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A study on recent accidents on Lift and/or

Escalators in HK and possible remedial


• From EMSD record, there are three major causes of escalator accidents.

Main Causes of Incidents Number of Incidents

2012 to 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Passenger Behavior 1486 1383 1530 1477 1571 1599
Equipment Fault 8 3 0 8 3 2
External Factors 44 30 109 105 50 42

• Main focus: Equipment Fault of the escalator

• Accident: Escalator Incident at Langham Place, Mong Kok
Background information of the accident
• Location: Langham Place, Mong Kok

• Accident Date: 25 March 2017

• Failure of escalator:
The upward moving Escalator linking 4/F and 8/F with a vertical rise of 21
metres stopped suddenly and moved downwards

• Result on the accident: 18 people suffered injuries

Technical information of the escalator
• Driving Motor : AC three-phase Induction
• Motor Rated Speed : 0.5 metre per second
• Step Width : 1 metre
• Rise : 21 metres
• Angle of Inclination : 30o
• Floors Served : Between 4/F and 8/F
• Year of Installation: 2004
• Date of Last Examination: 24 January 2017
• Date of Last Routine Maintenance : 23 March 2017
Site investigation findings

The broken main drive chain of the escalator →

lost the driving power when it is moving
upward → slowed down and moved downward
due to the weight of passengers and escalator

Failure of the BCD to detect the chain breakage

→ the auxiliary brake was not activated to stop
the moving escalator

No overloading of the escalator

Failure analysis of main drive chain (EMSD, 2017)
Metal fatigue
● All fatigue surfaces contained beach
marks (Figure 6)
● Between No. 1 & 101 pins: Link
plates were broken / cracked at
other pins (Figure 7)
Failure analysis of broken chain safety device (BCD)
(EMSD, 2017)
- Monitor breakage and excessive elongation of the
- Trigger the brake to stop the escalator and maintain it
in stationary
● Sticky grease (formed from mixture of
lubrication oil and dust from surrounding
environment) (Figure 9) was found between fixed
metal housing and the sliding surface of the moving
part (Figure 9A)
→ In creased friction between the moving part and
the fixed metal housing
→ Restricted movement of the moving part

Figure 9A
Failure analysis of broken chain safety device (BCD)
(EMSD, 2017)
● One of two compression springs (Push the
BCD) had been locked (Figure 10)
→ Ineffective spring force on No. 2 Spring
→ Reduced spring force to extend the moving
part and the shoe downwards
→ Friction + Ineffective spring → BCD
failed to activate micro-switch when the
chain was broken
→ No signal from micro-switch
→ Failed to activate the auxiliary brake to
stop the escalator
Remedial measures
1. Prohibited operation of other similar escalators in Langham
Place → Ensure public safety
2. Legal / discipline actions by EMSD on escalator contractor
concerned (i.e. Otis) due to negligence of the contractor to
inspect BCD
3. Replace defective main drive chain(s) (Eg elongation,
cracks) and BCDs
4. Inspect the concerned escalator & other high-rise escalators
thoroughly and regularly by registered escalator engineers
and/or registered workers
5. Supervise workers when repairing escalators and inspect
their work after completion → Springs !
Eg: Remind them to unlock springs
This escalator incident was due to breakage of main drive chain and
malfunction of the BCD.

The breakage of the main drive chain was due to metal fatigue.
The malfunction of BCD was due to sticky grease on the sliding surface of the
moving part of the BCD and improper setting of the compression springs.

The sticky grease and the reduced spring force had hindered the operation of the
moving part so that no signal was sent to the auxiliary brake to stop the escalator
when the main drive chain was broken.

According to the Code of Practice for Lift Works and Escalator Works, the
main drive chain should be inspected for any sign of wear and tear and the BCD
should be properly maintained, checked, adjusted and tested during periodic
maintenance and periodic examination.
According to the Code of Practice for Lift Works and Escalator Works, the
main drive chain should be inspected for any sign of wear and tear and the BCD
should be properly maintained, checked, adjusted and tested during periodic
maintenance and periodic examination.
Lift accident
Background information

 Location: Selwyn Factory Building, Kwun Tong

 Accident Date: 8 October 2014

 Failure of escalator:
The lift slipped downward from 12/F to the bottom of lift shaft

 Result on the accident: 29 people suffered injuries

Site investigation findings (EMSD, 2015)
 Lift car remained stationary when 29 passengers inside the lift
 Overspeed governer
 Loft car door remained open when slipping
Causes of the accident (EMSD, 2017)
1. Excessive overloading of

1. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. (2018) Reported Escalator Incident Records,
Hong Kong, available from
2. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. (2017) Technical Investigation Report on
Escalator Incident at Langham Place, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
3. Technical Investigation Report on Escalator Incident at Langham Place, Mong Kok, Kowloon.
(2017, June 9). Retrieved from
4. Technical Investigation Report on Lift Incident at Selwyn Factory Building, 404 Kwun Tong
Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon. (2015, April). Retrieved from

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