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Gait Analysis

By Sebastian, Kelsea, Matt, and Eva

Predictive Model

Our model:

Periods/time= stride=height

How it works:

By looking at the times that there are peaks we can see each step. By finding
how many steps are taken in a given time we can predict the size of the steps
and then the height of the person.

Due to human nature, our model is not 100% accurate, and no model, no matter
what you try will ever be 100% accurate due to the fact that each and every
human being has a unique gait based on their character and how they learned to
walk. Our model does give a close guess as to how tall the subject is, but nothing
can be completely accurate.

By measuring stride length we can determine approximately how tall a person is.
Correlation between how long your step is and height is what our predictive
model shows.

How did we get there?

By testing for acceleration and stride length, we can find an approximate

measurement of how tall someone is.

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