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SEO & Google Analytics

Darmawan Syah
Table of Content
● What you’ll need
● Introduction
● Products
● Get Started on the Web
● Firebase Hosting
● Introduction AngularJS
● Firebase + AngularJS
● References
What you’ll need

1. The IDE/Text Editor

2. Google Analytics Account
3. Firebase Console
4. Install NodeJS to run a local web server
Run this command in your terminal/Command Prompt/PowerShell to
check that you have npm installed: node -v
● Search Engine Optimization (SEO) adalah sebuah proses
untuk mempengaruhi tingkat keterlihatan (visibilitas) sebuah
situs web atau sebuah halaman web di hasil pencarian alami.

● Google Analytics layanan gratis dari Google yang

menampilkan statistik pengunjung sebuah situs web.
Get Started on the Web
1. Create a Firebase project in the Firebase Console
2. Click Add Project. If your project already has an app, select Add
App from the project overview page.
Firebase Hosting
1 Install the Firebase CLI
$ npm install firebase-tools

2 Access your Firebase projects

$ firebase login

3 Initialize your site

$ firebase init # Generate a firebase.json (REQUIRED)

Deploy your site

4 $ firebase serve # Run Local Server: http://localhost:5000
$ firebase deploy # Hosting URL: https://<PROJECT-ID>
Include Meta Tag
Example :

<meta name="description" content="Dsyech is the personal website of Darmawansyah, CTO of Doit

Project Indonesia, a company located in Banda Aceh."/>
Check Web Document
Google Analytics

Daftarkan websitenya, lalu masukkan Script ke setiap halaman web

SEO & Google Analytics

Sekian & Terima Kasih

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