Punchlist Process

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Punchlisting Process


 The purpose of this presentation is to

make all personnel aware of the
Punchlisting process.
 This includes defining requirements for;
• Controlling the walk down process.
• Recording of deficiencies.
• Reporting non-conformances and
outstanding rectification work of
What is Punchlisting?

A deficiency management process

• Identification of deficiencies in and out
of scope.
• Categorisation based around working
safely and progressing completion in
the most time-efficient manner.
• Resolution on what will be done.
Resolution of Deficiencies

 Resolution options
• Do nothing
• accept as is and live with the problem since
cost of rectification and impact of deficiency on
functionality is minimal.
• deficiency can be corrected during future
maintenance outages when equipment is
changed out.
• Complete the work to design scope.
• Change the scope by adding or removing.
• Arrange for the deficiency to be addressed by
the Client.

 Provide a clear explanation of the deficiency.

 Specify location in the deficiency descriptor.
 Field mark the item to assist location by
rectification team.
 Start the description with an action, such as;
• Relocate …
• Paint …
• Install …
• Tighten …
• Rotate …

 Deficiencies are categorised as follows;

• Category A: Before energisation
• Category B: Before commencement of
load commissioning.
• Category C: Before Project completion.
• Category D: Out of Scope requiring
further funding.

 Class refers to witnessing completion for

clearance of deficiencies and is designated
as follows;
• Class 1: Can be signed off by EPCM.
• Class 2: Requires Client sign off.
Objective Of Walk Down

 Validation of Scope
• Necessary for successful progression of
Handovers and Project closure.
 Confirmation of Quality
• Ensure that equipment is installed in
accordance with the plant design and is
in a condition to operate safely and
Punchlist Walk down Process

 Invite required attendees to the walk down.

 Meet at a designated point.
 Define the scope of the walk down.
 Conduct the walk down inspection.
 Record any deficiencies on to the Punchlist entry form.
 Return to a designated meeting point.
 Discuss the deficiencies and then categorise and assign
 Sign off the Punchlist entry form.
 Provide copies immediately to the contractor to commence
rectification work.
 Close the meeting.

 Inspect for:
• Completeness
• Quality
• Safe operability
• Maintainability

Formal Punchlisting of the equipment will

involve nominated representatives of :
 Installation Contractor
 EPCM Construction
 EPCM Engineering
 EPCM Commissioning
 Client Owners Team
 Client Operator.
Did You Miss Something?

 Scope deficiencies discovered after the

walk down can be added to the Punchlist
database pending discussion with and
approval by the construction and
commissioning managers.
 The deficiency is recorded on a Punchlist
entry form and requires approval prior to
entry into the Punchlist database.
Punchlist Entry Form
Date: Page of

Area Manager Representative Construction Representative Commissioning Representative Operations Representative


Area: System Subsystem Description: Supervisor:

Mechanical or Electrical

No. Description of Defects Raised By Cat Class Due Date Responsibility

Category A: Prior to NoE B: Prior to Process Introduction C: Prior to Project completion D: Out of scope
Class 1: EPCM sign off 2: Client sign off

 Single Formal Walk down (by discipline

Mechanical or Electrical).
 Up to 7 days notice to participants to attend.
 Pre and Post Punchlist meetings.
 Deficiencies identified and agreed by Punchlist
 Clearance by Responsible Person on or before
due date.
 Punchlist managed by CMS database.

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