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17th May, 2018 American Civil War


Purpose: Understanding the differences in

economic status of the North and South and

Content: Economies of the North and South


Skills: Interpreting historical accounts

Source analysis

Industrial - weapons manufacturing, Agricultural - cash crops like tobacco

between North and leather goods, iron production, textiles

Commercial and manufacturing
and cotton
Highly dependent upon the sale of
South economy, comfortable in local market
By 1860, 90 percent of the nation's
staples to a world market
By 1815, cotton was the most valuable
manufacturing output came from export in the United States; by 1840, it
northern states. was worth more than all other exports
The North produced 17 times more Little manufacturing capability, about
cotton and woolen textiles than the 29 percent of the railroad tracks, and
South, 30 times more leather goods, 20 only 13 percent of the nation's banks
times more pig iron, and 32 times more
firearms. The North produced 3,200
firearms to every 100 produced in the
South. Also significantly higher quality
Attracted mass-European immigration Not much attraction for immigrants –
through the mid-19th century - only 9 million immigrants in the states
approximately 23 million of the Confederacy
Centre of trade from industrialisation Expansive plantations spread apart to
with bustling ports like Boston support agriculture
Slavery & Economy: (1:10)
Worksheet of Southern • Why does Calhoun, in the first extract,
Justification believe slavery to be a ‘positive good’?
• According to Harper, in the second extract,
why are the conditions of slavery better than
those of white free labourers in the North?
• What criticisms does Hammond, in the third
extract, make of the North?

What understanding can we gain of the

Southern view of slavery and the economy?
• As the economic basis and social
Sectionalism composition of the regions within the
United States changed, so too did the
culture, laws and practices of slave and
non-slave states.
• Sectionalism: an adherence or
commitment to local or regional concerns
resulting from a division of ideological,
social and economical differences
between the North and South between
1800 and 1850.
• North: urban, industrial, manufactured
goods v. South: agricultural, slave-based,
raw materials
In your books:

Why might mechanization and industrialisation be

an advantage to the North’s economy? Would this
manifest tension with the South?

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