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4-‐Day Learning Express Workshop

For Partner Facilitators
26 – 29 July 2016

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
What is Learning Express?

Students picking asparagus in the early morning.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Social Innovation Project

• Compulsory module for all 2nd year SP students, 2

hours per week and completed in 15 weeks/1
• Students apply Design Thinking in urban projects.
• Partners are social welfare organisations,
environmental agencies, youth organisations etc.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Overseas Social Innovation Project /
Learning Express
• Piloted in 2013
• Students complete their module in 14 days during
the semester vacation, working on a rural or semi-‐
rural project overseas.
• 2013 -‐ 1 programme each semester
• 2016 -‐ 11 programmes each semester
• Total 500 participants per year
= 10% of entire cohort

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Who are our Partners?

University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia Duy Tan University, Vietnam

Mindanao University of
Science and Technology, Philippines
Rajamangala University of Technology
Thanyaburi. Thailand
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Who are our Partners?

Multi-‐disciplinary, Multi-‐national, Multi-‐cultural

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Who are our Partners?

Specialist Community Action and Leadership


Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

What is Learning Express?


Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

1. Design Thinking
“Design thinking is a human-‐centred approach to innovation
that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs
of people, the possibilities of technology, and the
requirements for business success.”

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is an iterative and fluid process

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Empathy studies: Interviews

Students interviewing the community.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Empathy studies: Hands-‐on

Students experiencing life as a goat farmer.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Do what they do

Students working alongside workers at a sesame rice cracker home industry.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Step into their shoes

Students experiences the work of a sugarcane farmer.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

The ideation process, sticking brainstorming ideas on tree leaves.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


The prototype of the concepts to improve the working conditions of the workers
at a rice sesame cake production centre.
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

The prototype of the concepts to improve the working conditions of the workers at a rice-‐paper
home-‐production centre.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


The prototype shows the concepts to improve the working conditions of the workers at
a ginger candy home-‐production centre.
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
2. Social Responsibility
To nurture a sense of social
responsibility and engagement.

Students visited an orphanage,

SOS Village, in Ho Chi Minh City.
They had a fun time playing with
the children.
3. Cultural Intelligence

Cultural dance Cooking traditional dishes

Traditional clay painting

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

3. Cultural Intelligence

Students learn the language and immerse themselves in the culture of the host country.
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
the shoes of the Community
Social Responsibility

Students experienced the true meaning of Songkran, and paid respects to their elders.
4. Relationship Building

Assign a dedicated personal buddy to ensure maximum interaction and support for each other
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Myanmar, Applied Chemistry Relationship Building

Malaysian, Design

Singaporean, Engineering
Vietnamese, Business

To form a multi-‐national, multi-‐disciplinary team to compel cross cultural problem-‐ solving and
conflict resolution
What is Learning Express?

One Last Important Takeaway

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Learning Express W
A network of institutions and organisations from
all over the world dedicated to eradicating
poverty through human-‐centred engineering
designs. Institutions include
MIT, Olin College, UC Davis, Colorado State Situated at MIT, D-‐Lab brings innovation
University. to developing nations to eradicate
poverty. Development through dialogue,
design and dissemination.
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Past Projects
• Open hyperlink:

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

The typical LeX programme
SP Facilitator Partner

8 SP 8 Partner
Students Students

1 project team

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

The typical LeX programme

3 SP Facilitators +3 Partner Facilitators

25 SP Students + 25 Partner Students

COORDINATORS 1 LeX Destination

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

The typical LeX programme

Days 1 -‐3 Days 4 -‐7 Days 8 -‐9 Days 10 -‐11 Days 12 -‐14

Empathy Prototyping
and Ideation Presentation
study (Co-‐creation)

Gather Deep user Ideas and

Information understanding To communicate solutions

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


Learning Express (LeX) programmes Sept/Oct2016

Dates Venue
4-‐17Sept Makassar, Indonesia
4-‐17Sept Ho Chi Minh City, Vietna,
11-‐24Sept Bangkok, Thailand
15-‐28Sept Isabela, Philippines
Learning to be
16 Sept-‐ 29 Sept Kota Kinabalu, E Malaysia
responsible and 18 Sept-‐ 1 Oct Cagayan de Oro, Philippines
also to be engaged
in developing
appropriate 18 Sept-‐ 1 Oct Da Nang, Vietnam
technologies and
business solutions 25 Sept-‐8Oct Malang, Indonesia
to bring about
changes to the
25 Sept-‐8Oct Yangon, Myanmar

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Roles and Responsibilities of Partner Institution
Day 1 14

Sense Empathy Ideation Prototyping Co-creation

3-‐year MOU to be agreed and signed and study & Possible
Sensibility presentation development of
Set up a LeX Management Committee conceived projects/
Select 1 coordinator and 3 faculty staff
as LeX facilitators for each programme
(training will be provided) Provide support to
LeX Programme
Provide guidelines for selection criteria
of student participants

Provide logistics support for the

programme – venue, meal, transport,
accommodation, community sourcing
(Programme cost will be borne by SP)

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Roles and Responsibilities of Facilitator & Coordinator
Day 1 14

Sense Empathy Ideation Prototyping Co-creation

Project planning and scoping and study & Discuss possible
Sensibility presentation
with SP facilitators projects for
with SP facilitators
Select the 25 student participants

Organise LeX briefing to the

25 students in terms of detailed
Co-‐facilitate the 14-‐day
program and commitment programme with SP
Organize 1 day Design Thinking
training for the 25 students

Organize Learning Journey to expose

the students to the project (if
possible, visit the village) Coordinator’s role is to provide administrative
and logistic support like transportation,
Prepare the homestay planning
together with SP facilitator
accommodation, meals, training materials etc.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Students’ involvement

Day 1 14

Sense Empathy Ideation Prototyping Co-creation

Attend LeX briefing to familiriaze to and study & Discuss the project
Sensibility presentation
LeX objectives, LeX detailed program for implementation
and commitments. together with
faculty, SP
facilitator and
Attend 1 day Design Thinking training
students (if there’s
for all the 25 students

Attend Learning Journey to expose

Attend, participate
them to the project (if possible, visit
actively and
the village)
collaborate with
partner university
Do secondary research on the project facil, SP facil and
that they will do students for 14

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Let’s take a 15-‐min break

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Find someone in the room who has these characteristics and write his/her full name in the
box. The name can’t be repeated. Complete a row across, down or diagonally and you win! B-‐

Likes spicy food Is a left handed person Knows a magic trick Speak the same language Is good at drawing/
as the destination country sketching

Has a photography hobby Snores Can sleep while sitting Is afraid of cockroaches Likes long distance running

Is a night owl (stays up all Doesn’t drink coffee Is a vegetarian Loves road trips Wakes up early

Has a birthmark on face, Has experience of not Has run a marathon Loves outdoor activity Has a pet
arms or legs bathing for 2 days or more (quarter/half/full)

Has a birthday this month Has travelled to Singapore Likes to watch Korean Has climbed a tree Exercises 3 times a week
or during the trip before the training shows/dramas

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

What do you hope to learn from this
4-‐day Learning Express Workshop?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Workshop Agenda
Introduction to
Learning Express
Design Thinking:
Stage 1 Empathy
Design Thinking:
Stage 2 (Planning)

Data Clustering &

Insight Mining


Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Toronto Centre for Social Innovation
Very low light conditions in rural Indonesia

What’s your
solution to
this issue?

Learning Express Workshop

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Introducing mini project…

Select a project in the next slide…

first come first serve!

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
The projects are:
1. How can we help reduce food wastage in Singapore?

2. How can we help make Singapore Polytechnic a greener


3. How can we create better learning environment/learning

spaces in Singapore Polytechnic?

4. How can we promote healthy eating among students in

Singapore Polytechnic?

5. How can we create optimal working spaces for SP Staff?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

How do you go about gaining
empathy for the community?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


P – People
O – Objects
E – Environment
M – Messages
S – Services
About the About the About the MEDIA/
[personal signboard]
[bored, age [seats / tanks]

About the SERVICES

[any coffee/tea?]
2 Ask

• Opportunity to dig &

dive deeper into the
inner thoughts &

• Clarify/rationalise
Interview A & B
In groups of 3, allocate roles of A, B & notetaker.


For the next 3 minutes, A will ask B about a memorable purchase that he/she recently made.

Ask strictly the following questions:

• What was your memorable purchase?

• Where did you get it?
• Why did you go to that place?
• What other places did you go to?
• How did you research the purchase?
• How much did you pay for it?
• Were you happy with that price?
• Who sold it to you?
• Were they helpful?
• What did you do right after the purchase?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators 59

Interview A & B
In groups of 3, allocate roles of A, B & notetaker.


Start by asking “Tell me a story about a memorable purchase that you recently made.”

Instead of asking a bunch of questions, the interviewer should remain as silent as possible.
You are only allowed to say the following in any sequence:

• Tell me more.
• Tell me more about…[about what was being answered previously]
• And…
• Really…
• What about that? [‘That’ refers to what was being answered previously]
• Why is that important to you?

Continue for 3 minutes.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Type A Qs Type A

Type B Qns

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Good questions yield goodSCRIPTS

Refer to Samples 1 and 2:

1. Decide which conversation (or interview) has the richest data. Why?

2. What other questions can we ask to in order to get more information

from the interviewees?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Type B Questions + 5 ‘Whys’

A machine in the factory suddenly stopped.

Why did that machine suddenly stop? Because a fuse blew.

Why did the fuse blow? Because the fuse wasn’t the right size.

Why wasn’t the fuse the right size? One of our engineers put in the wrong one.

Why did the engineer put in the wrong fuse? Because somebody in the supply room
gave him the wrong one.

Why did the supply room give him the wrong fuse? Because the stock bin for fuses
was mis-‐labelled.
In your groups,

1.Look at your project brief

2.Identify your target user
3.Formulate at least 20 questions for
your target user.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Use the template below to plan your group’s empathy study. Give as much details as you can so that your
lecturer will be able to give you the necessary feedback.

Who will be interviewed? Where will the interviews be conducted? Allocate roles in the
interview team:




Note: Collapse the note-‐taker & observer roles if

Good in-‐depth interviews should take approx 45mins-‐1hour! teams are in pairs

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Use the template below to plan your group’s empathy study. Give as much details as you can so that your
lecturer will be able to give you the necessary feedback.

Collect information on: Questions:

• Age, Gender, Marital Status
DEMOGRAPHICS / • Occupation
• Hobbies
HABITS • Personal Habits /Practices
• Social Life

Collect information on: Questions:

• Aspirations
PERSONAL • Inspirations
MOTIVATIONS • Motivations
• Pain Points

Collect information on Questions:

areas related to the
TO THE PROBLEM statement:
STATEMENT • Motivations
• Pain Points
• Etc.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

3 Roles

Interviewer Note Taker Observer

Probes… Takes down all Observes
“tell me more” interview data interviewee’s
(expression, body
language, tone,

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Name of local cuisine: Katong Laksa

Lunch & Work

2 hours
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
What worked? What didn’t work? How can we improve?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

How will an interview look like in the community?

Casual conversation Formal interview

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Interview Challenge
1. Get into groups of 4. (If not, 3 is ok -‐ tough the challenge will be tougher!)
2. Each group should be made up of speakers of at least 2 spoken language.
(e.g. English & Malay)
3. There should be 2 speakers of the non-‐English language.
4. Assign the roles:
– Interviewer
– Note taker
– Observer/listener
– Interviewee (non-‐English & does not understand English)

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Interview Challenge
Your task:
Interviewer, observer and notetaker are to find out about the Interviewee’s

1. Must speak in Interviewee’s language (which cannot be in English)

2. Notetaker must write Interview notes in English
3. Must not cheat ☺

Find a good spot for the interview. You will only have 10 mins.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

What worked? What didn’t work? How can we improve?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Let’s take a 15-‐min

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

How do we make sense of the information
from the interview / long conversations?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

The Process: data points and clustering
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Individual effort

From observation and

interview data, write down
points that you think are Star the ones that you feel Discuss and cluster the data
interesting or significant, e.g., are especially important. points according to key
comments, a story or Place them on your canvas learning points about the user
quotation from your (flipchart or or your insights.
interviewee, observations you realtimeboard) for Further cluster the insights to
made. Write one data point discussion derive your user’s needs.
per post-‐it note.
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
What should be considered a data point?
Revealing If you answered
“yes” to any of
• Does it tell you more about the motivations these, it’s a
and needs of your target user?

• Is it a story your interviewee told you or an
observation you personally made?

• Does it trigger ideas on ways you can help your
target user?

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Drawing data points: an example
Project Statement: How can we help SP students to speak up and participate
in public conversations? Primary Stakeholder: Year 1 SP students

I think most people will speak up when they can give their own
I will speak
opinion or when there’s a common interest. For me, I will speak I feel malu if
if I am
up when I am familiar with the topic, otherwise I will feel malu nobody reacts
when nobody reacts to me. I think when it’s applicable to you, to what I am
with the
it’s okay to speak up. saying.
For myself, I prefer to work it out for myself before I say Don’t want
anything. Why do I work it out first? Oh… because you want to I want to
other people
have pride
have a sense of pride and confidence. You don’t want other to judge me.
people to judge you what. It doesn’t feel good to be humiliated. confidence.
Maybe it depends on who is judging you. Like, it’s okay if it’s my
own friends because it’s a more open environment, instead of in
I don’t like to
front of strangers. feel
But even if I have worked something out for myself, I won’t humiliated. It’s okay if
always volunteer to share. Sometimes, I just feel awkward or I’m my friends
judge me, but
not confident of the answer. I don’t want to teach others the I don’t want
wrong thing. What if it comes out in the exam?! But I’ll do it if to teach
the lecturer calls on me lah. others the
wrong thing.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


• Data points on yellow post-‐its

• Data points placed on flipchart
• Move data points around manually

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


Cluster BOTH methods,
Form if necessary
clusters from
“starred” data points related data points
1. Already have a “feeling” about 1. Don’t have a “feeling” or don’t
the importance of certain data know where to start?
points? 2. Pick up data points that seem
2. Tell your team about each of similar from the team’s collection
them, and see if other people and cluster them together
have the same “insight” arising 3. Ask: what does this cluster
from their interviews represent about the target user?
3. Place these similar data points Why did we put these points
together to form a cluster together – what are they telling

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

How to cluster your data-‐points using Method 1:
Highlight an important point and cluster around
Have I learnt
something new
What challenges about the issue?
What is very does my
important interviewee face?
to my What made me
What motivates What changed
interviewee? him/her? feel deeply?
my perspective
or challenged my

Step 1: Identify and explain to your team each important data point
(your “starred” data points or INSIGHTS) that you came up with. Also
highlight anything
Learning you
Express Workshop don’t
for Partner quite understand for discussion.
Step 2: Cluster relevant data points around your
INSIGHT and identify other INSIGHTS associated with
this cluster
Does each cluster
support the “insight?”
If things don’t fit, look
for other similarities &

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Step 3: Further cluster the “insights” to uncover the
user’s NEEDS

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Note: attributes of Need statements

• It is NOT a solution
• It addresses a gap in the user’s experience
• It addresses your project statement

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators


Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

People often adjust their chair slightly before sitting
down, even though the chair’s position does not change

People desire to be in control of the things around them.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Purpose of Personas:
To create a profile which will serve as a reference & inspiration
throughout the solution development

Let’s start with…
Who is PO?
What is his background?
What does he want to do
with his life?
What makes him happy?
What are his life’s
What does he need to

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Creating a Persona
A Persona:
1. Is a fictional but ‘REAL’ character.
2. Describes a group of users based
on the consolidation of real data.
3. Is more than just demographic
4. Captures the users’ behaviour,
beliefs, motivation, pain points,
needs, etc.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Why Create Personas?
1. Consolidates your understanding of
your target user
2. Acts as a common point of focus for
the team
3. Helps you to avoid building what
users ask for; reminds you to focus on
what they will actually use
4. Helps the team resolve
disagreements since it serves as the
benchmark for decisions
5. Serves as a reference to evaluate
your designs regularly

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Examples of Personas
How to create your Persona
Your Persona must be comprehensive and coherent
It illustrates your DEEP UNDERSTANDING of your target user

Pull info from the work done so far:

interviews, data analysis, clusters,
insights, needs

Highlight key points that describe

your Persona and provide
information that captures your
understanding of who he or she is

Supplement your text with visuals to

present a more complete picture

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Create Your Persona
Catchy & descriptive name
Name: (e.g. Frustrated Felix)


Short paragraph to describe him

(Demographics: age, occupation, marital
status, family size, lives with who, etc.) Find an Asian face that best
fits your persona; should be
Likes/dislikes (2-‐3 points) larger than the other pictures.
Beliefs (3 key points)
Challenges (3 key points)
Motivations (3 key points)
Defining quote (what he would say)

List the Persona’s top three needs Find photos that help you visualize the key points
stated in your persona

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Present your Persona and
his/her Needs

Your Persona must be

comprehensive and
coherent Illustrate your
your target user

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

Use the template below create your Persona.

Persona name:

Demographic Profile Motivations & Aspirations



Hobbies/Like/Dislikes Challenges/Pain Points

Social & Family L ifestyle Defining Quotes Deep Need Statement:

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Use the template below create your Persona.

Persona name: Motivated Mark

Demographic Profile Motivations & Aspirations

Age: 17
Gender: Male •To represent the Poly in the Marketing Competition.
Marital status & Family size: •To excel academically so as to qualify for government scholarship.
Both parents working, elder brother 23, •To continue to contribute to the Outdoor Sports club activities.
younger sister 15
Job: givetuition
House: HDB 3 roomsflat

Hobbies/Like/Dislikes Challenges/Pain Points

Since young he enjoys handicrav like
origami, kite making and sell them at •Stress from Poly project work.
weekend flea market; listening to music, •Limited time spent with both family and friends.
surfing the Internet. Likes outdoor sports •Struggling with certain subjects deemed to be too theoretical and/or require a lot of memory work.
& going out with friends. Struggles to
remember theories and definitions.

Social & Family L ifestyle Defining Quotes Deep Need Statement:

Every Wednesday is reserved for his
outdoor sports club activities where he “I enjoy hands-‐onlearning”
serves as club vice-‐chairman. During the
I need to overcome my self-‐doubt in
“I want to do weel in my studies to be
week, he has school group projects. admiwed to local university” remembering theories & definitions.
Weekends are for family, friends, giving “I want to become the next outdoor sports
tuition to earn some pocket money & club chairman”
Sunday flea market store.

Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators
Create Your Persona
Catchy & descriptive name
Name: (e.g. Frustrated Felix)


Short paragraph to describe him

(Demographics: age, occupation, marital
status, family size, lives with who, etc.)

Likes/dislikes (2-‐3 points)

Beliefs (3 key points)
Challenges (3 key points)
Motivations (3 key points)
Defining quote (what he would say)


List the Persona’s top three needs

Find photos or draw pictures that help you
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators visualize the key points stated in your persona
Wrap Up
Learning Express Workshop for Partner Facilitators

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