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By: Jeannette Felvey

Interning at Autism Society of North Carolina

7.1 Collect and organize data, and
apply critical thinking to interpret
information from clients and
 Filing paperwork in specific folders.
 Helping with in take paperwork.
7.2 Apply knowledge of human
behavior and the social environment,
person-in-environment, and other
multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks
in interventions with clients and
 Recently a client was having behavioral issues due to unexpected
schedule changes. The situation was handled professionally and is an
example of how environment can effect a person.
7.3 Develop mutually agreed-on
intervention goals and objectives
based on the critical assessment of
strengths, needs, and challenges within
clients and constituencies.
 Help develop goals for clients.
 Randomly monitor care takers with their clients to see if they are
working on goals.
7.4 Select appropriate intervention
strategies based on the assessment,
research knowledge, and values and
preferences of clients and
 Due to clients being diagnosed with Autism, the intervention strategies
and preferences about the clients are decided on by the client’s doctor,
care taker, and QP employees.

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