Anova: Analysis of Variance: By: Sajid

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 By: Sajid

A Statistical Method: ANOVA

My Research and ANOVA

 Crowdsourcing and how to relate it with ANOVA

 Crowdosuricng is a process of outsourcing labourforce of potentially large size using some
open platform, crowd fund, Facebook, more like collaborative working strategy on business
 ANOVA is used to quantifying the collaborative work for different scenario [1].

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA: Introduction

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University


A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Why ANOVA instead of multiple t-tests

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University


A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA Hypotheses

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Analysis of Variance

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA: F-Statistics

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Illustration of Small F-statistics

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Illustration of Large F-statistics

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Total Variation in Two Parts

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Partitioned Variability

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Partitioned Variability

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Mean square Within and Mean Square Between

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA Assumptions

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA Example: Mobility

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University


A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Check for Equality of Variance between groups

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Calculate Overall Mean and Group Means

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Calculate the Within Sum of Square: SSW

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Calculate the Between Sum of Square: SSB

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Calculate MSB and MSW

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Calculate the ANOVA F-statistic

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Sampling Distribution of ANOVA F-statistic

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Fin the p-value of the ANOVA F-statistic

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA Table as a sample for Mobility Example

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

Decision about the Hypotheses

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA: Post-hoc Comparisons

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

ANOVA: Post-hoc Comparisons of Treatment 1
and Treatment 2

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University


A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University


We described ANOVA as step by Step and then Examplify it

using mobility scenario.

Illustration on Post-hoc (follow-up) has been outside of the

scope of ANOVA ,from the comparison applying two sample
t-test (as a part of post-hoc) with p-value (0.73) showed that
there is no significant difference in mean scores of example.

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

References (sources)

1. Yuan, Alvin, Kurt Luther, Markus Krause, Steven P. Dow, and Björn Hartmann. "Worker
Expertise and Expert Rubrics in Crowdsourced Design Critique." (2015).

A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University



A Statistical Method: ANOVA @ Monash University

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