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› Yogin Vora
The Indian Real Estate Market:
Contribution to the Economy
› Contribution to GDP of about 7%
› Second largest employment generator in the
› Real estate growth gives boost to steel and cement
› Real estate is a growth engine for development of
over 269 allied industries
Úajor Growth Driver:
› Residential Segment:
DÃncrease in Ãncome level combined with trends
of higher urbanisation and nuclear families.
DBacked by easier availability of housing loan

› ommercial Segment:
DÃndia emerging as global back office for services
like à & à based business, multinational
companies , SEZ¶s.

‡ Retail & Entertainment Segment:

DGiven growing disposable income & emergence of
organised retail, entertainment destinations.
› merican Banking ollapse is more miniscule
› 1000 times bigger than the mortgage bubble
› RBà examined books of 10 realtors to verify
solvency and assess risk of possible defaults
on loans and deposits
› ompanies Ãdentified ±
Lifespace, nsal roperties, hoenix
Úills,kruti iti,hoenix Úills,eninsular
Effects of Úeltdown on economy
D Fall in stock markets
D Ãncrease in interest rates
D Slowdown in à industry
D Unemployment
D Ãnflation
D Retail & tourism has also suffered
s a result real estate space witnessed pressure from
demand side and become very difficult to sell
Ãmpact on Real Estate sector
D Ãncrease in prices of inputs due to inflation effecting
all areas of economy like cement, steel, etc.
D Ãncrease in home loan interest rates resulting into
additional EÚÃ burden on the borrowers.
D Reduction in salaries and layoffs resulting into
reduced demand for Real estate
D Demand-supply imbalance
D Forced correction in prices
Ãmpact on Real Estate sector (contd.)

D Reduction in ommercial Rentals

D rojects¶ stagnancy

D Slow down in infrastructure projects

D Difficulties to raise fund (Failure of Emaar Ã)

D Loss of Jobs

D Shortage of skill workers

rice Reduction in Úajor cities


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rice Reductions
› verall price cuts of 10-12%
› Ãn Banglore, DLF group reduced prices by 25%
› Ãn hane, Lodha group cut prices by 30%
› Ãn Úumbai(Lower arel) rbit group cut prices by 20%
› verall 76 % dip in profits & 57 % fall in sales in First
Quarter of FY 09-10 over First Quarter of FY 08-09

› DLF - 79 % decline in profits & 57 % slide in sales

› Unitech ± 63 % decline in profits & 50 % slide in sales

› arsvanath, Ãndia bulls, DÃL, kruti, Shobha,

urvankara have reported decline in profits upto 95 %.
DReduction of interest rates.

DRBÃ policy for restructuring loans.

DReduction in excise duty on construction material

like cement.

DEncourage property development in ier ÃÃ and

ier ÃÃÃ cities
Úeasures † (

DUnder the Ãnterest Subvention Scheme Loan upto

Rs. 10 Lakh, & property value is not above Rs. 20
Lakh will get 1% lower interest.

D orporate like ata¶s introduced ano ousing

for Rs. 3.9 Lakhs- Rs. 6.7 Lakh called as Shubh
Griha project.

DSBÃ introduced 8 % housing loan scheme for one

year followed by the other SU & rivate Sector
Bank as well.
ips to Ãndividual Ãnvestors:
D Determine a budget

D Deal with reputed builders

D pt for developed properties

D heck out the rates of ³next best options´

D Go for fixed interest rate loans

D Don¶t bite freebies bait

Question to the udience
Úeltdown in Real Estate a Boon or a Bane ?

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