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Form of business
2.Type of business
Name of business
3.Core Values
a.Earn profit
b.Give quality services
5. Plans
a. Strategic-As earlier mentioned,top-level managers are resposible for the organizations
strategic planning which involves making decisions about the organiations long-term
goals and stragies.
b. Tactical-is middle level management planning which refres to procedures and
transformation of strategic goals/plans with specific goals.
c.Operation planning-is lower-level management planning which involves routine tasks
repeatedly done by the firm’s lower level unit.
a.Top management
b.Middle management
c.Low management
6.Planning Techniques + tools
a.Forecasting- an attempt to predict what may happen in the future.
b.Benchmarking-planning techniques that involves comparison of company’s
practices/technologies with those of other companies.
c.Contingency It is often used for risk management for an exceptional risk that, though
unlikely, would have catastrophic consequences.
d.Scenario Planning-is a structured way for organisations to think about the future.
8.Types of decision making
a.Structure-a decision that is repetitive and can be handled using a routine approach.
b.unstructured-applied to the resolution of problems that are new or unsual,and for which
information is incomplete
B.ORGANIZING-After PLANNING,Organizing follows.The goals and objectives established during
planning will all go to waste without effective organizing,through the development of designed
structure of roles for effective performance.
1.Organizing Chart
2.Types of department
1.Autority-the power or right to give orders,make decisions and enforce obedience.
2.Responsibility-the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control
over someone.
3.Accountability-the fact or condition of being accountable responsibility.
2.Informal-according to groups ex.friends,needs
Staffing-Managers-often consider human resource as their organization’s most important
resource.Very few administrators would argue with the fact that human resources are very
important for the efficient and effective operation of a company.
1.Position to be filled up-
2.Classified ads for that position
a.External recruitment-refers to recruitment from outside sources.
b.Internal recruitment-refres to recruitment done within the organization.
4. Situation
1.Establishing the selection critecria-
2.Requesting applicants to complete the application form-
3.Screening by listing applicants who seems to meet the set criteria-
4.Screening interview to identify more promising appilicants-
5.Interview by the supervisor/manager or panel interviewers.
6.Verifying information provided by the applicant-
7.Requesting the applicant to undergo psychological and physical examination.
8.Informing the applicant that he or she has been chosen for the position applied for.

1.Structured interview- the interviewer asks the applicant to answer a set of prepared question-
situational,job knowledge,job simulation,and worker requirement question.
6.Type of test
Personality tests-designed to reveal applicant’s personal characteristics and ability to relate with
7.Training development
Traning-refers to learning given by organizations to its employees that concentrates on short-term
Job performance and acquisition or improvement of job-related skills.
Development-refres to learning given by organitions to its employees that is geared toward the
Individual’s acquisition and expasion skills.
9.Performance Method
Trait methods-performance evaluation method designed to find out if the employee possesses
important work characteristics such as conscientiousness,creativity,emotional stability,and
8.Wages-compensation/wages and performance evaluation are related to each other because
the employee’s excellent or poor performance also determines the compensation given to them
10.Employee Relations
a.How to build good relation
Example. Teambuilding
Company outing
Celebrating mass
11. Employer relation-the connection created among employees/workers as they do their
assigned tasks for the organization to which they belong
12.Reward System
b.Non monify
Leading-a management function that involves inspiring and influencing people in the
organization to achieve a common goal
Choose 3 personality characters p.77

1. Extraversion-the degree to which someone is sociable, talkative, and assertive

2. Emotional stability-the degree to which someone is clam, enthusiastic, and secure
(positive), or tense, nervous, depressed, and insecure(negative)
3. Agreeableness-the degree to which someone is good natured, cooperative, and trusting
Choose 1 motivation theory 80-83
EXPECTANCY THEORY-states that individual tends to act in a certain way, based on the
1-leadership style and theories 84-87

Trait thoery-a theory based on leader traits or personal characteristics that differentiate leaders
from followers.

Behavioral Theory- a theory that focuses on the behavior,action,conduct,demeanor,or

deporment of a leader instead traits of his or her personality traits.
Communication-applies to all management function and its general purpose for the organization
To bring possitive changes that influence activities leading to the firm’s welfare.
–vertical communication involves communication flow between people belongin to different
organizational levels.
-upward communications is the flow of information from an employee who belongs to a lower
hier archical level to the boss/manager who belongs to a higher hierarchical level.
-downward communication is the flow of information from manager,who belong to lower
hierarchical levels.

-horizontal communication takes place among employees belonging to the same hierarchical
-Diagonal communication entails ments/units and different hierarchical levels.For example,an
employee belonging to the company’s financial management department communicates
directly with the head of human resource department.

Wtih examples.
Overcome Com.Barriers choose 3 page 98

1.Using feedback- this is usually done by asking questions about a memo sent to subordinates
2.Using simple langguage- this is done by avoiding uncommon terms and flowery words that
may just cause misinterpretation.
3.Observing body langguage-This also influences how communication is interpreted.Actions of
the message receiver,like throwing away a letter delivered to him,betray his negative feelings.
a.People-People’s attitudes,values,wants and needs expectations,and behaviors change as time
goes by.
b.Structure-Due to changing conditions/situations and changing strategies used,organizational
structures may also change according to work specialization
c.Teachnology-Technology changes usually refer to changes in work processes and methods
used,introduction of new equipment and work tools

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Making change in org. Culture
*set the tone through management behaior-top managaers,particularly,need to be positive role
*Create new stories,symbols,and rituals to replace those currently in use
*Select and proote employess who adapt the new values
*Redesign socialization processes to align with the new values.
*Change the rewards system to encourage acceptance of new values
*Replace unwritten norms with clearly specified expectations.
*Shake current subcutltures through job transfer,job ratation,and/or termination
*Work to get consensus through employee participation and create a climate with high level of

Just copy page 95

Process 1-3
1.Discuss the nature of controlling;
2.Describe the link between planning and controlling;and
3.Distinguish control methods and systems.
Application of control in 5m’s
At the back
Finance statements-


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