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A Gentle, Jargon-Free Introduction

K. Raghunathan
Chartered Engineer
Retd Dy Controller (R&D) [MoD]
Section 1
What is AI ?

• Study/Science of
– Intelligent Machines
– Making Machines Intelligent
AI & Computers
• Computers seem to have some Intelligence
– Solve Math problems [Arithmetic, Algebra, Calculus,
Geometry etc]
– Do text processing
– Control Eqpt & Processes in Industry
– Communicate
• Natural Belief : computers can be made more
• So, AI is considered a Branch of Computer
Machines & Humans
• Right from Cavemen, humans are
inventing new Tools, Instruments &
– To do all our hard work
– Even for entertainment
– To reduce/avoid our physical/mental strain
Human Tasks
• What are our everyday tasks ?

– Professional

– Personal
Functions of our Sensory Organs
• Eye
– See
• Ear
– Hear
• Tongue / Mouth
– Taste, Speak
• Nose
– Smell, Breathe
• Skin / Limbs
– Feel, do Physical Work – Walk, Climb, Lift, Throw, Eat etc
Sixth Sense
• Comprehend [Understand]
– Vision
– Language
• Remember
• Plan
• Decide
• Learn
• Emote
Brain & Mind
• Concrete & Abstract
• Tangible & Intangible
• Similar to Computer
• Like Hardware & Software
What we still do ourselves ?
• Logical Thinking & Reasoning
• Making wise decisions
– often with Incomplete, Vague & Uncertain
facts at hand

AI attempts to fill this gap

Intelligent Machines
• Machines that can
– Think
– Decide
– Solve
– Plan
– Learn
• Thinking Machines
• Artificial Intelligence
Can Machines Think ?
• Some believe so & some don’t

• What Level of Intelligence will make a

Machine qualify as Intelligent Machine or
Thinking Machine ?

• The Turing Test

The Turing Test
The Turing Test
• A machine can be deemed intelligent
• If it can make a human think that
• he/she is talking to a human
• & not to a machine
Intelligent Machines

• A machine can be considered Intelligent

• if it can solve complex problems
• requiring a high level of intelligence
• normally found only in human beings
AI – Science or Art ?
• Science
– Multi-disciplinary & Inter-disciplinary
• Art
– Very Intricate Fine Art
– Like Painting & Sculpting

• Science
– involves designing machines
• Art
– involves programming
Inputs to AI
• Maths [Symbolic Logic]
• Physiology [Working of Body Parts of Living
• Philosophy & Psychology [Human Logic &
• Cognitive Science [Perception, Understanding]
• Cybernetics [Communication & Control in
Animals & Machines]
• Electronics [Making Machines]
• Computer Science [Programming the Machine's
AI’s Output

• Used by almost all Sciences

– Including Computer Science

• Maximum dependency on AI
– Robotics & Neural Networks
– Considered part of AI
Section 2
Back to Square One

What is Intelligence ?

Let us have your Opinions please

• Abstract
• Eludes accurate, comprehensive definition
• Easier to understood than to define

• Seems to be directly proportional to

Intelligence (cont’d)

• The Albert Einstein Anecdote

Intelligence (contd)
• Knowledge [Lots of it !]
• Ability to put knowledge to use

• Pertains to what we can do with our 5

• Pertains more to what we can do with our
6th Sense !
What is Knowledge ?
Anybody wish to define ?
• Abstract
• Eludes accurate, comprehensive definition
• Easier to understand than to define

• AI has to deal with various aspects of

Knowledge (contd)
• Classification
• Representation [including Storage in
Computer Memory]
• Acquisition [Learning]
• Manipulation
– Searching & Matching
– Reasoning [Inference, Drawing Conclusions,
Decision Making, Problem Solving]
• Planning
Classification of Knowledge

• Factual or Procedural
• Certain or Uncertain
• Consistent or Inconsistent [vary with time,
place, person or situation]
• Well-Defined [Crisp] or Vague [Fuzzy]
• Complete or Incomplete [Partial]
Reasoning Techniques
• Depend on the Type of Knowledge being
dealt with
• Certain, consistent & crisp : Predicate
• Uncertain : Probablistic Reasoning
• Inconsistent : Truth Maintenance Systems
• Fuzzy : Fuzzy Logic
• Partial : Statistical & Probablistic
Reasoning Techniques (cont’d)
• Ad hoc Methods

– Closed World Assumption

– Circumscription
– Abductive Reasoning
– Modal & Temporal Logics
Learning Methods

• By Rote [by Reading]

• By being Taught
• From Experience
• By Analogy [From Examples]
• By Drawing Conclusions
– From other known Facts
What Humans are Good at
An Interactive Experiment

What Humans are Good at

• Humans seem to be good at

– Reasoning with Uncertain, Fuzzy & Partial
– Learning from Experience & Examples
• AI Research pays more attention to these
AI Techniques
• Procedures & Algorithms employed in AI
• Compared to those used in other Sciences
– Not merely Formulae
– Use different approaches
– More efficient, effective & intelligent
– Profuse use of Heuristics
• Heuristic
– “Educated Guess”
– Born out of Past Experience

- An Interactive Experiment
[opening a book at a desired page]
Heuristic Search Techniques
• Many Methods available

• Most Noteworthy are:

– A*
– MiniMax with Alpha-Beta Pruning
Expert Systems
Decision Support Systems
• A Speciality of AI
• Very High Level of Intelligence & Domain
• a Level normally found only in Experts in
that Field
Expert Systems

Engine Query

Knowledge Match

Inference Response

Section 3
Miscellaneous Topics
• Miscellaneous, but nevertheless Essential

• Automation
– Useful in Hazardous Environs
• Computer Vision
– Object Recognition
• Natural Language Processing
• Pattern Recognition & Pattern Classification
– Data Mining, Image Processing
• Guide/Help/Rescue
• Weather/Business Forecasting
• Neural Networks
• Object Recognition
• Range Estimation
• Emotion Recgnition
Natural Language Processing
• Vocabulary
• Ambiguity
– Human Languages are Context-Sensitive
– One word having many meanings
– Many words having same/similar meaning
– Accent varies from place to place
• Real Life Examples
• Feelings/Emotions
AI Milestones
• Too many to list here
• Early days of AI
– Mycin - Medical Diagnosis
– R - Design of Computer HW Architecture
– Deep Blue - Chess Champion
– Eliza - Conversationist
– Racter - Writes Books
AI Milestones (2)
• Modern days:

• Expert Systems & Decision Support Systems in

a wide range of fields
– especially Medicine, Finance & Entertainment
• Wide range of Medical Eqpt - CAT Scan etc
• Analysis & Prediction - Economics, Stockmarket,
Agriculture, Genetics, Elections
• 3D Computer Games & Walk-throughs
• Helpful Robots - Rescue, Operating in
Hazardous environments
AI Milestones (3)
• Spell-Check & Word Completion
facility in Text Processing Programs
• Voice Commands to open/close files etc
• Programs to read text, to teach Languages
• 3D & Walk-Through Games/Presentations
Basic Hurdle
• Intelligent Machine = Thinking Machine

• To make a machine think, act & react like a

• We should first understand how humans think,
act & react
• Why a person thinks, acts & reacts in a particular
• Why different persons think, act & react
• Why same person thinks, acts & reacts differently
at different times, even if situations are similar
Basic Hurdle (cont’d)

• Real life examples

– Bernard Shaw & Isadora Duncan Episode
– Once I took my wife to a movie ….
Basic Hurdle (cont’d)
• Unfortunate Reality for AI scientists
• God Almighty has a habit of making
– so varied,
– so un-understandable
– so unpredictable !
• Given such a starting point
– How are we going to make machines that
would behave like humans ?
Basic Hurdle (cont’d)
• Everyone says “AI is a difficult subject".
– Not only Students, even Faculty say so
– except the Enthusiastic & Optimistic AI
Researcher, of course

• The Ground Reality is:

– Humans are so difficult to understand !

• WE are our own Hurdles !

Concluding Remarks
• In spite of the Enormity of the Obstacles, AI
marches ahead, relentlessly
• The progress is slow
• New Findings & Achievements are Sporadic, few
& far between
• But that is no reason to lose hope
– We have achieved many things, which were once
considered impossible
– We have set foot on the Moon
• Let us hope that one day we will see
The Ultimate Intelligent Machine
Any Questions ?
Thank You !

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