Basic Principles of Language Teaching

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Presented by Group 3:

Aris Purwantoro
Indyra Mahdiana
Rizky Wulan Suci
I. Principles in Language Teaching (Theoretically)
According to Brown (2000) principles of language teaching
are mapped into three parts, namely:
1. Cognitive Principles:
 Principle that related to mental and intellectual functions
 According to Cognitive view, Learning is

Received by 5 Processed and Abilities /

Input Coming Output Learning
senses Stored in Memory Competencies

 There are 5 cognitive principles, namely:

a. Automation d. Intrinsic Motivation
b. Meaningful Learning e. Strategic Investment
c. Award Anticipation
It means produce language without thinking of words per
word, or focusing on structure and sentence form
Process of Automation: Principles of Automation:

Get input by listening and observing Unconscious language absorption

through direct communication in
Unintentionally input will enter his the classroom.
Ready to use language Avoid analysis of language forms
when producing utterances.
Practice without thinking about what
are saying The use of efficient and fluency
language is more focused on the
Use language automatically without
purpose rather than the form.
fear of making mistakes
Implications of The Principle Of Automation In

1. Language learning usually begins with an introduction

to the language system (structure, phonology,
discourse, etc.)
2. Ensure language learning focuses on language use.
3. Automation cannot be achieved overnight, so teachers
need to train students patiently and continue to help
them achieve fluency.
B. Meaningful Learning Principle
It means students process information, then monitor it,
and devise some strategies regarding that information.

Implications of the principles of meaningful learning

in learning:
1.Invite students to talk
2.Providing scaffolding, bridging students with prior
knowledge before introducing further knowledge
3.Avoid techniques that are often used in memorizing
C. Anticipation of Awards Principle
Humans are generally controlled by certain "rewards" in
doing things. Rewards often make students eager to
learn and motivated
Implications of the principles of anticipation of
awards in learning:
1. Provide reinforcement in the form of verbal and nonverbal
2. Encourage students to praise each other or give
3. Become a teacher who can attract students' attention.
4. Tell students the long-term usefulness of mastering the
D. Intrinsic Motivation Principle
It is internal motivation to do something for something
itself (the goal itself).

Implications of the principles of Intrinsic Motivation

Principle in learning:
The teacher's role in dealing with students with
high intrinsic motivation is to first find out what
constitutes the intrinsic motivation of students
D. Strategic Investment Principle
The success of mastering a second language or
foreign language lies in the "investment" of the
language learner in the time, effort, and attention to
the language being studied.

Implications of the Strategic Investment Principle in

1. Give equal attention to all students.
2. Knowing each student's learning style.
3. Using teaching techniques that vary according to students'
learning styles.
2. Affective Principles:
 Principle that related to emotions and feelings
 Some variables are involved in studying the emotional side of
human behavior in the process of language learning such as
self-esteem, self-confidence, self-knowledge, etc.
 Example :
Students have high self confidence, tends to achieve success,
conversely students have low self confidence tends to imagine
 There are 4 affective principles, namely:
a. Ego Language Principle d. Risk Tasking principle
b. Self Confidence Principle e. Language and Culture
Relations Principle
A. Ego Language Principle
If a person learns to use a second language, then he
also develops a second identity (the way of thinking,
feeling, and acting) related to the second language
he uses.

Implications of the Ego Language Principle in

1. The teacher always acts to encourage students to not be
anxious in using the target language.
2.the teacher should treat students with tenderness
and wise attitude.
B. Self Confidence Principle
The learner's belief in his ability will be a factor in his
success in achieving the goal.
Example : students who feel confident in themselves
lead to successfully work on a series of tasks given
Implications of Self Confidence Principle in
1.The teacher should try to find out what students can
and what students cannot
2.Study material should be arranged from the easy to
the difficult
C. Risk-Tasking Principle
Students are accustomed to taking risks in using the
language without fear of making mistakes.
Implications of the Risk-Tasking Principle in
1.Teachers must be creative in creating a conducive
classroom atmosphere
2.Teachers can also provide reasonable challenges
that are not easy and not too difficult.
3.The teacher must also provide reinforcement to
students .
D. Language and Culture Relations Principle
Focuses on the complex relationship between language and
In ELT, the teacher also teaches a complex system of
customs, culture, values, and ways of thinking, feeling, and
acting native speakers of English language
Implications of the Language and Culture Principle in teaching:
1. Language teachers can discuss cross-cultural differences
with students
2. Teachers can also use certain materials that describe the
relationship between language and culture
3. The teacher can also display impressions relating to
cultural aspects, and so on.
3. Linguistic Principles:
Principle that centered on the language itself and
how students understand the complex linguistic
Students must be given wide opportunities to create
utterances in the actual communicative situation, not
just imitating and memorizing.
 There are 3 linguistic principles, namely:
a. Mother's Language Influence Principle
b. Interlanguage Principle
c. Communicative Competence Principle
A. Mother's Language Influence Principle
Mother tongue of the student has a strong influence on the
acquisition of the target language system. These influences
can be supportive or disruptive to the production process
and new language.

Implications of Mother's Language Influence Principle in

1. Teachers should view students' mistakes as windows that
are the basis for providing appropriate feedback to
2. Giving students an understanding that not all their mother
tongue systems will cause errors in the target language.
B. Interlanguage Principle
 Can be simply defined as language that used by language

Implications of interlanguage principle in teaching:

1. Tolerate certain forms of interlanguage errors that may arise
from students' logical development process
2. Does not make students feel stupid because of
interlanguage errors
3. Providing feedback to students and giving the message that
making mistakes is not a bad thing
4. Teachers as assessors must be able to select each mistake
and expose errors wisely
C. Communicative Competence Principle
 Communicative competence is the goal of a language
class, learning needs to point towards all its components:
organization, pragmatic, strategic and psychomotor

Implications of communicative competence principle in

1. Explanation of grammar is only part of a lesson or
2. Don't forget to teach psychomotor skills (pronunciation)
3. Students must have the opportunity to gain fluency in
English without having to be aware of small mistakes
II. Basic Principles in Language Teaching (Practically)
According to Broughton, et al (2003) there are three basic
principles in language teaching :

and practice
1. Selecting and Grading
 Selection : Decisions are made about what is to be taught
Grading : Breaking down of that body of knowledge or skills
into teachable units
2. Contextualization
 Language is a communicative system representative of
reality and thought.
Every utterance, to be language, has a meaning, relating to
and part of itst. Contex
3. Presentation and practice
Presenting new material, practicing familiar material and
testing it
III. Principle in Teaching English As A Foreign
1. Language is being used as a tool to accomplish a task or reach
a goal
2. Students need to be exposed to large amounts of language
that is interesting and useful to them.
3. Students already have knowledge and experiences that they
can bring the target language.
4. Students need prcatice in all the varieties of ways that native
speakers use the language to develop their proficiency.
5. A supportive environment is important for the full development
of language proficiency

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