to competitive platforms the interface
seems quite advanced.
8. PlagTracker
Fast free plagiarism detection tool that searches
both websites and academic databases by copying
and pasting text, or file uploading.


Addressing To Different User Groups

Students, teachers, publishers and site owners can
take advantage of Plagtracker.

Detailed Reports
The user gets informed as to what parts need to be
cited and a list of sources to be used.

6 Languages Supported
Check your eLearning content in English, French,
Spanish, German, Romanian and Italian.

No File Uploading
Users can only copy and paste text in the designated
9. Quetext
Basic layout and functional interface that checks
against the Internet, as well as various databases.


No Subscriptions
Quetext is entirely free.

Unlimited Usage
No account, registration or downloads needed.

No File Upload In Free Version
You have to purchase a premium package to have your
file uploaded and checked.
10. Viper
A 3-step free plagiarism detection tool with
user-friendly interface..


100% Free
All features are available to everyone on the Internet.

Extensive Plagiarism Check Range

Your document will be checked against more than 10 bil
lion online resources including journals, books and web

Limited Target Group
Mostly targeted to academic students as it is widely use
d for evaluating student papers.
Thank you for
All Picture and Context of this Mini-booklet is taken from ,Authors of this book doesn’t own
Any Contents of this material.
This is use for compliance in school project.

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