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Internal Anatomy of Fish

Smooth Cell Muscle Cell
Cell Tissue
Tissue Organization
Organ of Life
Organ System


Fish Digestive System

Integumentary System
• Skin
• Most general function is protection and
Parts of the Integumentary
• Epidermis
– Constantly regenerating
• Mucus Layer
– Helps slide through water
– Rids fish of parasites
• Scales
– Give fish their color
– Can help you determine age
Skeletal System
• Class Osteichthyes: Bones & Cartilage
• Class Chondricthyes: Cartilage
• General function is support and movement
• Also protects inner organs
Muscular System
• General function is movement
• 3 types of muscles
– Skeletal
• Moving on purpose
• Voluntary
– Smooth
• Controls inner organs
• Involuntary
– Cardiac
• Move blood
• Involuntary
Digestive System
• General function is to process food and
use for nutrients/energy.
• Mouth
• Esophagus
• Digestive Tube
• Digestive Glands (make enzymes or store
– Liver, pancreas, gall bladder
• Anus
Respiratory System
• General Function is oxygen and carbon
dioxide exchange
– Gill raker keeps food from leaving mouth
through gills
– Gill filaments is where gas exchange occurs

Gas bladder
– Fills with air to keep fish buoyant
Circulatory System
• General function is to transport body fluids
• Heart
– 1st place blood is pumped is to the gills
• Arteries (Away from heart)
• Capillaries (Gas and nutrient exchange)
• Veins (Toward heart)
Excretory System
• General function is to remove waste from
• Uses kidneys
Reproductive System
• General function is to perpetuate the
Nervous System
• General function is sensing, coordination
of movements, and response to stimuli.
– Composed of brain, nerves, lateral line, eyes,
ears, and nose
Fish Brain!
1. Olfactory Lobes (smelling)
2. Cerebrum (smelling and
other senses)
3. Optic Lobes (sight, sound,
and lateral line senses)
4. Cerebellum (muscle
5. Spinal Cord (connects all
muscles and nerves to the
Endocrine System
• General function is chemical regulation of
• Hormones can:
– Control rate of growth
– Control development of sex
– Control capacity to respond
to light and stress

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