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Competency 7:

KATELYN LOCKLEAR Assess Individuals,

Organizations, and
7.1: Collect and organize data, and apply critical
thinking to interpret information from clients and
 Gather and analyze information from clients as they come in to the office.
 Population affected by the storm

 Document relevant information pertaining to clients in our filing system.

7.2: Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment,
person-in-environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical
frameworks in interventions with clients and constituencies
 Apply the empowerment theory when working with clients.
 Understand how each client’s environment has shaped their behaviors and
thought processes.
 Apply the person-in-environment theory when assessing individuals in the
WAVE class
7.3: Develop mutually agreed-on intervention goals and
objectives based on the critical assessment of strengths,
needs, and challenges within clients and constituencies
 Further discuss wants and needs of clients after the initial intake.
 Assess the strengths and obstacles of each client.
 Discuss the possibility of attending classes for domestic violence victims with
the southeastern family violence center.
7.4: Select appropriate intervention strategies based on the
assessment, research knowledge, and values and preferences
of clients and constituencies
 Assist with the teaching of classes designed for domestic violence victims.
 Encourage clients to complete restraining orders.

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