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As early as the late 1920s, the historical roots of urban design began to appear in the
relationship between ‘urban architecture’ and ‘urbanism’ (Mumford, 2009).

Gosling (2002, p.7) had already defined urban design as the “disciplinary solution for the
real gap between architecture and planning through the 1960s".

It is no wonder then that urban design has come to be seen as an interdisciplinary field of
study, practiced by those with professional training in both architecture and planning
(Lang, 1994; Moudon, 2003).

1920 ‫ يف وقت مبكر من أواخر‬s ‫ بدأت الجذور التاريخية للتصميم الحضي تظهر يف العالقة بي "العمارة‬،
.)2009 ،‫الحضية" و "الحضي" (ممفورد‬

،2002( ‫وقد عرف جوسلينج‬p.7) ‫تأديب للفجوة الحقيقية بي العمارة والتخطيط‬

‫ي‬ ‫التصميم الحضي بأنه "حل‬
."‫خالل الستينيات‬

‫ يمارسه أولئك الذين‬،‫وال عجب إذن أن ينظر إىل التصميم الحضي باعتباره مجاال متعدد التخصصات للدراسة‬
.)2003 ،‫؛ مودون‬1994 ،‫مهب يف كل من العمارة والتخطيط (النغ‬
‫لديهم تدريب ي‬

Marshall and Caliskan, (2011, p.4) went even further and argued that “urban design is
sometimes seen as a specialised side discipline or sub-discipline of planning, or an
extension of architecture".

Rouge (2009) on the other hand suggested that urban design was a separate discipline
from planning and architecture focusing on the design of the public realm created by both
public spaces and the buildings.

‫ي اال ه ف ااب أللا ا ن م ا‬

‫ و ااا لإىل ا "ىللتص ااالح ىلل ن ا‬، ‫ (ذهب اإىل أب د م ااك م اال ذل ا‬4 ‫ ص‬،2011 )، ‫مارش ااا وكاليسا ا ا‬
."‫ىلدل لا عىل دن تخصص انب متخصص دو تخصص فبع للتخطلط دو تاكيك للماارة‬

‫) أب د ىللتصااالح ىلل ن ا‬2009( ‫ دشااار رو‬،‫ماال ناةلاار د اابر‬

‫يال هااإ ىلنناالام م لصااي ماال ىللتخطاالط وىللماااارة هب ا عااىل‬
.‫ىللالان‬‫تصالح ىللاجا ىللمام ىللذل دنش ت ىلألماكل ىللمامر و‬
Defining urban design ‫تمك ىلالننلام ن تصالح وت فلح ايع ىللم اص ىللاا ير ىللب تش ي ىللاك‬
.‫لخلق دماكل مت اغار ونا ر للاجتامات ىللا للر‬

The multi-discipline of designing and organizing all of the

Tirikatene (2007) physical elements that constitute cities to create
harmonious and successful places for communities.

.‫عاللر صب ش ي ىللاكه ر عب ىلل مل‬

Webber (2008) The process of moulding the form of the city through time.

‫ ونفح ىلل قي وىللبنلر‬،‫ىللالان وىللبيئر ىللا لطر‬ ‫ويشاي تصالح وت فلح وتبتيب‬
‫ وباإلضافر أب ذل هإ ىلإلطار ىللذل ه فح مجاإعر مل‬.‫ىللت تلر ىلللمالر‬
.‫ىللم اص ىللبئيسلر ن شلكر مل ىللاربمات وىللشإىلرع‬

Childs (2010) it includes the design, organization and arrangement of

buildings, surrounding environment, transport systems and
effective infrastructure. In addition it is a framework that
organizes a set of the key elements into a network of
squares and streets.
Defining urban design

shaping the form of the physical urban fabric, by organizing

Lawson (2006) urban structure, manipulating relationships between elements,
creating coherent ensembles of buildings and spaces.
،‫ من خالل تنظيم الهيكل الحضري‬،‫وتشكيل شكل النسيج الحضري المادي‬
.‫ وخلق فرق متماسكة من المباني والمساحات‬،‫والتعامل مع العالقات بين العناصر‬

Wall and
Waterman (2009) a place making process which consists of three dimensions
for the urban forms and surrounding spaces.
‫عملية صنع المكان الذي يتكون من ثالثة أبعاد لألشكال الحضرية والمساحات‬
.‫المحيطة بها‬
‫ممارسة التصميم الحضي‬
Urban design practice

Urban design practice is a conscious act of will, which considers the form, function
and feel of places. It is primarily focused on understanding (Tirikatene, 2007):
‫ وىللب ت ذ ن ىلالعتلار ىللش ي وىللإظللر وىللافهب مل‬،‫ماارسر ىللتصالح ىلل نيل هإ عاي وىلع مل ىلإلرىل ة‬
‫ وتب دساسا عىل ىلللهح (تري ن‬.‫ىلألماكل‬
:)2007 ،‫اتي‬

• The spaces and connections between neighborhoods and buildings

• The relationship between buildings and spaces in terms of size, appearance and uses
• How the various elements of cities work together with a focus on the public realm
• How people interact and move through an area or place.
‫• المساحات والوصالت بين األحياء والمباني‬
‫• العالقة بين المباني والمساحات من حيث الحجم والمظهر واالستخدامات‬
‫• كيف تعمل مختلف عناصر المدن مع التركيز على المجال العام‬
.‫• كيفية تفاعل الناس والتحرك من خالل منطقة أو مكان‬
Successful urban design factors
‫عوامل التصميم الحضري الناجحة‬
Successful urban design requires a full understanding of the conditions under which
decisions are made and development is delivered. The main factors influence the
outcome of the design process depends on:
‫ ىللمإىلمي‬.‫ويتطلب ىللتصالح ىلل نيل ىلل ا ح ىلللهح ىللكامي للفبوف ىللب هتح اإ بها ىلتخاذ ىللقبىلرىلت وت قيق ىللت الر‬
:‫ىللبئيسلر ىللب تؤثب عىل نتائج عاللر ىللتصالح تمتاك عىل‬

•A clear framework provided by development plans and supplementary guidance

delivered consistently.
•A sensitive response to the local context.
•Judgments of what is feasible.
•An imaginative and appropriate design approach by those who design development and
the people who manage the planning process.
•.‫كما أن اإلطار الواضح الذي توفره الخطط اإلنمائية واإلرشادات التكميلية يقدم باستمرار‬
•.‫استجابة حساسة للسياق المحلي‬
•.‫أحكام ما هو ممكن‬
•.‫نهج التصميم الخيال والمناسب من قبل أولئك الذين تصميم التنمية واألشخاص الذين يديرون عملية التخطيط‬
The values of urban design
‫قيم التصميم الحضي‬

Urban design is a significant tool for improving the quality of our city, but it is not just
about creating places that are more attractive.

The City Development Committee, Auckland City Council, 2007 has shown that good
urban design creates many economic, social, environmental and cultural values, that can
be defined as follows (Tirikatene, 2007):
‫ ولكل ليم فقط ةإ لق ىلألماكل ىللب ه ر‬،‫سي نإعلر مكهنت ا‬
.‫دكب اذبلر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ىللتصالح ىلل نيل هإ د ىلة هامر لت‬

‫ن ا‬
‫ىلةليال ىللجلااك يخلااق ىللمكيااك ماال ىللقاالح‬ ‫ د ىللتصااالح‬2007 ،‫ مجلاام مكه اار دوك نااك‬، ‫وقااك دظهاابت لج اار ت الاار ىلملااك‬
:( 2007 ،‫اتي‬ ‫ىلىللقتصا ير وىلىللجتااعلر وىللبيئلر وىللثقافلر ىللب ملكل تمريلها عىل ىلل إ ىللتاب) تبي ن‬

• Good urban design can offer significant benefits to the community. Conversely, poor
design can have significant adverse effects on the urban environment, society and
‫ فاء ساإم ىللتصاالح ياكال د‬، ‫ وعاىل ىللمكام مال ذلا‬.‫• ىللتصاالح ىلل نيال ىللجلاك ياكال د يقاكم فإىلئاك بابة للاجتااع‬
. ‫يكإ ل آثار سلبلر ببة عىل ىللبيئر ىلل نيير وىللاجتاع وىلالقتصا‬
The values of urban design

• Urban design can help make towns and cities safer and more secure.

• Urban design elements are interconnected and urban design is most effective when a
number of elements come together (such as mixed-use, density and connectivity).
.‫• يمكن أن يساعد التصميم الحضري على جعل المدن والبلدات أكثر أمنا وأمنا‬

‫ والتصميم الحضرري هرو األكثرر فعاليرة عنردما ير تي عردد مرن العناصرر معرا) مثرل‬،‫• عناصر التصميم الحضري مترابطة‬
.( ‫االستخدام المختلط والكثافة والتوصيلية‬
‫‪The values of urban design‬‬

‫‪While good urban design sometimes costs more upfront, this is not always the case.‬‬
‫‪Moreover, long-term costs can be avoided.‬‬
‫‪• Communities value the better quality of life that good urban design can deliver. For‬‬
‫‪example, well-designed schools assist in the educational achievements of pupils.‬‬
‫‪• Urban design can affect people’s ability and willingness to undertake physical exercise.‬‬
‫‪Good design can offer health benefits. For example, well-designed hospitals assist in patient‬‬
‫‪recovery times and well-designed homes reduce the risks of ill health.‬‬

‫ةي د ىللتصاالح ىلل نيال ىللجلاك ي لاي ن ما ىلألةلاا د ك راب مقاكما‪ ،‬وهاذىل لايم هاإ ىلل اا ىلئااا‪ .‬وعا وة عاىل ذلا ‪،‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
‫ياكل تج ب ىللت اللي ىللطويلر ىلأل ي‪.‬‬
‫• تقكر ىللاجتامات ىللا للر نإعلار ةلااة دفناي ياكال د ي ققهاا ىللتصاالح ىلل نيال ىللجلاك‪ .‬فماىل ساللي ىللاثاا ‪ ،‬تسااعك‬
‫ىللاكىلرس ىللاصاار تصالاا لكىل عىل ت قيق ىلإلنجازىلت ىللتمللالر للت ملذ‪.‬‬
‫• ىللتصالح ىلل نيل ياكل د هؤثب عىل قكرة ىلل اس ورغبتهح ماارسر ىللرياضر ىلللكنلر‪ .‬ىللتصالح ىللجلاك ياكال د تقاكم‬
‫فإىلئ ااك ص ا لر‪ .‬ع ااىل س االلي ىللاث ااا ‪ ،‬تس اااعك ىللاسمش االلات ىللاص اااار تص ااالاا ل اكىل ن دوق ااات ىلس ااتما ة ىللا ااب ن وىللا اااز‬
‫ىللاصاار تصالاا لكىل تقلي مل مخاطب سإم ىللص ر‪.‬‬
The benefits of urban design

Urban design is a key to creating sustainable developments. Good design can help create
lively places with distinctive character; streets and public spaces that are safe, accessible,
pleasant to use and human in scale; and places that inspire because of the imagination
and sensitivity of their designers (DETR, 2000).

There are many benefits to be gained from thinking coherently about the way places are
designed that made by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment
(CABE), 2000 as the following (Duany, 2003):
‫ تصميم جيد يمكن أن تساعد في خلق أماكن حية مع الطابع‬.‫التصميم الحضري هو المفتاح لخلق تطورات مستدامة‬
‫ لطيف لالستخدام والبشرية في الحجم؛‬،‫ يمكن الوصول إليها‬،‫ والشوارع واألماكن العامة التي هي آمنة‬.‫المميز‬
.)2000 ،‫واألماكن التي تلهم بسبب خيال وحساسية مصمميها (ديتر‬

‫هناك العديد من الفوائد التي يمكن اكتسابها من التفكير بشكل متماسك حول الطريقة التي صممت بها األماكن التي‬
:)2003 ،‫ على النحو التالي (دواني‬2000 ،)‫قامت بها لجنة العمارة والبيئة المبنية (كابي‬
The benefits of urban design

1) Benefits to residents

2) Benefits to businesses

3) Benefits to developers

4) Benefits to municipalities

‫)فوائد للمقيمين‬1

‫) الفوائد للشركات‬2

‫) الفوائد للمطورين‬3

‫) الفوائد للبلديات‬4

Higher quality of life; Better places to live, work, & play;

Less traffic congestion; Healthier lifestyle with more walking, and less stress;
Close proximity to main street retail & services;
More open space to enjoy that will remain open space.

.‫ وىلللمب‬،‫ىلرتلاع نإعلر ىلل لاة؛ دفني ىلألماكل للميش وىللماي‬

‫ دسلإب ةلاة ر‬.‫دقي ىلز ةام ةب ر ىللابور‬
. ‫ ودقي ىلإل ها‬،‫دكب ص ر مع ىللازيك مل ىللاش‬
‫القبب مل ىللشارع ىللبئيش ىللتج ئر وىللخكمات؛‬
.‫دكب ىلنلتاةا ل ستاتاع ىللب سملق مساةر ملتإةر‬ ‫مساةر ر‬

Stevenage city

Increased sales due to more foot traffic & people spending less on cars and gas;

Better lifestyle by living above shop in live-work units - saves the stressful & costly commute;

Lower rents due to smaller spaces & smaller parking lots;

Healthier lifestyle due to more walking and being near healthier restaurants;

More community involvement from being part of community and knowing residents.
‫زيادة المبيعات بسبب المزيد من حركة المرور القدم والناس تنفق أقل على السيارات والغاز؛‬

.‫ يحفظ تخفيف مرهقة ومكلفة‬- ‫نمط حياة أفضل من خالل العيش فوق متجر في وحدات العمل الحية‬

.‫انخفاض اإليجارات بسبب المساحات الصغيرة ومواقف السيارات الصغيرة‬

.‫أسلوب حياة أكثر صحة بسبب المزيد من المشي ويجري بالقرب من المطاعم أكثر صحة‬

.‫مزيد من المشاركة المجتمعية من كونها جزءا من المجتمع ومعرفة السكان‬


More income potential from higher density mixed-use projects due to more leasable square
footage, more sales per square foot, and higher property values and selling prices;

Less need for parking facilities due to mix of residences and commercial uses within walking
distance of each other;

Less impact on roads / traffic, which can result in lower impact fees;

Lower cost of utilities due to compact nature of New Urbanism design;

Faster sell out due to greater acceptance by consumers from a wider product range resulting in
wider market share.
‫ىللازيك مل ىللك ي ىللا تاي مل ىللاشاري ااع ذىلت ىلالستخكىلمات ىللكثللر ذىلت ىللكثافر ىللماللر نفبىل لقطات مربمر ر‬
‫دكب قا للر‬
‫ وىلرتلاع قلار ىللمقارىلت ودسمار ىللبيع؛‬،‫ ومزيك مل ىللابلمات لكي قكم مربمر‬،‫للت ب‬

. ‫دقي ةا ر لابىلفق وقإف ىللسلارىلت بسبب مزي ااج مل ىللاساكل وىلالستخكىلمات ىللتجارير عىل مسافر قريلر مل منها ىلللم‬

‫ ماا قك هؤ ل أب ىلنخلاض رسإم ىللت ثب؛‬،‫ ةب ر ىللابور‬/ ‫ت ثب دقي عىل ىللطبق‬

‫ىلنخلاض ت للر ىللابىلفق بسبب ىللطبلمر ىللاكمجر للتصالح ىلل نيل ىللجكيك؛‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
.‫ىللسإق‬ ‫ىللاستهلكي مل مجاإعر دوسع مل ىللا تجات ماا د ر أب ةصر دكب‬ ‫درسع تليع بسبب قبإ دكب مل قلي‬

Less spent per capita on infrastructure and utilities than typical suburban development
due to compact, high-density nature of projects;

Increased tax base due to more buildings packed into a tighter area;

Less traffic congestion due to walk ability of design;

Less crime and less spent on policing due to the presence of more people day and night;

Less resistance from community;

Better overall community image and sense of place;

Less incentive to sprawl when urban core area is desirable;

Greater civic involvement of population leads to better governance.


‫ىلنخلاض نصيب ىلللب مل ىلإلنلاق عىل ىللبنلر ىللت تلر وىللابىلفق مل تطويب ىللنإىلح ىللما ير بسبب ىللطبلمر ىللاكمجر‬
‫وىللكثللر ىللكثافر للاشاري ااع؛‬
‫ىللالان ممل ة ن م طقر ر‬
‫دكب تشك ىل‪.‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫زيا ة قاعكة ن‬
‫ىلليىلئب بسبب ىللازيك مل‬

‫دقي ىلز ةام ةب ر ىللابور بسبب ىللاش قكرة ىللتصالح؛‬

‫دقي ىللجريار ودقي ت لق عىل ىللشطر بسبب و إ ىللازيك مل ىلل اس لل ونهارىل‪.‬‬

‫دقي مقاومر مل ىللاجتاع؛‬

‫دفني صإرة ىللاجتاع عاإما وىللشمإر ىللا ا ؛‬

‫ةاف دقي للتاك ع كما تكإ ىللا طقر ىلألساسلر ىلل نيير مبغوبر؛‬

‫وتؤ ل زيا ة ىللاشار ر ىللاكنلر للس ا أب أ ىلرة دفني‪.‬‬

The aims of urban design

The main aim of the urban design is to improve the quality of human spatial
environment, therefore we should absorb these aims that will help absorption aims of
sustainable urban design.

Urban design demands a good understanding of a wide range of the goals that contains
a number of key urban design objectives, where that these themes are transport choices,
quality natural environment, lifestyle choices, quality built environment, strong
communities and economic opportunities, as has defined by the City Development
Committee, Auckland City Council, 2007 as the following (Tirikatene, 2007).
‫ وبالترالي يجرب علينرا اسرتيعاب هرذه‬،‫والهدف الرئيسي من التصميم الحضري هو تحسين نوعية البيئة المكانية البشررية‬
.‫األهداف التي من ش نها أن تساعد على استيعاب أهداف التصميم الحضري المستدام‬

‫يتطلررب التصررميم الحضررري فهررم جيررد لمجموعررة واسررعة مررن األهررداف الترري تحترروي علررى عرردد مررن أهررداف التصررميم‬
،‫ وخيرارات نمرط الحيراة‬،‫ حيث أن هذه المواضيع هي خيرارات النقرل والبيئرة الطبيعيرة ذات الجرودة‬،‫الحضري الرئيسية‬
‫ مجلرس مدينرة‬،‫ كمرا التري حرددتها لجنرة تنميرة المدينرة‬،‫ المجتمعرات القويرة والفررص االقتصرادية‬،‫والبيئة المبنيرة الجرودة‬
.)2007 ،‫ على النحو التالي (تريكاتين‬2007 ،‫أوكالند‬
‫‪The aims of urban design‬‬

‫‪1) A more distinctive city must reflect multicultural and‬‬

‫‪identity it and that be by the following:‬‬

‫‪•Ensure that new development respects and protects‬‬

‫‪distinctive landforms, key views, built heritage, water‬‬
‫‪bodies and indigenous plants, animals and ecosystems‬‬

‫‪•Support and promote internal and external educational‬‬

‫‪programs that will advance knowledge and‬‬
‫‪understanding and Pacific heritage, together with its‬‬
‫‪multicultural future.‬‬
‫‪ )1‬يج ااب د تمك اام ىللاكه اار ىلأل ك ا راب تا ا نابىل تم ااك ىللثقاف ااات وىللهوي اار‪ ،‬ود •‬ ‫‪Partizánske in Slovakia , a typical planned‬‬
‫ما يىل‪:‬‬ ‫يكإ ذل مل‬ ‫‪industrial city founded in 1938 with a‬‬
‫‪shoemaking factory .‬‬
‫بارتيزانسك في سلوفاكيا‪ ،‬وهي مدينة صناعية نموذجية‬
‫ىللت كااك ماال د ىللت الاار ىللجكيااكة ت اابم وت اال ىلألش ا ا ىلألرضاالر ىللااا نابة •‬ ‫مخطط ت سست في عام ‪ 1938‬مع مصنع لصناعة األحذية‪.‬‬
‫وىلآلرىلم ىللبئيس االر وىلل اابىلي ىللاب ا ناب وىللاج ااارل ىللاائل اار وىلل لات ااات وىلل يإىلنا اات‬
‫وىلل فح ىلإليكإلإ لر ىلألصللر‬

‫عااح وتمزيا ىللاابىلمج ىللتمللالاار ىللكىل للاار وىللخار لاار ىللااب ماال شا نها تمزيا •‬
‫ىللامبفا اار وىلللها ااح وت ا ابىلي ىللا ا االط ىللها ااا ‪ ،‬لا ااا أب ا ااب ما ااع مسا ااتقلي‬
‫متمك ىللثقافات‪.‬‬
2) A more compact city containing high-quality, compact, walk able, mixed-use environments that help
reduce the need to travel long distances for everyday tasks, and that be by the following:

•Promote an increase in density and intensity of use, in and close to urban centers and along major public
transportation corridors – to offer maximum support for public transport

•Develop high-quality, and attractive mixed-use neighborhoods that contain a range of uses including
conveniently located shops, places to work, community and leisure facilities.

•Deliver high-quality streets and other public spaces, to provide the recreational opportunities that will
increasingly substitute for private space in the intensified city.

• ‫ والبيئرات المختلطرة االسرتخدام التري تسراعد علرى تقليرل الحاجرة إلرى‬،‫ والمشري قرادرة‬،‫ والتعاقد‬،‫) مدينة أكثر إحكاما تحتوي على جودة عالية‬2
:‫ والتي تكون من خالل ما يلي‬،‫السفر لمسافات طويلة للمهام اليومية‬

• ‫ لتقرديم أقصرى قردر مرن الردعم‬- ‫ في المراكز الحضرية وقربها وعلى طول ممررات النقرل العرام الرئيسرية‬،‫تشجيع زيادة كثافة وكثافة االستخدام‬
‫للنقل العام‬

• ‫تطوير أحياء ذات جودة عالية وجذابة مختلطة االستخدام تحتوي علرى مجموعرة مرن االسرتخدامات بمرا فري ذلرك المحرالت التجاريرة فري مكران‬
.‫ والمرافق المجتمعية والترفيهية‬،‫ وأماكن للعمل‬،‫مناسب‬

• ‫ لتروفير الفررص الترفيهيرة التري سروف تحرل محرل متزايرد للفضراء الخراص فري المدينرة‬،‫تقديم شوارع عالية الجودة وغيرها من األماكن العامة‬
3) A more connected city where people have a choice of transport options that are comfortable,
convenient, efficient and affordable, and that be by the following:

•Advocate for a significantly improved public transport system (particularly rail provision) to improve
connections and choice and to help regain public space
•Provide convenient crossing points across major roads or railway lines, to connect desire lines between key
origins and destinations
•Encourage and facilitate the creation of new connections through larger urban blocks and green linkages, to
improve accessibility around the city – particularly by walking
•Ensure that all new developments and buildings are designed with pedestrian safety and accessibility as key
• ‫ والتي تكون مرن خرالل مرا‬،‫) مدينة أكثر ارتباطا حيث الناس لديهم خيار من خيارات النقل التي هي مريحة ومريحة وفعالة وب سعار معقولة‬3
• ‫الدعوة إلى تحسين كبير في نظام النقل العام (وخاصة توفير السكك الحديدية) لتحسين االتصاالت واالختيار والمساعدة علرى اسرتعادة الفضراء‬
•‫ لربط خطوط الرغبة بين األصول الرئيسية والوجهات‬،‫توفير نقاط عبور مريحة عبر الطرق الرئيسية أو خطوط السكك الحديدية‬
• - ‫ لتحسرين إمكانيررة الوصرول فري جميررع أنحراء المدينررة‬،‫تشرجيع وتسرهيل إقامررة صرالت جديردة مررن خرالل كترل حضرررية أكبرر وروابررط خضرراء‬
‫وخاصة عن طريق المشي‬
•.‫الت كد من أن جميع التطورات والمباني الجديدة مصممة مع سالمة المشاة وإمكانية الوصول كعوامل رئيسية‬
4) A more sustainable city where land use, the natural environment and the built form lead the
way to a more sustainable city, and that be by the following:

•Ensure that all new developments (including buildings, open spaces, public realm and
streetscapes) are designed to be more environmentally sustainable in terms of their function,
design, construction, resource use, and long-term management.

•Advocate for the provision of a greater range of house types, tenures and affordable housing
units within any new major residential development – to create more socially balanced and
equitable communities

•Promote longer-lasting buildings that are adaptable and can more adequately respond to
changing social, technological, environmental and economic conditions

•Raise awareness of best practice sustainability and urban design principles to demonstrate the
wider benefits for individuals, communities and the city as a whole.
‫‪ )4‬مكه اار د كا راب ىلسااتكىلمر ةلاام ىلسااتخكىلم ىلألرىل ن ‪ ،‬وىللبيئاار ىللطبلملاار وشا ي بنلااد تقااإ ىللطريااق أب مكه اار د كا راب ىلسااتكىلمر‪ ،‬وىللااب‬
‫ما يىل‪:‬‬ ‫تكإ مل‬

‫ايااع ىللتطااإرىلت ىللجكيااكة ( اااا ن ذلا ىللالا ناان وىللاساااةات ىللالتإةاار وىللمااالح ىللمااام وشاإىلرع ىللشاإىلرع) مصاااار‬ ‫ىللت كااك ماال د‬
‫دكب ىلستكىلمر بيئلا مل ةلم وظللتها وتصالاها وىللب ام وىلستخكىلم ىللاإىلر ‪ ،‬وىلإل ىلرة عىل ىللاكر ىللطويي‪.‬‬ ‫لتكإ ر‬

‫اكب رئيشا‬‫ىللااكعإة لتااإفب مجاإعاار د كااب ماال دناإىلع ىللا اااز وىلل لااازىلت وىللإةاكىلت ىللسااك لر ساامار ممقإلاار ضااال دل تطااويب سا ن‬
‫كيك ‪ -‬لخلق مجتامات ر‬
‫دكب تإىلزنا ىل تااعلا وعكىللر‬

‫تمزي ا ىللالا ناان ىلألط ااإ د ا ىلل ااب ياكاال تكيللهااا وياك اال د تسااتجلب بش ا ي د كا راب م مماار للف اابوف ىلال تااعلاار وىللتك إلإ ل اار‬
‫وىللبيئلر وىلالقتصا ير ىللاتغبة‬

‫ىللتصااالح ىلل ن ا‬
‫ي ال إلظهااار ىلللإىلئااك ىلألوسااع ل فاابىل‬ ‫رفااع مسااتإر ىللااإع ةااإ دفنااي ىللااارسااات ىللاتملقاار االسااتكىلمر وملااا‬
‫وىللاجتامات ىللا للر وىللاكه ر ك ي‪.‬‬
5) A more beautiful city where the design of our buildings and spaces (including ordinary
everyday spaces), which contribute to creating beautiful places worthy of the truly
unique, and that is by the following:

•Encourage the design of prominent buildings in our town centers to embody distinctive,
high-quality architecture; and public buildings

•Control the quality of all buildings that require consent (including ordinary everyday
buildings) to ensure that they respond appropriately to their context and contribute to
the visual quality of their setting

•Ensure that all public infrastructure and public space (including arcades, through-site
links, streets, footpaths, motorways, railways, associated bridges and structures) are
designed as attractive elements in the urban landscape

•Encourage the use of high-quality soft landscape both on and around buildings in order
to create a greener and more beautiful city.
‫‪ )5‬مكه ار د كا راب ااااال ةلام تصااالح ىللالا ناان وىللاسااةات لااكه ا ( اااا ن ذلا ىللاساااةات ىلليإملاار ىللما يار)‪ ،‬وىللااب تساهح‬
‫لق دماكل اللر تست ق فريكة مل نإعها ةقا‪ ،‬وهذىل هإ ما يىل‪:‬‬

‫تشااجيع تصااالح ىللالا ناان ىلللااارزة ن مبىلك ا ىللاكه اار لتجساالك ىلله كساار ىللاماارياار ىللااا نابة ذىلت ىللجااإ ة ىللماللاار‪ .‬وىللالا ناان‬

‫ااإ ة ايااع ىللالا ناان ىللااب تتطلااب ىللاإىلفقاار ( اااا ن ذلا ىللالا ناان ىلليإملاار ىللما ياار) للت كااك ماال دنهااا تسااتجلب‬ ‫ح ن‬ ‫ىللاات‬
‫بش ي م اسب لسلاقها وىللاساهار ن ىللجإ ة ىللليير إلعكىل ها‬

‫ىللت كااك ماال د ايااع ىللبنلاار ىللت تلاار ىللماماار وىلللنااام ىللمااام ( اااا ن ذلا ىللااابىلت‪ ،‬وصا ت ىللاإقااع‪ ،‬وىللشاإىلرع‪ ،‬ماابىلت‬
‫ىللاشاااة‪ ،‬وىللطاابق ىللشاايمر‪ ،‬وىللسا ىلل كيكياار‪ ،‬وىللجسااإر وىللهلا ااي ىللابتلطاار بهااا) صااااد م اااص ذىل اار ن ىللاشااهك‬
‫ىلل نيل‬

‫تش ااجيع ىلس ااتخكىلم ىللا اااظب ىللطبلمل اار ىلل اعا اار عالل اار ىللج ااإ ة سا اإىلم ن ىللال ا ناان دو ةإله ااا‪ ،‬م اال د ااي ل ااق مكه اار د ك ا راب‬
‫ودكب ااال‪.‬‬ ‫ىل نيىلرىل ر‬
6) A more human city where our built environment is much more respectful of people
and how we experience the city – giving people more priority over cars, and that be by
the following:

•Change the priority of streets and spaces through improved and more sensitive design,
so that the pedestrian is given greater priority over the private car

•Improve the design quality of streets to help them become social spaces for
communities – where they are not treated solely as movement corridors but rather as
three-dimensional spaces framed by buildings, trees and other elements

•Control and improve the quality of all buildings (including ordinary, everyday buildings)
to ensure that their design is more respectful of people

•Ensure that those parts of buildings that people experience at close range or low speed
are detailed to provide a sense of human scale and visual richness.
‫‪ )6‬مكه اار د كا راب أنسااانلر ةلاام لااكه ا بيئاار بنلااد هااإ د كا راب ىلةبىلمااا كثااب ماال ىلل اااس و لااي ياك ااا تجرباار ىللاكه ار ‪ -‬أعطااام‬
‫ما يىل‪:‬‬ ‫ىلل اس دولوير دكب عىل ىللسلارىلت‪ ،‬وىللب تكإ مل‬

‫لاام هااتح أعطااام ىللاشاااة دولوياار د كااب‬ ‫اي وتصااالح د كا راب ةساساالر‪،‬‬
‫ت سا ن‬ ‫تغيااب دولوياار ىللشاإىلرع وىللاساااةات ماال ا‬
‫عىل ىللسلارة ىللخاصر‬

‫سي نإعلر تصالح ىللشإىلرع لاساعكتها عىل د تصبح فناامىلت ىل تااعلار للاجتاماات ىللا للار ‪ -‬ةلام ال تماماي‬ ‫ت‬
‫فقط كاابىلت ةب ر‪ ،‬ي كاساةات ث ثلر ىلأل ما مؤطبة الالان وىلألشجار وىللم اص ىلأل بر‬

‫اي نإعلار ايااع ىللالا ناان ( ااا ن ذلا ىللالا ناان ىللما يار‪ ،‬ىلليإملاار) لنااا د تصااالاها هااإ د ك راب ىلةبىلمااا ماال‬
‫مبىلقلار وت سا ن‬
‫ىلل اس‬

‫ت كااك ماال د تلا ىلأل ا ىلم ماال ىللالا ناان ىللااب هإىل ههااا ىلل اااس عااىل مسااافر قريلاار دو رسعاار م خلناار ملصاالر لتااإفب شامإر‬
‫مل ةجح ىلإلنسا و ر‬
‫ىللبىلم ىللليل‪.‬‬
‫‪Urban design principles‬‬

‫‪Urban design includes the preparation of design guidelines and regulatory frameworks,‬‬
‫‪or even legislation to control development, advertising, etc.‬‬

‫‪Urban design demands joint work by urban planners, landscape architects and architects‬‬
‫‪but there are professionals who identify themselves specifically as urban designers. The‬‬
‫‪design, construction and management of public spaces therefore typically demands‬‬
‫‪consultation and negotiation by a variety of principles of urban design that are‬‬
‫‪summarized by (Bacon, 1974, Duany & Zyberk & Alminana, 2003) as the following.‬‬
‫ويشررمل التصررميم الحضررري إعررداد مبررادل توجيهيررة للتصررميم وأطررر تنظيميررة‪ ،‬أو حتررى تشررريعات لمراقبررة التنميررة‪،‬‬
‫واإلعالن‪ ،‬وما إلى ذلك‪.‬‬

‫التصميم الحضري يتطلب عمل مشترك من قبل المخططين في المنراطق الحضررية‪ ،‬والمهندسرين المعمراريين المنراظر‬
‫الطبيعية والمهندسين المعماريين ولكن هناك المهنيين الذين يعرفون أنفسهم على وجه التحديد المصرممين فري المنراطق‬
‫الحضرية‪ .‬ولذلك فإن تصميم وبناء وإدارة األماكن العامة يتطلب عادة التشاور والتفاوض مرن خالرل مجموعرة متنوعرة‬
‫مررن مبررادل التصررميم الحضررري الترري تلخصررها) بيكررون‪ ،1974 ،‬دوانرري & زيبيرررك & ألمينانررا‪( 2003 ،‬علررى النحررو‬
‫‪1. Walk ability‬‬

‫‪•Most things within a 10-minute walk of home and work.‬‬

‫;‪•Pedestrian friendly street design (buildings close to street; porches, windows & doors‬‬
‫‪tree-lined streets; on street parking; hidden parking lots; garages in rear lane; narrow,‬‬
‫‪slow speed streets).‬‬

‫‪•Pedestrian streets free of cars in special cases.‬‬

‫‪ .1‬ىللاش ىللقكرة•‬

‫تقع ممفح ىلألشلام عىل مك ‪ 10‬قائق سبىل عىل ىلألقكىلم مل ن ن‬

‫ىللاب وىللماي‪•.‬‬

‫ىللش اافات وىلل إىلفا ااذ وىلألب ا اإىلب؛ ىللش ا اإىلرع ىللالط ا اار •‬
‫ا‬ ‫تصا ااالح ىللش ا اإىلرع ىللإ يا اار للاشا اااة (ىللالا ا ناان ىللقريلا اار ما اال ىللشا ااارع؛‬
‫األشجار؛ مإىلقي ىللسلارىلت ن ىللشإىلرع؛ مإىلقي ىللسالارىلت ىللاخللار؛ ىللابىلئاب ن ىللااابىلت ىللخلللار؛ ىللشاإىلرع ىللنالقر‬
‫وىلللطيئر ىللشعر)‪.‬‬

‫شإىلرع للاشاة اللر مل ىللسلارىلت ن ةاالت اصر‪•.‬‬

2. Connectivity

•Interconnected street grid network disperses traffic & eases walking

•A hierarchy of narrow streets, boulevards, and alleys

•High quality pedestrian network and public realm makes walking pleasurable

• ‫ ىلالتصا‬.2

•‫شلكر شلكر ىللشارع ىللابىل طر تلبق ةب ر ىللابور وتخلي ىللاش‬

•‫ وىلألزقر‬،‫ وىللشإىلرع‬،‫هبملر مل ىللشإىلرع ىللنلقر‬

•‫شلكر ىللاشاة عاللر ىللجإ ة وىللمالح ىللمام يجمي ىللاش ماتمر‬

‫‪3. Mixed-Use & Diversity‬‬
‫‪•A mix of shops, offices, apartments, and homes on site. Mixed-use within neighborhoods,‬‬
‫‪within blocks, and within buildings‬‬

‫‪•Diversity of people - of ages, income levels, cultures, and races‬‬

‫‪4. Mixed Housing‬‬

‫‪•A range of types, sizes and prices in closer proximity‬‬

‫‪ .3‬مختلطر‪ --‬ىلستخكىلم وىللت وع•‬

‫ت ىللتجارير وىللا اتب وىللشقق وىللا از ن ىللاإقاع‪ .‬مختلطار ىلالساتخكىلم ىل اي ىلألةلاام‪ ،‬ىل اي تاي‪• ،‬‬ ‫مزي ااج مل ىللا‬
‫ىللالان‬ ‫و ىل ي‬

‫ت وع ىلل اس ‪ -‬مل ىلألعاار‪ ،‬ومستويات ىللك ي‪ ،‬وىللثقافات‪ ،‬وىلأل اس•‬

‫‪ .4‬ىلإلس ا ىللاختلط•‬
‫مجاإعر مل ىلألنإىلع وىلألةجام وىلألسمار ن دقبب•‬
5. Quality Architecture & Urban Design

•Emphasis on beauty, aesthetics, human comfort, and creating a sense of place; Special
placement of civic uses and sites within community. Human scale architecture & beautiful
surroundings nourish the human spirit

•‫ جودة الهندسة والتصميم الحضري‬.5

• ‫ وخلرق شرعور المكران؛ وضرع خراص مرن االسرتخدامات والمواقرع‬،‫ والراحة البشررية‬،‫ وعلم الجمال‬،‫التركيز على الجمال‬
‫ الهندسة المعمارية على نطاق اإلنسان والبيئة المحيطة الجميلة تغذي روح اإلنسان‬.‫المدنية داخل المجتمع‬
6. Traditional Neighborhood Structure
•Discernible center and edge

•Public space at center

•Importance of quality public realm; public open space designed as civic art

•Contains a range of uses and densities within 10-minute walk

•Transect planning: Highest densities at town center; progressively less dense towards
the edge.

The transaction is an analytical system that conceptualizes mutually reinforcing elements,

creating a series of specific natural habitats and/or urban lifestyle settings. The Transect
integrates environmental methodology for habitat assessment with zoning methodology
for community design.
‫‪ .6‬بنلر ىللح ىللتقللكل‬
‫مب مل إظ وةافر‬

‫ىلللنام ىللمام ن ىللاب‬

‫ىللاكن‬ ‫دهالر ىللاجا ىللمام ىللجإ ة؛ مساةر ملتإةر عامر مصاار كاللل‬

‫ي تإل عىل مجاإعر مل ىلالستخكىلمات وىللكثافر ن غنإ ‪ 10‬قائق سبىل عىل ىلألقكىلم‬

‫تخطلط ىلالنتقا ‪ :‬دعىل ثافر ن وسط ىللاكه ر‪ .‬تكريجلا دقي ثافر ن إ ىلل افر‪.‬‬

‫ه ااذص ىللص االقر ه نف ااام ت ل االىل يص ااإر ىللم اااص ىللاتماض ااكة‪ ،‬و ل ااق سلس االر م اال ىللاإىلئ ااي ىللطبلمل اار ىللا ااك ة و ‪ /‬دو‬
‫أعا اكىل ىلت نا ااط ىلل ل اااة ىلل ن ا‬
‫ياير‪ .‬وت ااكمج ىللابةل اار ىلالنتقالل اار ىللا هجل اار ىللبيئل اار لتقي االح ىللاإىلئ ااي م ااع م هجل اار تقس االح‬
‫ىللا اطق لتصالح ىللاجتامات ىللا للر‪.‬‬
7. Increased Density

•More buildings, residences, shops, and services closer together for ease of walking, to
enable a more efficient use of services and resources, and to create a more convenient,
enjoyable place to live.

•New Urbanism design principles are applied at the full range of densities from small
towns, to large cities.

•‫ زيادة الكثافة‬.7

• ‫ لتمكين استخدام أكثر كفراءة مرن‬،‫المزيد من المباني والمساكن والمحالت التجارية والخدمات أقرب معا لسهولة المشي‬
.‫ وخلق مكان أكثر مالءمة ومتعة للعيش‬،‫الخدمات والموارد‬

•.‫ إلى المدن الكبيرة‬،‫وتطبق مبادل التصميم الحضري الجديدة على كامل نطاق الكثافات من المدن الصغيرة‬
8. Smart Transportation

•A network of high-quality trains connecting cities, towns, and neighborhoods together

•Pedestrian-friendly design that encourages a greater use of bicycles, rollerblades,

scooters, and walking as daily transportation

•‫ النقل الذكية‬.8

•‫شبكة من القطارات عالية الجودة التي تربط المدن والبلدات واألحياء معا‬

• ‫ والمشري‬،‫ الردراجات البخاريرة‬،‫ الدراجات الهوائيرة‬،‫تصميم مريح للمشاة يشجع على زيادة استخدام الدراجات الهوائية‬
‫كوسائل النقل اليومية‬
9. Sustainability
•Minimal environmental impact of development and its operations

•Eco-friendly technologies, respect for ecology and value of natural systems

•Energy efficiency

•Less use of finite fuels

•More local production

•More walking, less driving

10. Quality of Life

•Taken together these add up to a high quality of life well worth living,
and create places that enrich, uplift, and inspire the human spirit.
‫‪ - 9‬ىلالستكىلمر‬

‫ىلل ك ىلأل نن مل ىلألثب ىللبيب للت الر وعاللاتها‬

‫ىللتك إلإ لات ىللصكيقر للبيئر‪ ،‬وىلةبىلم ىللبيئر وقلار ىلل فح ىللطبلملر‬

‫لامة ىللطاقر‬

‫ىلستخكىلم دقي للإقإ ىللا كو‬

‫ىللازيك مل ىلإلنتا ىللا ىل‬

‫دكب ىللاش‪ ،‬دقي ىللقلا ة‬

‫‪ .10‬نإعلر ىلل لاة‬

‫مجتامر هذص تنلي ما يصي أب نإعلر عاللر مل ىلل لاة تست ق ىللميش‪،‬‬
‫و لق ىلألماكل ىللب رتبل‪ ،‬ورفع‪ ،‬وإلهام روح ىلإلنسا ‪.‬‬
Elements of urban design

Key elements of an urban design plan include the plan itself, the preparation of design
guidelines for buildings, the design of the public realm - the open space, streets,
sidewalks, and plazas between and around buildings and the public interest issues of

These include massing, placement, sun, shadow, and wind issues. Urban design plans are
prepared for various areas, including down towns, waterfronts, campuses, corridors,
neighborhoods, mixed-use developments, and special districts. Issues to be considered
include existing development, proposed development, utility infrastructure, streets
framework, and sustainable development principles.

Urban design plans require interdisciplinary collaboration among urban designers,

architects, landscape architects, planners, civil and environmental engineers, and market
‫‪Elements of urban design‬‬

‫ي اال ىللخط اار نلسا ااها‪ ،‬وإعا اكىل ملا ااا تإ يهلا اار ىللتصا ااالح للالا ا ناان‪،‬‬
‫وتشا اااي ىللم ا اااص ىللبئيسا االر لخطا اار ىللتصا ااالح ىلل ن ا‬
‫اي ىللالا ناان وةإلهااا وقنااايا ىللاصاال ر‬ ‫وتصااالح ىللاجااا ىللمااام ‪ -‬ىللاساااةر ىللالتإةاار وىللش اإىلرع وىلألرصاالر وىللساااةات با ن‬
‫للالان‪.‬‬ ‫ىللمامر‬

‫ياال لاختلااي‬ ‫وتشاااي هااذص ىللقنااايا ىللتجالااك‪ ،‬ىللتنساايب‪ ،‬ىللشااام‪ ،‬ىللفااي‪ ،‬وىللرياااح‪ .‬هااتح أع اكىل طااط ىللتصااالح ىلل ن ا‬
‫ىللا ا اااطق‪ ،‬ا ا ااا ذل ا ا ىللا ا ااك دس ا االي‪ ،‬وىل ه ا ااات ىللال ا اااص‪ ،‬وىللجامم ا ااات‪ ،‬وىللاا ا ابىلت‪ ،‬وىلألةل ا ااام‪ ،‬وىللتط ا ااإرىلت متم ا ااك ة‬
‫ىلالس ااتخكىلمات‪ ،‬وىللا اااطق ىللخاصا اار‪ .‬وتش اااي ىللقن ااايا ىلل ااب هتم ا ن‬
‫اي ىلل فا ااب فيه ااا ىللت ال اار ىللقائاا اار‪ ،‬وىللت ال اار ىللاقبةا ار‪،‬‬
‫وىللهلا ي ىلألساسلر للابىلفق‪ ،‬وإطار ىللشإىلرع‪ ،‬وملا ىللت الر ىللاستكىلمر‪.‬‬

‫ي‬‫اي ىللاما اااري ن‬

‫يي وىللاه كس ا ن‬
‫يا ن‬‫اااي ىلل ن ا‬
‫اي ىللاص ا ن‬ ‫وتتطلااب ط ااط ىللتص ااالح ىلل ن ا‬
‫ياال تماون ااا متم ااك ىللتخصصااات ب ا ن‬
‫ىللبيئيي وم لىل ىللسإق‪.‬‬ ‫ن‬
‫ىللاكنيي و‬ ‫ن‬
‫كسي‬ ‫ن‬
‫ىللاخططي وىللاه‬ ‫ن‬
‫ىللامااريي ىللا اظريل و‬ ‫ن‬
‫كسي‬ ‫وىللاه‬
The Unified Development Code (UDC), Planning and Urban Design Commission,
American Planning Association, 2003, have made many elements that forms urban
design that involves the design and coordination of all things that makes up cities
and towns as the following:
‫ مقااك ىللمكيااك ماال ىللم اااص‬2003 ،‫ وهيئاار ىللتخطاالط ىلألمريكلاار‬،‫وقااك قامااد لج اار ىللت الاار وىللتخطاالط ىللما اب نىلن‬
‫يال ىللااذل هتنااال تصااالح وتنساايق ايااع ىلألشاالام ىللااب تشا ي ىللاااك وىللللاكىلت عااىل‬‫ىللااب تشا ي ىللتصااالح ىلل ن ا‬
:‫ىلل إ ىللتاب‬

Buildings are the most pronounced elements of urban design. They shape and
articulate space by forming the street walls of the city, Well-designed buildings and
groups of buildings work together to create a sense of place.
‫ىللب ايات‬
‫ىللالان ه ىللم اص ر‬
‫ دنهاا تشا ي وتمباب ىلللناام مال ا تشاكلي اكرىل‬.‫ىلألكب وضإةا مل ىللتصالح ىلل نيال‬ ‫ن‬
. ‫ىللالان ىللماي مما لخلق شمإر ىللا ا‬ ‫ن‬
‫ىللالان مصاار تصالاا لكىل ومجاإعر مل‬ ‫ و‬،‫ىللشإىلرع ن ىللاكه ر‬
•Building Materials
Façade treatment and the architectural detail of buildings contribute significantly to the
way a building ‘reads’ from the street and to the character and continuity of the

Design consideration is to be given to the underlying building materials that contribute to

the character of a building. Such things include roof shape, pitch and overhangs; entry
porches, verandas, balconies and terraces; materials, finishes, fixtures, patterns,
fenestrations, colors and detailing; the location and proportion of windows and doors.
‫مواد بناء‬
‫تساهم معالجة الواجهات والتفاصيل المعمارية للمباني بشكل كبير في الطريقة التي يقرأ بها المبنرى مرن الشرارع والطرابع‬
.‫واالستمرارية في الشوارع‬

،‫ وتشرمل هرذه األشرياء شركل السرقف‬.‫وينبغي إيالء االعتبار التصميمي لمواد البناء األساسية التي تسهم فري طرابع المبنرى‬
،‫ أنمررراط‬،‫ تركيبرررات‬،‫ التشرررطيبات‬،‫ المرررواد‬.‫ والشررررفات والتراسرررات‬،‫ والشررررفات‬،‫الملعرررب و المتدليرررة؛ وشررررفات الررردخول‬
.‫ األلوان والتفصيل؛ وموقع ونسبة النوافذ واألبواب‬،‫فينستراتيونس‬
Lighting is an important element in Urban Design. When considering a lighting design, one
must take into account the type of light needed for the specific purpose of the site.

Is the light designed to enhance security to the property, provide ambiance, aid drivers by
increasing visibility on roadways, or used simply to illuminate a sign.

‫ يجرب علرى المررء أن ي خرذ بعرين االعتبرار‬،‫ عند النظر في تصميم اإلضاءة‬.‫اإلضاءة عنصر مهم في التصميم الحضري‬
.‫نوع الضوء الالزم للغرض المحدد للموقع‬

،‫ وسائقي المساعدات عن طريق زيادة الرؤية علرى الطررق‬،‫ وتوفير أجواء‬،‫هو ضوء تهدف إلى تعزيز األمن للممتلكات‬
.‫أو تستخدم ببساطة إللقاء الضوء على عالمة‬
•Building Articulation
Building articulation refers to the three dimensional modeling of a building and its
surfaces, giving emphasis to architectural elements (windows, balconies, porches, entries,
etc.) that create a complementary pattern or rhythm, dividing large buildings into smaller
identifiable pieces.

Building articulation establishes the building’s street address, its response to the local
context and environmental conditions and the degree of continuity between indoor and
outdoor rooms.

‫ب ام ىللالصللر‬
‫ ماع ىللب ناب عاىل ىللم ااص ىللامااريار (ىلل إىلفاذ وىللشافات‬، ‫تشب صلاغر ىللاب ناب أب ىلل اذ ار ث ثلار ىلأل ماا للاب ناب ودساط‬
‫ وتقساالح ىللالا ناان ىللكباابة أب قطااع صااغبة ياكاال‬،‫ىللشافات وىلإل اااالت ومااا أب ذلا ) ىللااب تخلااق ناطااا ت الللااا دو أيقاعااا‬
‫و ا‬
.‫ىللتمبف عليها‬

‫وت ااك صاالاغر ىللابا ناب ع اإىل ىللشااارع ن ىللابا ناب وىلسااتجابت للساالاق ىللا ااىل وىللفاابوف ىللبيئلاار و ر اار ىلالسااتابىلرير با ن‬
.‫ىللغبف ىللكىل للر وىللخار لر‬
•Public Space
Great public spaces are the living room of the city - the place where people come
together to enjoy the city and each other.

Public spaces make high quality life in the city possible, they form the stage and backdrop
to the drama of life.

Public spaces range from grand central plazas and squares, to small, local neighborhood

‫الفضاء العام‬
‫ المكرران الررذي يجتمررع النرراس معررا لالسررتمتاع المدينررة وبعضررها‬- ‫مسرراحات عامررة كبيرررة هرري غرفررة المعيشررة فرري المدينررة‬

.‫ فإنها تشكل المسرح والخلفية لدراما الحياة‬،‫األماكن العامة تجعل حياة عالية الجودة في المدينة ممكنة‬

.‫ إلى حدائق محلية صغيرة‬،‫وتتراوح األماكن العامة من ساحات ومربعات مركزية كبرى‬
•Service Areas
When considering the placement of service areas one should remember the old maxim,
“out of sight, out of mind.”

Service areas should be oriented towards the rear of the building to minimize visual

service areas should be screened from public view, and the best way to do this is to build a
solid fence around the service area in the same style as the building to which the service
area is designated.

‫م اطق ىللخكمر‬
‫ع ك ىلل فب ن وضع م اطق ىللخكمر ن‬
."‫ مل ىللمقي‬،‫ " ملكىل عل ىلألنفار‬،‫هنلغ للابم د هتذ ب ىللمفلح ىللقكيح‬

.‫ىللابب لتقللي أيسإريم ىللليير‬ ‫ن‬
‫ىللخلق مل‬ ‫م اطق ىللخكمر يجب د تكإ مإ هر ن إ ىللج م‬

‫ ودفناي طريقاار للقلاام ااذل ه ب اام ساالا صالب ةااإ م طقاار‬،‫يجاب ف ااص م ااطق ىللخكماار مال و هاار ىلل فاب ىللماماار‬
. ‫تميي م طقر ىللخكمر فل‬ ‫ن‬
‫ىللابب ىللذل تح‬ ‫ىللخكمر ب لم دسلإب‬

Streets are the connections between spaces and places, as well as being spaces themselves.

Streets are defined by their physical dimension and character as well as the size, scale, and
character of the buildings that line them.

Streets range from grand avenues such as the Champs-Elysees in Paris to small, intimate
pedestrian streets.

The pattern of the street network is part of what defines a city and what makes each city


‫ىللشإىلرع ه ىللبوىل ط ن‬
.‫ فن عل إنها مساةات نلسها‬،‫بي ىللاساةات وىلألماكل‬

.‫ةجاها وةجاها وطا مها‬ ‫وتمبف ىللشإىلرع بلمكها ىللاا ل وشخصيتها و ذل‬

.‫لبي ن اريم وشإىلرع ىللاشاة ىللصغبة وىلل الار‬

‫بي ىللطبق ىللكبر مثي ىللشان ن‬
‫وتبىلوح ىللشإىلرع ن‬

.‫م مل ما يمبف ىللاكه ر وما يجمي كي مكه ر فريكة مل نإعها‬ ‫ناط شلكر ىللشارع هإ‬
When choosing a sign one must consider several aspects such as the desired size, type and
placement of a sign.

If you have limited space you should consider constructing a wall, canopy or awning sign.

If the site is large enough to construct a monument sign you should do so in addition to wall,
canopy or awning signs.

Architecturally integrate all signs with their surroundings in terms of size, shape, color,
texture and lighting so that they are complementary to the overall design of the building and
are not in visual competition with other signs in the area.

.‫عند اختيار عالمة واحدة يجب أن تنظر في عدة جوانب مثل الحجم المطلوب ونوع ووضع عالمة‬

.‫ مظلة أو المظلة عالمة‬،‫إذا كان لديك مساحة محدودة يجب أن تنظر في بناء الجدار‬

.‫ المظلة أو المظلة عالمات‬،‫إذا كان الموقع كبيرا بما يكفي لبناء عالمة أثرية يجب عليك القيام بذلك باإلضافة إلى الجدار‬

‫دمج معماري جميع عالمات مع محيطها من حيث الحجم والشكل واللون والملمس واإلضاءة بحيث تكون مكملرة للتصرميم‬
.‫العام للمبنى وليس في منافسة بصرية مع عالمات أخرى في المنطقة‬
Parking is an essential element in regards to urban design and traffic circulation.

A parking plan should be developed for each site prior to development.

The type and number of parking spaces should reflect the desired uses of each site.

Landscaping of parking areas is also recommended to provide shade, enhance the beauty of a
site, and allow for a reduction in storm-water runoff.

Parking structures are generally constructed using asphalt or concrete.

‫مإقي سلارىلت‬
.‫وقإف ىللسلارىلت هإ ع ي دساس فلاا هتملق ىللتصالح ىلل نيل وتكىلو ةب ر ىللابور‬

.‫يجب وضع طر وقإف ىللسلارىلت لكي مإقع قلي ىللتطويب‬

.‫وينلغ د يمكم نوع وعك مإىلقي ىللسلارىلت ىلالستخكىلمات ىللابغوبر لكي مإقع‬

‫ وىللس ااااح لل ااك م اال ىللجري ااا‬،‫ا ااا ىللاإق ااع‬ ‫ وتمزيا ا‬،‫بتنس اايق ىللا اااظب ىللطبلمل اار لإق ااإف ىللس االارىلت لت ااإفب ىللف ااي‬ ‫كا ااا ه ااإ‬
.‫ىللسطح للالاص ىللماصلر‬

.‫هتح ب ام هلا ي وقإف ىللسلارىلت عا ة استخكىلم ىلألسللد دو ىللخبسانر‬

‫‪The landscape is the green part of the city that weaves throughout - in the form of urban‬‬
‫‪parks, street trees, plants, flowers, and water in many forms.‬‬

‫‪The landscape helps define the character and beauty of a city and creates soft, contrasting‬‬
‫‪spaces and elements.‬‬

‫‪Green spaces in cities range from grand parks such as Central Park in New York City and the‬‬
‫‪Washington DC Mall, to small intimate pocket parks.‬‬

‫ىللا اظب ىللطبلملر‬

‫ن‬ ‫ي ا م اال ىللاكه اار ىلل ااب هنس ااج ن‬
‫ىللاش ااهك ه ااإ ىللجا ا م ىلأل ن ا‬
‫اي ااع دن ااام ‪ -‬شا ا ي ىلل ا اكىلئق ىلل ن ا‬
‫ياير ودش ااجار ىللشا اإىلرع‬
‫وىلل لاتات وىلل هإر‪ ،‬وىللالاص ن دش ا ثبة‪.‬‬

‫ىللاشهك يساعك عىل ت كيك طابع و اا ىللاكه ر ويخلق لي ر‪ ،‬ىللات اقنر ىللاساةات وىللم اص‪.‬‬

‫ىللخي ااىلم ن ىللاا ااك تا اابىلوح ما اال ىلل ا اكىلئق ىللكا اابر مثا ااي س ا ا بىل ا ااار ن مكه ا اار نيويا ااإر ومب ا ا وىلش ا ا طل‬
‫ن ا‬ ‫ىللاسا اااةات‬
‫ىللماصار‪ ،‬أب ىلل كىلئق لب صغبة ىلل الار‪.‬‬
Transport systems connect the parts of cities and help shape them, and enable movement
throughout the city.

They include road, rail, bicycle, and pedestrian networks, and together form the total
movement system of a city.

‫وسائي ىلل قي‬

‫ وتاكل مل ىللت قي ن‬،‫دنفار ىلل قي تربط د ىلم ىللاك وتساعك عىل تشكللها‬
.‫ايع دن ام ىللاكه ر‬

.‫ وتش ي مما نفام ىلل ب ر ىللكىل للاكه ر‬،‫ىلل كيكير وىللكرىل ات وشل ات ىللاشاة‬ ‫وه تشاي ىللطبق وىللس‬
The balance of these various transport systems is what helps define the quality and
character of cities, and makes them either friendly or hostile to pedestrians.

When planning a new development one should make transportation a foremost concern.
You should incorporate into your development a sidewalk system with walkways with large
enough surface area to allow at least two people to walk side by side.

Attention should also be given to cyclists. You should provide an adequate number of
bicycle parking spaces as well as bicycle racks which are in plain sight and easily accessible
to all.

‫وسائي ىلل قي‬

‫ىللتإىلز ن‬
‫ ويجملها أما و ير دو مما ير‬، ‫بي هذص ىلل فح ىللاختللر لل قي هإ ما يساعك عىل ت كيك نإعلر وشخصلر ىللاك‬
‫نفام‬ ‫تطويب ىللخاص‬ ‫ يجب د تكر‬.‫ع ك ىللتخطلط لتطويب كيك يجب د تجمي ىلل قي مصكر قلق دوب‬
.‫لشخصي عىل ىلألقي عىل ىللاش لا أب ب‬ ‫ىللبصلي مع ىللاابىلت مع مساةر ببة اا فل ىللكلاير للسااح‬

‫ فن عل‬،‫ يجب د تإفب عك ىل كافلا مل دماكل وقإف ىللسلارىلت للكرىل ات‬.‫وينلغ دينا أي م ىلالهتاام لبىلكب ىللكرىل ات‬
.‫رفإف ىللكرىل ات ىللب ه ن مبدر وبسهإلر ىللإصإ أليها للجايع‬
Public transit should also be incorporated into development plans with new bus shelters and

Public transportation decreases the number of vehicles on the road, thus reducing traffic
and emissions, as well as providing those without vehicles a means to travel, shop and go to

The best cities are the ones that elevate the experience of the pedestrian while minimizing
the dominance of the private automobile.

‫وسائل النقل‬
.‫وينبغي أيضا إدراج النقل العام في خطط التنمية مع مالجئ ومحطات حافالت جديدة‬

‫ فضال عن توفير‬،‫ مما يقلل من حركة المرور واالنبعاثات‬،‫وتقلل وسائل النقل العام من عدد المركبات على الطريق‬
.‫المركبات التي ال تتوفر لها وسائل للسفر والتسوق والذهاب إلى العمل‬

.‫أفضل المدن هي تلك التي ترفع من تجربة المشاة مع التقليل من هيمنة السيارات الخاصة‬
The Problem of Urban Place Making

The problem of urban place making can be seen manifested in three ongoing
challenges relating to the lack of integration between urban morphology and urban

It is refer to these here for convenience as ‘lack of socio-spatial perspective’, ‘big

architecture’ and ‘two-dimensional planning’.
‫ياير ن ث ث اار ت ااكيات مس ااتابة تتمل ااق م ااكم ىللت ام ااي ب ا ن‬
‫اي ىللمشا ا ي‬ ‫وياك اال رمي اار مشا ا لر صا ا ع ىلألم اااكل ىلل ن ا‬
.‫ىلل نيل وىللتصالح ىلل نيل‬

‫ "ىللمااارة ىللكبابة" و "ىللتخطالط‬،"‫هإ ىللب وع أب هاذص ه اا للبىلةار كااا "عاكم و اإ م فاإر ىلال تااعلار ىللا انلار‬
." ‫ث ان ىلأل ما‬

The first concern relates to the perceived dislocation of urban design from socio
spatial concerns such as the public good, social and environmental justice, ecological
sustainability, socio-economic diversity and fairness (Gunder, 2010).

‫ويتملق ىللشاغي ىلدلإ التصإر ىللاتصإر للتصالح ىلل نيال مال ىللاخااوف ىللا انلار ىلىللجتااعلار مثاي ىللصاالح ىللماام‬
2010 ،‫وىللمكىللر ىلىللجتااعلار وىللبيئلار وىلىللساتكىلمر ىلأللكإلإ لار وىللت اوع ىلىللجتاااع وىلىللقتصاا ل وىلأل صااف) غإناكر‬
The second concern, that of urban design as ‘big architecture’, applies to contemporary
redevelopment models involving massive compositions of large floor plate and visually
monumental high-rise office and residential developments.
‫ىللشاغي ن‬
‫ ه طبق عىل نااذ أعا ة ىللتطويب ىللاماصة‬،"‫ وهإ ىللتصالح ىلل نيل اسح "ىلله كسر ىللاماارير ىللكببة‬،‫ىللثان‬
.‫ىللب ت طإل عىل ىللبىلكلب ضخار مل لإةر درضلر ببة و ضخار ييا شاهقر ىللا اتب وىللسك لر ىللتطإرىلت‬
The third concern derives from the planning side of the urbanism.

Le Corbusier (1933) classically asserted that city planning is a three-dimensional – rather

than a two-dimensional – science.

As asserted by Davidoff (1965) going back to contemporary approaches such as advocacy

economic strategy, environmental planning and social policy perspectives.

.‫وي تي الشاغل الثالث من جانب التخطيط في الحضر‬

.‫) بشكل كالسيكي أن تخطيط المدن هو علم ثالثي األبعاد وليس علم ثنائي األبعاد‬1933( ‫وقد أكد لو كوربوزييه‬

‫ والتخطريط البيئري‬،‫) العرودة إلرى الرنهج المعاصررة مثرل اسرتراتيجية الردعوة االقتصرادية‬1965( ‫كما أكد من قبل دافيردوف‬
.‫ومنظور السياسات االجتماعية‬
Obstacles to "Good" Urban Design

The subjectivity of urban design leaves it vulnerable to criticism. The compact,

mixed-use developments advocated today are commonly incongruous – both
aesthetically and philosophically – to the sprawling, rigidly separated land uses of
the past 50 years.

Critics refer to fears that excessive density and traffic congestion will be following.

Of the most important advocates are that criticize compact developments in

general, mixed-use detractors feel housing, businesses, civic centers, etc. each have
their own separate place in a community.

Consequently, Aurbach (2005) advocated that compact, high-density urban-design

must be forced to focus much effort toward easing the concerns of the general
Other obstacles to contemporary urban design are economic. New projects often
require vast tracts of land containing many parcels.

Development cost: it can also be cost prohibitive to most developers.

Traditional or Euclidian zoning: it addresses only land-use and not the form of the
built environment. The result is a patchwork style of development that keeps
housing, businesses and industry separate, preventing the complex integration of
structures that walk able communities require.
The motives of urban design and Recent Trends and Facts affecting the Structure of Urban

1. The motives of urban design

"What makes this city unique?"

Urban design

Urban design features should provide a set of goals to guide physical development
towards a desired image in a way that is consistent with social, economic and
aesthetic values of a community.

Ideally, urban design is also a mean to link other elements of a general plan.
Of the most important motives that make urban design more important into three main
headings as has defined by Koray Velibeyoglu (2002) as the following:

•Ecological Significance: Urban design involves modifying the natural environment. It

follows, therefore, that the quality of the built environment will have important
implications for the natural environment.

•Economic Significance: the quality of the built environment is the key factor that
significantly affects local, regional and international image of economic activity.

“Harvey points out that there is strong relationship between

technological changes in the economic production and structural changes in the quality
and production of urban spaces.”
•Social and Cultural Significance: According to ALGA Guide, an important factor
determining why people choose to visit or relocate to a particular place is the "cultural

Also a good educational facilities, a friendly, caring community, a healthy and safe
environment, good quality housing, and a competitive, stimulating local atmosphere are
essential for business development.

This therefore is becoming more significant to attract investors and tourist to that area.
This also gives opportunity to enhance the physical quality of built environment and
promotes the role of urban design.
2. Recent Trends and Facts affecting the Structure of Urban Design:
The recent trends influencing the role of urban design can be collected at three
major points:

•Changes in Planning Profession: A recent trend in the planning profession has been
away from the social issues and policy paths, is that effective communication with the
designers of the urban environment should be considered.

•Public Realm Design: Urban design addresses the public realm, dealing with the
structure of development, and the space between buildings.

It is mainly about the physical design of the public domain. Public spaces are related to
social behavior, transactions, culture, safety, commercial success.

Therefore public realm can be seen as a major factor in the urban design thinking.
•Environmental Changes: Environmental change is more incremental and subject to
increasing public review.

"a good development plan today should express priorities which reflect a concern
for energy efficiency and biodiversity". (John Dean)

"we should promote the development of environmental improvements combining

with the urban design principles." (Koray Velibeyoglu,2002)

Principles of sustainable urban design, Koray Velibeyoglu,2002

Transformation of public realm as privatized, monitored indoor malls, Koray Velibeyoglu,2002
A framework of Urban Design

Urban design is the composition of architectural form and open space in a

community context.

The elements of a city’s architecture are its buildings, urban landscape, and service
infrastructure just as form, structure, and internal space are elements of a building.

The basis for a framework defining urban design can be grouped under six main headings
according to The Institute for Urban Design (IUD)’s criteria:

•Historic preservation and urban conservation

•Design for pedestrians
•Vitality and variety of use
•The cultural environment
•Environmental context
•Architectural values
Measuring "Good" Urban Design

Recent trends to urban design help to support and implement land use and
transportation decisions; encourage economic revitalization that contributes in the
progress toward sustainable urban design.

In recent years, researchers have become more interested in urban form and its
standard metrics such as density, neighborhood ratings provide a more nuanced
representation of urban form.

There are many measures are available to evaluate urban design-scale

development. Rating systems may involve checklists, scorecards, surveys,
performance measures

No single system is perfect for all situations, and the appropriate choice depends on
the application and audience.
Of the most important systems in the world are:

LEED-ND: The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Green Building

Rating System evaluates the environmental-friendliness of new developments.
Today, it has extended that mission to entire neighborhood developments LEED-ND.

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