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Alumno: Franklin Gaspar Guevara
Curso: Procesos de Gas Natural
Profesor: Ing. Franklin Suclla
La oferta crece 7,8% anual entre 2013-20.
LNG vessels docked at ship repairer Nakilat-Keppel
Offshore & Marine (N-KOM). Image courtesy of
Processes marketed by Air Products account
for roughly 80% of installed plants: the AP-
C3MR process holds the greatest share at
49%, followed by the AP-X® (16%) and AP-
C3MR/ SplitMR® (15%) processes. Several
under-construction projects have also
selected Air Products’ processes. Cameron
LNG and Yamal LNG will utilise the AP-C3MR
process, while Cove Point, Freeport LNG,
Gorgon LNG, Ichthys LNG, and MLNG T9 will
use the AP-C3MR/SplitMR process. PFLNG 1
will use the AP-N™ process. Combined,
these projects account for 76.2 MTPA (54%)
of the 141.5 MTPA of capacity under
construction as of January 2016. The large-
scale AP-X process has thus far been used
exclusively in Qatari projects.
LPG re-injection composition is monitored to
control the composition of the LNG and its
heating value before liquefaction and storage.

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