Sodomy New

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Introduction of Sodomy
The word sodomy is derived from Greek word “Sodom”.
Sodom was a city destroyed by God because of the evil of its
inhabitants. The Greeks of Golden age were used to practice it
and is also called “Greek Love”.
It is an anal intercourse between two male(homosexual
sodomy) or between a male and a female(heterosexual
sodomy). It is also called buggery.
Gerontophilia : Passive agent is an adult.
Paederasty : Passive agent is the child. Such a child is known
as catamite.
Introduction of Sodomy
• Pedophile : An adult who repeatedly engages in sexual
activities with children.
• Eunuchs : A class of male prostitutes which acts as a
passive agent of sodomy and is common in India.
Among them, they are of 2 groups:
1. Hijrahs - Those whose penis and scrotum are
removed with a knife at a secret ceremony before
2. Zenanas – Their genitals are intact.
• It is frequently seen among sailors, prisoners and in
military barracks and prevails at all levels of society.
Case Scenario
A 14 years old boy Bikash Karki, son of Ramesh Karki
& Sarita Karki studying in a school at Aaptaari,
Chitwan was reported within 4 hours of unnatural
sexual offence (anal intercourse) on 28th September
2018 at Bharatpur police station . He claimed that
he became a victim of anal intercourse with a
teacher of his School, 30 years old looking male at
around 5 pm. He was brought by his parents and
police constable on the same day at 9 pm in
emergency of Bharatpur Government Hospital.
Pre-requisites before examination
• A requisition for examination of the passive agent should
come from an authorized person, either a magistrate of in
charge of a police station
• Written witness consent should be obtained
• The passive agent should be identified by the escorting
police constable whose name and no. should be recorded
• Examination should be done in presence of female
attendant only.
• Enquire about the bowel habits ,use of laxatives,enema or
suppositories and any surgical operation or instrumentation
of bowel, previous acts of anal intercourse , their frequency
and last act of anal intercourse.
Examination of passive agent
 The specific history(from victim) includes :
1. The date, time and place of alleged act
2. The position in which sodomy was preferred
3. Details of struggle or resistance
4. Use of any lubricant
5. The degree of penetration
6. Did assailant wear condom or not
7. Ejaculation during the act
8. Pain experienced at time of incident or subsequently
9. Any bleeding or defecation after the alleged act
10.Whether bathed or washed the anal area after the act
11.History of any venereal disease
12.History of suffering from any illnesses and taking any medicines
Physical Examination
• General examination
I. Height
II. Weight
III. BP , Pulse , Temp
IV. General built
V. General behavior
VI. Gait (painful or not)
VII. Injury on his body (if any)
Examination of Clothes
The clothings are examined as in case of victim of rape.
1. Blood Stains
2. Seminal Stains
3. Fecal stains
4. Mud and dust stains
5. Tearing of clothes
6. Hair of the accused on the body parts of victim
Presence of blood, seminal and fecal stains in the
crutch area of the underwear and trousers or not
General injuries together with scratches , especially on
the back and buttocks.
Examination of passive agent of
• The examination is carried in presence of
attendant either in lateral position or better in
prone position or in knee elbow position.
• Swabs are taken from anal verge and skin of
• A small , unlubricated proctoscope passed and
swabs taken from lower rectum and anal canal.
Injuries or mucosal abnormality is seen for in lower
rectum and anal canal.
Anal Examination
• Salient features:
1. Anal muscle is found dilated, irritable and tender
to touch.
2. Digital examination may show loss of elasticity
and tone. On DRE (Digital Rectal Exam),
If only one finger is admitted with discomfort and
there are no scars, it indicates that full act has not
taken place
If two fingers are admitted with slight discomfort
and there are no scars, then it is possible that the
complete act has taken place.
3.Haematoma is frequently seen as a diffuse
swelling of the anal margin, with obliteration of
the anal skin folds.
4.There may be triangular bruised-tear at the
posterior part of the anus with its base externally
at anus indicating sudden violence. This is seen
by pulling outwards the skin of the buttocks.
5. There may be anal prolapse
6. Fissures may be produced due to the
overstretching of the skin. It is single and seen at
the posterior quadrant
Anal Examination
7.Blood stains around the anus, on perineum
and on clothes.
8. Faecal matter around the anus.
9. There is pain during walking, defaecation and
anal examination.
10.Signs of struggle such as bruises, abrasion,
teeth bite marks on face , neck , hands ,chest ,
trunk, buttocks etc should be noted
• The only proof of sodomy is the presence of a
semen in the anus.
• Lubricant matter, seminal fluid or venereal
infections found at the anus or recovered by
swabs from the rectum is a strong evidence of
the crime.
Habitual passive agent
The following signs may be present:
• The shaving of the anal hair.
• The skin about anus becomes smooth and thickened extending up
into the anal canal to the mucocutaneous junction
• The muscle of the anus loses its tone
• Slight depression of buttocks towards the anus due to absorption of
• Dilatation and laxity of the anus, and an epithelialisation of the
wrinkled mucosa of this part.
• There may be anal fissures, scars, etc.
• Absence of fine wrinkles in the anal mucosa.
• Presence of venereal disease
• A thumb is placed on each side of the anus
and bimanual lateral traction is applied
• In persons who are not accustomed to
sodomy, there will be reflex constriction of
the anal sphincter.
• In a habitual sodomite, a complete relaxation
of the sphincter occurs with dilation of the
anal opening through which the rectum can
be seen.
Specimen Collected
• Blood
• Urine
• Head hair
• Pubic hair
• Loose hair and fibres found on the body.
• Swabs from any soiled areas of skin
• Swabs from the anal , perianal and lower rectum
with the aid of a proctoscope
• Rectal washing with sterile saline
• Nail scrapings
Reporting of victim of sodomy
Date:28th September 2018
Regd. No: 34443
Requisition for examination was received from: Sub
Inspector , Bharatpur Police Station
Letter No: 24553
Date: 28th September, 2018
Vide PS case No: 1212
Place of examination: Bharatpur Government Hospital
Date and Time of examination: 28th September 2018 at
9:00 PM on the same day
Details of Victim
• Name : Bikash Karki
• Address : Aaptari, Chitwan
• Age : 14 years(as stated)
• Religion : Hindu
• Occupation: Student
• Parents name : Ramesh Karki, Sarita Karki
• Brought and identified by: Ramesh Babu (Police
• Consent for examination in writing or thumb
impression: Obtained from the parents of the victim
• Identification Marks
1.A black linear non-tender scar on the chin
3cm long 1mm wide.
2.Non hairy, flat, black mole of 2mm diameter
1cm lateral from the lateral canthus of the
• As given by the police:
Bikash Karki was staying late in School for extra-
curricular activities when the teacher in charge
forced him for anal intercourse at around 5 pm,
on 28th September 2018 he was brought by his
parents and police constable at bharatpur police
station at 9 pm on the same day.
• As given by the victim:
 Date, time and place of occurrence of alleged act: 28th
September 2018, at 5:00 PM , at Aarodhya School in Aaptari,
 The victim was in prone position on the floor during the act.
 The teacher grabbed the victim’s hands and closed his
mouth with a cloth during the act.
 He was conscious but terrified and cried during the act.
 He couldn’t offer any resistance to the act.
 He complains of pain during walking.
 He hasn’t washed his anal area after the act.
 He hasn’t changed his clothing after the incident( he was
wearing School Uniform white shirt, black pants and a tie) .
General Physical examination
• Height : 4 feet 10 inches
• Weight : 45 kgs
• General built :moderately built
• Gait : Slow pace with legs apart, painful
• Injury on his body:
Linear abrasions on both sides of neck and on
both arms
Bite marks on his back
Abrasions on the medial aspect of thigh
Bruises on the angle of mouth
Examination of Clothings
• The clothes are examined and the following
findings are found:
 Blood, seminal and faecal stain are seen in the
crutch area of underwear and trousers
 Tear of trouser especially of the buttock area
 Dust particles on the front of the shirt
Local(anal) examination
• Features found:
1.Anal muscle is found dilated, irritable and tender to
2.Digital examination shows loss of elasticity and
tone(allows two finger to pass).
3.Haematoma is present around the anal margin.
4.Multiple linear abrasions extending from anal margin to
anus anteriorly and laterally with adherent specks of
5.Triangular bruised tear at the posterior part of anus.
6.Fissures are produced due to stretching of skin.
7.Blood and semen stains around the anus and
perineal region
8.Fecal matter present around the anus
9. He has pain during examination.
10. Presence of semen in anus
Laboratory examination
• Anal swab and rectal swab: shows semen and
spermatozoa but not gonococci
• Swab from peri-anal area: no lubricant is used
• Loose foreign pubic hair sent for examination
in FSL ( Forensic Science Lab).
• Blood/serum: A-positive, negative
VDRL(venereal disease research lab test)
Taking into consideration the history of case,
clinical data on examination and findings as per
report of F.S.L, all being considered together, I am
of opinion that-
A recent full act of the unnatural sexual
intercourse with dilation of anus because of
introduction of a full sized erect adult penis , has
in all probability been done, as anus admits 2
fingers with evidences of fresh tear and bruising
around the anal margin and presence of semen in
the anal canal.
• Date : September 28th , 2018
• Place : Bharatpur Government Hospital ,Bharatpur

Signature of Medical Officer

Name of Medical Officer :
Designation :Medical Officer
Registration Number: 44756

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