Optical Computers

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They introduced one superfast processor Chip
,where each ´TRANSISTORµ has size @ 130






An optical computer is a   that performs
its computation with  as opposed to the
more traditional  -based computation.


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Õ NSÕ T is First Optical Processor.

Õ NSÕ T Co. introduced One live demostration on

fully optical processor at ´14th october-2003 in
Boston U.S.A.M

The main attraction of this processor is that it will
take signal as in light form.

As Result It has fast execution speed.




Kector Matrix Multiplication (KMM) core.

Õaser transmit data on Spatial Õight
SÕM process data and output given to set of
light recevier.




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The speed of optical computer is 1000 time faster than
general computer.

lectronic communication along wires requires

charging of a capacitor that depends on length.

Another advantage of light results because photons are

uncharged and do not interact with one another as
readily as electrons.

Parallel processing can be done much easier and less






The efficiency of Optical Computer is beyond our

Currently this computers are not commercially

used. But the researches are going on to make these
computers available to common world


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