Chapter 5 Analysis and Design of Beams For Bending

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Chapter 5 Analysis and Design of

Beams for Bending

5.1 Introduction
-- Dealing with beams of different materials:
steel, aluminum, wood, etc.
-- Loading: transverse loads
 Concentrated loads
 Distributed loads
-- Supports
 Simply supported
 Cantilever Beam
 Overhanging
 Continuous
 Fixed Beam
A. Statically Determinate Beams
-- Problems can be solved using Equations of Equilibrium

B. Statically Indeterminate Beams

-- Problems cannot be solved using Eq. of Equilibrium
-- Must rely on additional deformation equations to solve
the problems.

FBDs are sometimes necessary:

FBDs are necessary tools to determine the internal

(1) shear force V – create internal shear stress; and

(2) Bending moment M – create normal stress

From Ch 4:

Mc My (5.1)
m  x   (5.2)

Where I = moment of inertia

y = distance from the N. Surface
c = max distance
Recalling, elastic section modulus, S = I/c,

hence m  (5.3)
For a rectangular cross-section beam,

1 (5.4)
S  bh 2
From Eq. (5.3), max occurs at Mmax 

It is necessary to plot the V and M diagrams along the length

of a beam.

to know where Vmax or Mmax occurs!
5.2 Shear and Bending-Moment Diagrams
•Determining of V and M at selected
points of the beam
Sign Conventions
1. The shear is positive (+) when external
forces acting on the beam tend to shear
off the beam at the point indicated in fig

2. The bending moment is positive (+)

when the external forces acting on the
beam tend to bend the beam at the
point indicated in fig 5.7c

 Moment
5.3 Relations among Load, Shear
and Bending Moment
1. Relations between Load and Shear

  FY  0 : V-(V+V )  wx  0

V   wx

Hence,  w (5.5)
Integrating Eq. (5.5) between points C and D

VD  VC    wdx
xC (5.6)

VD – VC = area under load curve between C and D (5.6’)

2. Relations between Shear and Bending Moment

 M C '  0 :
( M  M )  M  V x  w x 0
M  V x  w ( x ) 2

M 1
or  V   x
x 2

M dM dM
x  0  x

dx  V (5.7)
V (5.7)

M D  M C   Vdx

MD – MC = area under shear curve between points C and D

5.4 Design of Prismatic Beams for Bending
-- Design of a beam is controlled by |Mmax|

M max c M max
m  m  (5.1’,5.3’)

Hence, the min allowable value of section modulus is:

M max
Smin  (5.9)
 all
Question: Where to cut? What are the rules?

Answer: whenever there is a discontinuity in the loading

conditions, there must be a cut.

The equations obtained through each cut are only valid
to that particular section, not to the entire beam.
5.5 Using Singularity Functions to Determine
Shear and Bending Moment in a Beam
Beam Constitutive Equations

w d4y
 4
EI dx
V d3y
 3
EI dx
M d2y
 2
EI dx
 
y  f ( x)
1. In this set of equations, +y is going upward
and +x is going to the right.
2. Everything going downward is “_”, and upward
is +. There is no exception.
3. There no necessity of changing sign for an y
integration or derivation.

Sign Conventions:
1. Force going in the +y direction is “+”
2. Moment CW is “+”
Rules for Singularity Functions
Rule #1:

0 1 when x  a
xa { (5.15)
0 when x  a
n ( x  a) n when x  a
xa { (5.14)
0 when x  a
Rule #2:

1. Distributed load w(x) is zero order: e.g. wo<x-a>o

2. Pointed load P(x) is (-1) order: e.g. P<x-a>-1

3. Moment M is (-2) order: e.g. Mo<x-a>-2

Rule #3:

  x  a  2dx   x  a  1

  x  a  dx   x  a 
1 0

  x  a  dx   x  a 
0 1

  x  a  dx  2  x  a 
1 1 2

  x  a  dx  3  x  a 
2 1 3

 x  a  dx   x  a  4
Rule #4:

1. Set up w = w(x) first, by including all forces, from the left

to the right of the beam.
2. Integrating w once to obtain V, w/o adding any constants.
3. Integrating V to obtain M, w/o adding any constants.
4. Integrating M to obtain EI , adding an integration
constant C1.
5. Integrating EI to obtain EIy, adding another constant
6. Using two boundary conditions to solve for C1 and C2.
V ( x)  w0 a  w0 x  a (5.11)
1 1 2
M ( x)  w0 ax  w0 x  a
4 2 (5.12)

x x 1 x
M ( x)  M (0)   V ( x)dx   w0adx   w0 x  a dx
0 0 4 0

•After integration, and observing that M (0)  0 We obtain as before

1 1 2
M ( x)  w0 ax  w0 x  a
4 2
w( x)  w0 x  a
w( x)  0 for x< 0
x  a  ( x  a)0  1

w( x)  w0 for x  a

V  w0 a for x  0
x x 0
V ( x)  V (0)    w( x)dx    w0 x  a dx
0 0

1 1
V ( x)  w0a   w0 x  a
V ( x)  w0 a  w0 x  a
n 1 n 1
 x  a dx 
n 1
xa for n  0 (5.16)
d n n 1
xa  n xa for n  1 (5.17)
Example 5.05
Sample Problem 5.9
5.6 Nonprismatic Beams

 all
1 1
V ( x)  P  P x  L
2 2

1 1
M ( x)  Px  P x  L
2 2
0 0
w( x)  w0 x  a  w0 x  b
•Load and Resistance Factor Design

 D M D   L M L   MU
Example 5.03

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