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Social Culture

Presented By :
Dita Natalia
Febry Ruth
Princess Ika


Population Quality and Environment towards
Human Well-being

1. Relations betweenWelfare Environment

The environment gives meaning or meaning to humans

in order to fulfill their needs. The environment can provide a
source of life so that humans can prosper. The environment
becomes a source and support for life. Thus, the environment
is able to provide welfare in human life.
2. Relations of Residents with Environment and
Residents are all people who domicile in the
geographical area of ​the Republic of Indonesia for 6 months
or more and those who live less than 6 months with the aim
of settling. (BPS, 2014: 102).
Matters relating to the country's population include:
1. Aspects of population quality, including the level of
education, skills, work ethic, and personality.
2. Aspects of population quantity which include population,
growth, distribution, leveling, and consideration of
population in each country.
Probelmatic Environment, Social And
Cultural Environment

Technological development which is a change in social

and cultural conditions has a significant direct influence on
the state of the environment, where humans cannot control
the development of the environment as their place of
Positive Impact on the Environment

Industrial Sector
1. Expanded employment opportunities;
2. Industrial development has improved;
3. The development of plants as industrial raw materials;
4. Recycling machines are created.
1. Increasing new and superior varieties
2. Increasing agricultural production.
3. Known and used modern farming tools.
4. Eradicating pests by airplanes in the plantation area.
Negative Impacts on the Environment

1. Agricultural land, animal husbandry and forestry plantations
are increasingly narrow because many housing is built.
2. Damage to the natural environment due to construction
3. The occurrence of erosion due to deforestation
4. Not to complete the primary needs and
5. Spraying of pesticides affects the industry and factories.

Tim Dosen ISBD Unimed. 2015. Ilmu Sosial & Budaya Dasar Edisi Revisi
2015. Medan. Unimed Press

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