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Presented by Samuel Guamah

See what great love the Father has

lavished on us, that we should be called
children of God! And that is what we are!
The reason the world does not know us is
that it did not know him.

• God is the creator of the heavens and earth and all things ! He is the kings of kings

and the lord of Lords! He is the judge of all and rules in the affairs of men! Apart from

all his great attributes and wonderful names , he is also a loving father! John puts it

this way, what manner of love is this?


• I believe he said that because , John was amazed by the demonstration of the love

of God! For his love transcends our understanding! No one has ever demonstrated

such selfless love except our father in Heaven.

• God is a great lover! He went every length to lavish his love upon us!

• He demonstrated His love for us by blessing Us with every spiritual blessing in the

heavenly places. Each gift is an expression of His unfailing love.

• Jesus Christ is the embodiment of His love! I deserve to die and punished but he died

and was punished in my place.

The bible says that; “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we
were still sinners, Christ died for us.”. Romans 5;8
When I was messing up in sin , and dint deserve his love, he loved me and
make a way for me to become His Child!
As Christians we are partakers of His divine nature, the bible says the love of
God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost. We are overcomers
because love conquers all.
He loves us so much and has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the
heavenly places.
Today you and I can come boldly to the throne of grace, and receive grace
and mercy all because of the love of the father.

• Unfortunately the world do not our identity in

Christ because they do not know him as we
• How will the world get to know him?
• The world will get to know Him through us, we
are the ambassadors of Christ, we are his
representatives on earth to demonstrate to
demonstrate to them.
• From now on I will walk in love because I know my father loves me.
• I will thank Him always for calling me His Child.
• I will show love to my peers , colleges , friends and family .
• The world will get to know Him when I demonstrate the love of God to
my neighbors.

• Thank you father for lavishing your love upon me,
• Thank you for calling me your child
• Amen.

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