A D Patel Institute of Engineering

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Name :Patel Rudra [170013119031]

:Prajapati Mehul [170013119032]
: Prajapati Haresh [170013119033]

Topic:effect of controlling force on governor

What is controlling force
 When the balls of a governor rotate in their
circular path, the centrifugal force on each ball
tends to move it outwards. This is resisted by an
equal and oppsite force radially inwards and as is
known as the controlling force.
 The controling force is suppied by the weigth of
the rotating mass in a watt governor, the weigth
of the mass and that of the sleeve in a porter
governor and by the compressed spring in the
casw of a hartnell governor.
A graph showing the variation of the
controling force with the radius of rotation is
called controling curve . This curve is uesful in
finding out the stability of a governor as
dicussed below.
• Suppose that the ponit p represents the mean speed
of the governor. R is the corresponding radius of the
balls.now, if the speed increases to P1 the radius f the
balls increases of r1. thus moving the sleeve up and
closing the throttle valve to the require extent. If the
speed decreases to ponit p2 the radius of the balls
decreses to r2 resulting in the lowering of the sleeve
and opning the throttle valva further. This would
increses the speed. This is a stable governor.
• If the speed increases to p the radius of the balls
dacreases to r. this means that the sleeve lowered and
the throttle valva is firther opened to increases the
fuel supply and consequently the speed.decresing the
speed the sleeve is moved up, closing the valve and
reduing the speed.this is a unstable governor.
• If the controlling force curve sometimes may be
obtained in some spring loaded governor by
suitable adjustment. It can be observed that at
the speed represented by the line oc the balls
can take up any radius . Under such condition
this is a isochronous governor.
Controlling Force Diagram for spring –
controlled Governors

• The controlling force diagram for the spring

controlled governors is a straight line as
shown in fig. We know that controlling force
 contolling force dia, for spring controlled governor
different condition
 For the isochonous governor, the curve will be a
straight line passing through the origin. Here is
constant.Fc = ar
 For stable governoor, the eqation of governor is
Fc=ar-b here a and b are constants.stability can be
maintained by increaing spring stiffness.
 For unstable governor the eq, for controling force
curve Fc= ar+b. [ this type governor is
• Thank you

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