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The Rise of Linux

Presented by Diana Lim

This is the official logo of Li



Linux and Tux

 Tux was originally designed for the Linux logo contest

 Linus Torvalds’ fixation for penguins

 “Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin reall
y embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have ne
ver seen a angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100m
ph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they ha

What is Linux

 The first version of Linux was released in 1991, created by Linus T

orvalds then a 21-year-old student and self-confessed hacker stud
ying in Helsinki.
 Open and flexible (no patents or copyrights)
 Improved and perfected by a thousands of programmers
 Powerful as any OS
 Open source (Mozilla, VLC Media Player, Wikipedia)

Linux vs. Windows

 Clash between Windows and Linux communities

Linux vs. Windows

In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?

Linux vs. Windows

Where is Linux

 Windows and OS X are predominantly found on personal co

mputing devices such as desktop and laptop computers
 “From wristwatches to supercomputers,” is the popular desc
ription of Linux' capabilities (GPS, Phones, Arcade game, Xb
ox, Playstation
 "Linux" is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds, the orig
inal author of the Linux kernel.
 The kernel is at the heart of all Linux systems

Technical Strengths of Linux
 Scalability – runs on older systems
 Attractive for orgs and third world (or schools) that lack of funds
 Financial cost for large companies is lower
 Flexibility
 Anyone can modify or enhance
 Operate with less system resources
 Reliability – crash resistant (watch video)

Linux Issues
 Visibility problem
 Until Linus made the cover of Fo
rbes in August 1998
 The novelty appeals to the medi
a, eager to paint a David vs Golia
th scenario

 Ease-of-Use Issue
 Programmer oriented developme
nt assumed a certain level of fami
 Deterred many potential users

Linux Issues
 The Importance of Support
 Support is purely technical – no sale
speople to translate corporate needs
to computer solutions
 Companies like Redhat and Caledra
market through a channel of value ad
ded resellers and integrators
 No existing scheme of training and c

Linux Issues
 Open Source Culture
 Both it greatest benefit and primary weakness
 There is no “Linux Inc.” – no central authority to blame
 Community-driven support superior to conventional help-desk model
s (awarded by InfoWorld in 1997 for best technical support)

How Can Linux Rise Above Microsoft

 Server market – already conquered (just continue to scale u

pwards and keep creating incredible, usable servers)
 The desktop – has yet to show the world exactly what a desk
top can do for the user
 Linux is still immature and the evolution is well underway

Threat of New Entrants (high)
• Microsoft’s hold on to the desktop market helps it extend power
to server market (+)
• Microsoft is the largest player, but does not hold monopoly pow
er (-)
• High entry barrier for desktop market (+) but low entry barriers
for server market (-)
• Economies of scale – low cost of production once software has b
een developed (just download or a box of CDs)
• Cost Advantages – high barrier for closed-source OS developer
(Windows has to recover overhead while Linux doesn’t) (-)
• Low capital Requirement – patents, codes, and knowledge (-)

Bargaining Power of Customers (high)
• Few suppliers (especially for high technology) (+)
• Perception that they offer superior product gains (Microsoft has
high media profile and advertising) (+)
• Customers had little bargaining power (Windows pre-installed o
r Macintosh) (+)

• Bargaining power of customers is increasing

• Variety of OS increasing (-)
• Linux is FREE, no license required (-)

Bargaining Power of Suppliers (low)
• High buyer switching cost (psychological) of switching to other
OS (+) (existing library of software and related files)
• Microsoft has more brand differentiation (+)

• Nowadays bargaining power of suppliers is decreasing

• Linux-compatible software are being developed (e.g. Oracle, IB
M) (-)
• Dell starting to sell computers pre-loaded with Linux (-)
• More and more people are becoming tech-savvy (-)

Threat of Substitutes (high)
• No substitutes in the past (+)
• Piracy (-)
• Substitute performance – more reliable, flexible, and no blue scr
een (-)
• Switching costs
• OpenSource is the greatest threat to Microsoft (-)
• There are now literally hundreds of companies and organizations and an equal numb
er of individuals that have released their own versions of operating systems based on
the Linux kernel.
• a new operating system designed today wouldn't be a single piece of software on a si
ngle computer. Instead, it might be something that gives users access to data running
across multiple devices, like PCs, TVs, cars, etc. "Instead of the computer being at th
e center, you (the user) are at the center,"

Competitive Rivalry (high)
• Microsoft’s dominance is constantly being threatened (-)
• Brand recognition (+)
• Diversity of Rivals (Microsoft engineers vs. programmers aroun
d the world)
• Unpredictability in terms of future revenues, spending and earn
ing a lot from IP rights battles (-)
• Change in customer preferences (i.e. have to wait for next versi
on of Windows) (-)
• Number of competitors (RedHat, Caledra) (-)

Who Said This?
"Microsoft has vast resources, literally billions of
dollars in cash, or liquid assets reserves. Micro
soft is an incredibly successful empire built on
the premise of market dominance with low-qu
ality goods.“

A) Steve Jobs, Apple founder

B) Linus Torvalds, Linux founder
C) Richard Clarke, former White House adviser
Reasons to Switch to Linux
• Is your copy of Window legit?

• Would you like to be an internet pirate all your life?

Reasons to Switch to Linux
• easier to install than Windows, and just as easy to run
• Peripherals such as printers, new DVD burner, and digital camer
a are easily detected and usable with Linux
• Tired of fighting malware? you don't have to run antispyware and
antivirus software on Linux
• No more BSOD – it doesn’t crash
• Linux and accompanying software are FREE
• There are Linux counterparts of most Windows programs. But if
you really can’t find one, you can use Wine (Windows emulator) t
o run most of your Windows programs.

Reasons to Switch to Linux
• Windows doesn’t fascinate you anymore


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