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INTRODUCTION. The field of adult learning was

introduced by Malcom Knowles
It is a new area of study which involves
understanding how adult learns best
compared to children and teen team

 Learning is a permanent change in human capabilities that

is not a result of the growth process

 it is a practice in which adults engaged in systematic and

sustained self educating activities in order to gain new
forms of knowledge, skills, attitude, or values.

1. Formal- structured learning that typically takes place in an

education or training institution, usually with a set curriculum
and carries credentials.
2. Non Formal- Learning that is organised by educational
institution but non credential. Non formal learning
opportunities may be provided in the workplace and through
the activities of civil society organisation and groups
3. Informal education- learning that goes on all the time,
resulting from daily life activities related to work, family,
community or leisure
 Adult must want to learn – they learn effectively only when they
have a strong inner motivation to develop a new skill or acquire a
particular type of knowledge
 Adults will learn only what they feel they need to learn- adults are
practical in their approach to learning; they want to know “ how is
this going to help me right now
 Adults learns by doing
 Adult learning focuses on problems and the problems must be
realistic- adult start with a problem and then work to find a solution
 Experience affects adult learning
 Adults learns best in an informal situation- in short there is no
curriculum like children learning
 Adults want guidance- adults want information that will help them
improve their situation. They not want to be told what to do. They
want to choose options based on their individual needs.

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