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Submitted by
Manisha M
Physical science
Mount Carmel College,Kottayam

Adolescence is a transitional period involving many

biological,psychological,mental and social
developments and changes.
Adolescence, transitional phase of growth and
development between childhood and adulthood.
 The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an
adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 19.
This age range falls within WHO’s definition of
young people, which refers to individuals between
ages 10 and 24.
 Adolescence means 'to emerge' to achieve 'identity'.

 It is a time for the maturing of mind and behaviors as well.

 The length of time for this period of development varies.

 Adolescence can start at nine (9) and end at eighteen (18).

It can start at fourteen (14) and end at twenty five (25).

 On the one hand reaching out towards adult roles and on

the other still needing the love and protection of parents.

 It is a time when childrenundergo a crisis of identity

 Questions which have never bothered them before, start

haunting them now as they struggle for independence from
their parents.

 They want to be their own person.

 According to A.T. Jersild, "Adolescence is a span of fears during which
boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood mentally, emotionally,
socially and physically".
 It is not an age, but a stage.
• Early Adolescence:
• Middle Adolescence:
• Early adolescence is from 10 to 12years.
• Middle Adolescence Is from 12 to 16 years.
• The rate of growth increases, starting first in
the hands and feet and later in the limbs. • The peak of the height velocity curve is seen
• In early Adolescence, they start initiating • auxiliary hair and sweat glands develop.
independence from the family, and desire for • In 80% of girls the dramatic event of
privacy. menarche occurs. The timing for this is
• There may be a clash between the wish for influenced by genetic factors and nutritional
their autonomy and parental authority status
• In middle Adolescence, the school and peer
group gain importance.
• Girls develop into personal skills quicker, • Late Adolescence: Is from 16 to 19 years. The
loyalty and commitment matter more,shared body approximates the young adult and
information becomes important. development of secondary sex characteristics
is completed.
• Decisions of vocations and education are
made. Physical maturation can influence • In late Adolescence, career decisions are
school performance and aspirations for better finally traced. The child gradually returns to
achievement because the physical effect of the family, on a new footing.
pubertal development becomes incorporated
into the self-image.
 Adolescence may be looked upon as the last step in the
long period of development, which begins at the time of

 By the end of Adolescence, development has reached a

point where the individual is legally and socially regarded as
mature, and thus capable of living an independent life,free
from supervision and guidance

 According to Piaget “psychologically, Adolescence is the

age when the individual becomes integrated into the
society of adults, the age when the child no longer feels
that he is below the level of his elders but equal, at least in

• Adolescent’s life is full of hopes.

• The Adolescent is eager to interact with newexperiences,
• to find new relationships
• to examine inner strengths and explore the strengths of inner ability.
• Adolescents try to have freedom to think and set their own goals and discover means to achieve them.
• Adolescents want to have more freedom to enjoy.
• Love and power become a strong motivating force in life.
• Personality Development gets stronger at this period and continues to be in the same for a long time.

• Firstly, the Adolescent strives to grow up, to be big and yet also to have
some of the security that goes with being little.
• Secondly, there is something radical about being an Adolescent, yet also
something conservative.
• Thirdly, the Adolescents, if able to draw upon their resources, have a great
capacity for flexibility, yet they are rigid in many ways.
 Adolescence is a period of anxiety, a time to adjust with the
changes occurring in them during that period, a time to find
out the reason for their existence.

 Fast growth and structural changes in the body

 Development of new attitude towards oneself and others:

 Rising awareness of one's rights and duties:

 Confusing and dual standards:

 Adolescence is an age with


 Acquiring skills and building up attitude:

 Changes in the expression of emotion




• Peer pressure is the influence a peer group has on its members to fit into a
particular way of thinking and behaving
• The peer pressure can range from direct,open pressure,to more subtle and
non-confrontational pressures to think and act like everyone else
• Peer pressure is more about an adolescent choosing to do something,or
wear something,or say something or view things in a particular way in order
to feel accepted and valued by their peers
• It arises from an individual`s need to have the approval and acceptance of
his equals
• There are 2 types of peer pressure:
1. Positive peer pressure:
When the social influence exerted by age mates up on an individual
results in the development of desirable attitudes and behaviour
2. Negative peer pressure
When the social influence exerted by agemates up on an individual
results in the development of undesirable attitudes and behaviours
• Helps to develop healthy friendships,self-identity,self-esteem,and self-reliance
• Helps in the development of moral values and sense of justice
• Helps to adopt good habits in life such as reading books ,collecting
stamps,exercising,joining social activities and so on
• Gives exposure to the world and can lead youngsters to make right choices in life
• Learn how to be independent
• Can make youngsters to give up bad habits such as smoking,drinking
alcohol,cutting glasses etc
• Feel safe and boost their self-confidence
• Take positive risks and test out values and opinions of others
• Allow for high self-esteem and self-worth,thereby promoting the exploration and
development of personal strengths
• Test out their strengths and limitations

• Cultivation of bad habits such as doing drugs ,smoking ,shoplifting,eve teasing and
so on
• Peer pressure often causes truancy and subsequent scholastic
• Making wrong academic and carrer choices
• Can lead to loss of individuality as the teen follow the peers blindly,adopt their
tastes of fashion,clothing,hair,music and living at large
• Affiliation to political extremist and communal fanatic groups
• Experience significant distress and other emotional problems that may continue
into adulthood
• Peer rejection can lead to problems later in life,such as mental health problems
and dropping out of school,depression,socially dissatisfied and experiencing lower
self-esteem,anxiety and anger
• Begin to seek more independence from their parents and carers
• Coercive and conflicting relationships confer developmental disadvantages
• Establish and maintain good communications and healthy and positive
relationships with the adolescent
• Being genuinely interested in teen`s activities
• Encouraging independent thought and expression
• Encourage positive relationship between significant adults and teens
• Encourage diverse relationships
• Encourage friendships with positive role models
• Teach assertiveness
• Support adolescents to be confident and true to themselves and show them care
• Nurture teens` abilities and self –esteem

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