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Providence Row

Hospital Discharge Project

for Homeless Patients

Maria McGeown – Senior Worker
What is it?

• A service for homeless hospital patients with a non-Tower

Hamlets local connection
• Voluntary assistance with casework, advocacy and person-
centered support to access housing options within their
home borough and where it is safe to do so.
• UK-wide and EU supported reconnections
• Housing Options= mediated prevention,
tenancy rescue, care home/supported placement, Pt. 7
How it came about?
• Routes to Roots work in partnership with The Homeless
Pathway Team who are based at the Royal London hospital.

• The Homeless pathway team provide a accommodation

pathway for Tower Hamlets residents who are admitted into

• Providence Row were commissioned by LBTH in 2013. To

offer a services to out of borough patients.
The Project in Practice
How it works
• Referrals from the Homeless Pathway Team.
• Assess patients on the wards within 48 hours of receiving
the referral.
• Ascertain patients particular support needs including
borough connection.
• Work closely with the clinical team to ensure that the right
care package is in place.
• Approach relevant Local Authorities for part7 homeless
applications where necessary.
• Liaise with friends and family and support services within
the borough of connection
Outcomes 2015-16
• 47 housing outcomes
• 25 TA placements, 1 Sheltered, 3 PRS, 4 hostels, 1 rehab, 1
safe house, 12 family & Friends.
• R2R staff will continue to offer holistic client centered
support to prevent rough sleeping to improve and sustain
health & housing outcomes.
• R2R awarded resettlement funding from Marie Celeste to
provide clients with resettlement packs which contain
essential items needed when placed in TA or permanent
Expansion to ‘Phase 2’
• Oak Foundation funding:
• 3 year funding investment in the Providence Row Health and
Wellbeing programme.
• To increase the Routes to Roots caseload by 28 per year.
• Work in new clinical settings
• Emphasis on chaotic clients accessing emergency health
services and treatment when in crisis.
• Use of personalised budgets and volunteer health navigators.
• Raise our profile and demonstrate impact to the NHS and
local commissioning bodies.
Frequent Attenders Project

• Patient's who present at The Royal London Hospital A&E

Department 3 times in 6 months.
• Maximum caseload of 10 patients at any one time
• Multi disciplinary meeting
• Crucial link to A&E
• Reduce rates of un-planned admission
• Transferring R2R methodology – support to link in with
• Challenges……..
Further information …
R2R Official Report – ‘Preventing homeless out-of-
borough patients from rough sleeping’

Contact for further details:

Maria McGeown
Providence Row
Routes To Roots Team
020 7375 0020

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