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Digital Telephony

Presentation By:

Mr. Devidas Chikhale

Assist. Prof. EXTC. Dept.

12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 1

Contents of presentation
 Merits & Demerits
 Overview of telephone networks
 Call flow in landline telephone
 Transmission
 Signaling
 Switching
The Term Digital Telephony:
refers to the use of digital technology
in the message path of voice
communication networks.
The term digital :
refers to a method of encoding the
digital signal.
Why Digital?

• To improve quality
• Add new features
• Reduce cost of conventional voice

12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 4

• Ease of Multiplexing
• Ease of signaling
• Use of Modern Technology
• Integration of Transmission and Switching
• Signal regeneration
• Performance Monitoriability
• Accomodation of other Services
• Operability at low S/N or Interference ratio
• Ease of encryption

12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 5

Ease of multiplexing
•First inter office T carrier systems
• TDM & FDM equipments
• Analog TDM
• Requirement of TDM transmission
Ease of signaling
• Control information transmission
• Case in analog
• Use of DSL
• Insertion & extraction independent of
transmission medium
• Design of signaling equipments
• Upgradiation of digital systems
Use of Modern Technologies
• Multiplexer & switching matrix
• LSI telecommunication functions
• Completely nonblocking switches
• Analog IC’s
• Single pin
• Transmission systems
• Switch on chip
• Fiber optic transmission
Integration of Transmission & switching
•Independent Organisations
• Digital switching
• Not only eliminates equip. but greately
improves voice quality.
•Removal of ADC & DAC, low error rate,
voice quality by encoding & decoding .
• long dist. Voice quality identical to short
•Echo’s are eliminated
•All trunks are implimented as subchannels .
Signal Regeneration
• Reduction of probability of error
• Certain imperfections
• Ability to localize signal degradation's
• End to end quality
• ADC: loss of signal fidelity
• Tradeoff bet. Transmission quality & bw.
Performance Monitorability

•Source independent signal structure

•Analog systems
•FDM pilot signal
• Addition of parity, CRC check
• Monitoring certain redundancies in signal
w/f itself.
Accommodation of other services
• Phase distortion
• compensation for analog transmission
• Common transmission formats
eg. Television signals
Operability at low signal to noise
/Interference ratios
•Analog speech quality
• End to end S/N
•Virtually error free performance
• Ability to reject crosstalk
• Speech pauses
Ease of Encryption
• Sensitive conversations
• Analog voice
• More security to digital signals
• Increased Bandwidth
• Need for time synchronization
• Incompatibilities with analog facilities
• Topologically restricted multiplexing
• Need for extension bridges

12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 15

Telephony Background
• Overview of telephone Networks
– Analog N/w Hierarchy
– Bell system Hierarchy

12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 16

Three level system Hierarchy
First Level Switch

Third level
Level Switch
First Level

12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 17

Alternate Routing in North
American N/w

1 1 11
3 1 3
4 4
5 5
High usuage
Mesh –connected network


12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 19

Exchange area network

Toll network
End Toll offices


Tandom Tandom
EO office office

12/07/21 A Seminar on Digital Telephony 20

Telephone Elements
RX ( Earphone)
Touch Tone Keypad &
Frequency Generator

11 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
. 0
. Twisted pair
Copper wire
Electronic Amplifier
And Ringtone
TX( Microphone)
Wall Socket
Call Flow
Calling Subscriber Switching Center Called Subscriber
Off-hook signal(1) Identification ofcalling
Dial Tone(2) Subscriber(2)
Storage Allocation (3)
Address digit (4) Selection of out going Ringing Current(7)
circuit & digit analysis Answer Off-hook
(5) signal(8)
Switch path setup (6)
Ring Tone (7)
Both way Disconnect ringing Both way conversation
conversation tone & current
Forward Clear Supervision(9) Backward Clear on- on-
hook hook
Disconnect equip.
Transmission Systems
 Open Wire
 Paired Cable(UTP)
Coaxial Cable
Optical fiber Cable
Microwave Radio
Open Wire
•Telephone poles with cross arms.
•Glass insulators to support uninsulated wire
•Low attenuation (few 100 db/mile at voice
•Used for long, rural customer loops
•Needs large amount of copper
(25 times more than cable).
Unshilded Twisted Pair(UTP)
 For making trunks in early days.
 To connect terminal equipments to the
 Installed with two pairs to the home with extra
pair making it possible to add another line.
Coaxial Cable
For High bandwidth
and Video Services Shield( metallic, foil
or braid)
before OFC Copper

Outer Sheath
Coaxial cable
• To satisfy long haul requirement of the toll
• To combat attenuation: repeater amp. at
5.5 miles.
• Capacity of open wire/cable: 12 voice
•Capacity increase by : larger diameter
Decreasing distance between repeaters.
• Improving noise figure, linearity & bw of
repeater amplifier.
Optic Fibre Cable
Cladding( Refractive coating)


Higher bw, lower maintenance, lower attenuation,

Lower cost.
Optical Fiber Cable
 Fibers assembled into stranded or ribben
 Multifibre ribbon with min. 12 fibers.
 Loose or Tight buffering cable
 Transfer information as light of impulses
along a strand of glass.
 Repeaters at 100km
 Loss is calculated in dB/KM
Microwave Radio
• Requires line of sight bet. antennas installed.

Parabolic antennas

Switch store

A Satellite Link
Satellite Thin route & data
Inherent propagation
delay (250 msec)

Earth Station
 The signaling function of a telephone
network refer: to the means for
transferring network related control
information between Switching
nodes,various terminals, and users of the
 Categorised as 1) Supervisory signals
2) Information bearing signals
Types of signaling

DTMF In Channel Common SS7

Signaling Channel Channel Signaling
Associated signaling
Signali Signaling Signaling (CCS)

In Band Out of Band

Dc Pulse Signaling
Pulse length

Inter digit
Break(Open) < > <>

Digit length
Pulse Dialing
DTMF Signaling

DTMF Phone
Button digit or
Low band High band
1 697 1209
2 697 1336
3 697 1477
4 770 1209
5 770 1336
A [FO(flash 697 1633
B[ F( Flash) 770 1633

C[ I ( Immediate) 852 1633

In Channel Signaling
o Also called per trunk signaling.
o Uses the same transmission facilities or channel
as for voice.
o Inband: Signaling information in the same
band of freq’s used by voice.
o It can be used on any transmission
o Eliminates mutual interference. Eg. 2600Hz
In Channel Signaling
Out of band signaling:-
 Uses same facilities as the voice band but
different portion of the freq band.
 eg. Dc signaling on most customer loops.
 It depends on the transmission medium.
 Implimented above the cuttoff freq. of
voice separation filters. But <4khz.
 3825 Hz for the purpose.
Channel Associated Signaling
 T1 channel carries sequence of frames.
eg. 8*24+1 = 193bits

Channel Associated Signaling

Frame: 24 channels, 8data bits+ 1frame bit

Total : 193 bits/frame
 T1 frames are sent at 8khz.
 The first vertical row of 8 bits sent first.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4

- c - s - c - s - c - s - c - s - c - s - c - s
Channel Associated Signaling
Super Frame:-
 12 frames make super frame
 Framing bits of even numbered frames as
signaling bit.
 Framing bits line up in particular
pattern100011011100. Which decides
which 8 bits belong to which pattern.This
discerning called frame synchronization.
It looks specially at every 6th frame for
CAS signaling. These bits are called A/Bbits
Channel Associated Signaling
Extended Super frame:-
 Twice the size than super frame.
 Provide continuous error checking
& separate data channel.
 Every fourth bit provides framing
 4 signaling bits/channel.
 provides 16 signaling states in the 193rd
bit to ensure adequate synchronization,
supervisory control and maintenance capabilities.
COMMON Channel Signaling
 It refers to, instead of sending signaling
information over same facilities that carry
the message traffic ( voice signals), uses
dedicated data link between stored
program elements (computers) of
switching systems.
 Data link sends messages to identify
specific trunks & events related to it.
COMMON Channel Signaling
Per channel
Per channel signaling
Voice only

Voice& Matrix Matrix Voice&


Control Control
Data Link
COMMON Channel Signaling
 Only one set of signaling facilities for each
associated trunk groups.
 A single dedicated control channel.
 Dedicated channel inaccessible to users
 Simple procedure for transferring
information directly bet. Switching
 connections involving multiple switching
offices can be setup more rapidly.
Channel Signaling
 Control information relayed from one
node to other in store & forward fashion.
 High degree of reliability is required
in terms of physical facilities & error
control for data Disconnect signal
 No automatic test of voice circuits as when
voice channel is used to transfer control
All trunks in a group do not terminate at
the same switch in some instances.
SS7 ( Signaling System 7)
SS7 Network Architecture
 It consist of three signaling
I) Signal switching point or Service
switching point(SSP)
 ii) Signal control point or service
control point(SCP)
 III) Signal Transfer point or Service Transfer
point.( STP)
SS7 Network Architecture
Signal /service switching point:-(SSP)
o Local exchange that carries telephone
o Each SSP has numeric point code to
identify source & destination.
o Uses routing table to select path for
o Combination of voice switch & SS7 switch.
o Became mixture of circuit related & packet
related messages.
SS7 Network Architecture
SS7 Protocol suite:-
Layer Protocols
Application ISUP, TCAP, etc.
Transport SCCP
Network Message Transfer Part (MTP3) Level3
Datalink Message Transfer Part (MTP2) Level2
Physical Message Transfer Part (MTP1) Level1

TCAP: Transaction capabilities application part

SCCP: Signaling connection control part
SS7 Network Architecture
The Application layer (level 5)
ISUP: ISDN user part to setup telephone
calls correctly bet. Diff. Switches.
It is part of ITU-T recommendations
or ANSI.
Transport layer:(level 4):-Responds to request from
application layer typ. Processors in host computer.
The signaling connection control part(sccp) routing
protocol provides end to end routing for TCAP
messages to their proper database.
SS7 Network Architecture
TCAP( Transacation capabilities application
i) Deployment of advanced intelligent
network services by supporting non
circuit related information exchange bet.
Signaling points using SCCP
connectionless services.
ii) Supports remote control.
iii) TCAP messages are contained within
SCCP portion of a message signal unit.
SS7 Network Architecture
MSU:- Message Signal Unit
i) Provides structure to carry the
information in the ss7 n/w.
ii) Information can be circuit based or non
circuit based,ie routing info. N/w
management data.
iii) Originate from MTP3or MTP user.
iv) Serves as payload carrier for high level
messages as SCCP, ISUP, TCAP
v) Helping transfer user messages bet. two peer
level 4 protocols in signaling points.
SS7 Network Architecture
SCCP:- ( Signaling connection control part)
i) Provides connection oriented and
connectionless n/w services above n/w
ii) Provides subsystems numbers to allow
messages to be addressed to specific
applications or subsystems at signalling
iii) Serves as transport layer for TCAP based
such as free phone,calling card,wireless roaming
SS7 Network Architecture
iv) Provides the means by which STP can perform
global title translation(GTT).
For MTP users, SCCP messages are composed of
three parts.
a) A mandatory fixed part
b) A mandatory variable part
c) optional part
SS7 Network Architecture
MTP ( Message Transfer Part):-
 Designated as joint transport system.
 Meet the requirment of diff. Users.
Network Layer(MTP3)
 provides functional & procedural means
of transferring signaling messages.
 Responsible for network management.
 Routers send data through the extended
n/w making internet possible.
SS7 Network Architecture
MTP2:-Message Transfer part2
functional & procedural means for data
transfer bet. N/w entities.
 Detects & correct errors that occur in
physical layer.
 Error messages can be retransmitted
using signal units or packets.
MTP1:-Message Transfer part1
Uses a timeslot in T/E carrier.
SS7 Network Architecture
Signal Control Point:- (SCP)
 Act as gateway bet. Core SS7& world of
intelligent peripheral (IP).
 IP helps the SCP decide how to deliver
enhanced services to the subscriber, voice
customization, recognition,multimedia
person to person messaging.
 It heralds approach of next generation
networks which blend PSTN & PSDN.
SS7 Network Architecture
Signal Transfer point:- (STP)
Most versatile, packet switches, acts like
router in SS7 n/w.
Major component in the n/w.
Acts like a firewall, screening messages to
& from , & with, other n/w’s.
Routes messages from & to outgoing
signaling links over SS7 n/w.
 Refers to the setup & release connection
between transmission channels on an
“ as needed basis”.
 Switching categories for voice circuits.
I) Local ( line to line)
ii) Transit or (Tandem) switching
III) Call distribution
Switching Functions

local Transit switching

Trunks End
concentrator office

Transit Transit

Types of Switching
 Space division switching
 Time division switching
 Time slot interchange
Space time space
 Time space time
Space Division Switching



M outlets
Time division switching
A time division multiplexed frame, each
Sample 1,2,3,4 with consecutive time slot

3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2

Timeslot Frame Sample
Timeslot interchange switch
Input TDM Stream

3 4 A B C D 1 2 3 4

Output TDM

3 4 1 2 3 4 B D C A Time

A frame is a sequence of timeslot interchange switch

TST Switching
 Timeslotinterchange work by writing each
frame into a buffer memory & then reading
the information out in a different order
onto the output.

M K Outlets


A Timeslot Interchange (TSI) switching element

Space-Time-Space switching

Secondaries Teritary

M A-buses B-buses
inlets outlets


Three stage space-time-space switch
STS Switching
L:-space division matrices M:I/p’s,K:o/p’s
R:- space division matricesK: I/p’s N: o/p’s
 Inlets are TDM with L timeslots per frame.
 Outlets are TDM with R timeslots per
 Pri. & teritary are time division matrices.
 K secondaries are buffers
 Calling timeslot must be idle in A-bus &
 Called timeslot must be idle in B-bus
 making Kroutes spatially disjointed.
Time –Space-Time Switching

Primaries Tertiaries

M A -buses outlets

Time –Space-Time Switching
L timeslots per frame at the inlet & R
timeslots per frame at the outlet.
 All frames have equal periodic timeslots.
 Secondary is a time division matrix
having k timeslots.
 Pri. & Tertiaries are buffers.
 K routes are not spatially disjoint bcz
each route occupies a diff.timeslot in the
same physical pair of buses
 Matching must occur in time
What is ISDN?

•ISDN is a set of standards which define an

end to end Digital Network
Features of ISDN
 Uses digital signal.
 Can transport many types of digital
traffic voice,data,video,text,graphics.
 Faster data rate than modem
 Alternate to using leased lines.
 Uses existing telephone wiring
ISDN Architecture
• Bearer channels ( B-channels)
• Delta/Demand channels ( D channels)
• High capacity channels ( H channels)
Features of B - CHANNEL
 End to end four wire digital circuits.
 Shared n/w access for voice ,data &
leased lines.
 Relatively high bandwidth data channels
( 64 kbps)
 Lower error rates than typical voiceband
 In service performance monitoring
Features of D-Channel
 Calling number identification
 User to user message transfer
 Access to packet switching network
 Signaling simultaneous with active
 Far end supervision
 Telemetry for fire alarms,security,meter
ISDN Service
BRI (Basic Rate Interface)
Connection from the ISDN office to the user location provides for
access to three channels. The channels are two 64Kb B-channels and
one 16Kb D-channel
The B-channels and the D-channel provide the user with access to the
circuit switched network
ISDN Service
PRI (Primary Rate Interface)
ISDN Primary Rate Interface service provides digital access via a T1
line. A T1 line provides a 1.544MBps bandwidth. This bandwidth is
divided into 24 64Kb channels. The ISDN PRI service uses 23 B
channel access and uses the 24th (D) channel for signaling purposes.
Telecommuter/Remote Office
Components & Considerations
ISDN Router
Multiple remote users at the same location
ISDN Protocols
Protocols which start with the following letter:

E - Protocols recommend telephone network standards for


I - Protocols for Concepts, terminology and general methods

Q - Protocols, how switching and signaling should operate,

call setup etc.
How VOIP Works?
Continuously sample audio
Convert each sample to digital form
Send digitized stream across Internet in packets
Convert the stream back to analog for playback
Why VoIP?
IP telephony is economic; High costs for traditional
telephone switching equipments.
How VOIP Works?
How VOIP Works?

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