Hernia Incarecerata Dan Strangulated - MP

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Hernia Abdomen
Penonjolan atau keluarnya organ atau jaringan dari posisi anatomi
normalnyadi luar kulit.

-Kelemahan dinding abdominal
Cacat atau ada lubang pada dinding perut
- Meningkatnya tekanan intra-abdomen
(abdominal tumors, ascites, chronic coughing, chronic constipation, and
long-term difficulty urinating)

Jenis - Jenis
1. Hernia Inguinalis
2. Hernia Umbilikalis
3. Hernia Femoralis
Yang, Xue-Fei, and Jia-Lin Liu. “Acute Incarcerated External Abdominal Hernia.” Annals of
Translational Medicine 2.11 (2014): 110. PMC. Web. 17 Oct. 2018.
Incacerated vs Strangulated)

Hernia Inkarserata
Common emergency surgery

• Diagnosis
Manifestasi klinis
-Nyeri di lokasi inkarserata
-Whole abdominal pain
-Mual dan Muntah
-Obstruksi Usus (menurunnya
gerakan usus)
Pemeriksaan Penunjang
USG, CT scan
Yang, Xue-Fei, and Jia-Lin Liu. “Acute Incarcerated External Abdominal Hernia.” Annals of
Translational Medicine 2.11 (2014): 110. PMC. Web. 17 Oct. 2018.
Sign and symptom
Hernia Incarcerata Hernia strangulata
• Painful enlargement of a • Patients have symptoms of an
incarcerated hernia
previous hernia or defect
• Systemic toxicity secondary to
• Cannot be manipulated ischemic bowel is possible
(either spontaneously or • Strangulation is probable if
pain and tenderness of an
manually) through the incarcerated hernia persist
fascial defect after reduction
• Nausea, vomiting, and • Suspect an alternative
diagnosis in patients who have
symptoms of bowel a substantial amount of pain
obstruction (possible) without evidence of
incarceration or strangulation

Pemeriksaan Penunjang
• CT scan
• Manual Reduction
• Surgery

Yang, Xue-Fei, and Jia-Lin Liu. “Acute Incarcerated External Abdominal Hernia.” Annals of
Translational Medicine 2.11 (2014): 110. PMC. Web. 17 Oct. 2018.

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