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By: Jeannette Felvey

Interning at Autism Society of North Carolina

8.1 Critically choose and implement
interventions to achieve practice goals
and enhance capacities of clients and
 Attended a PCP meeting for a client and helped come up with ideas for
goals for client.
8.2 Apply knowledge of human
behavior and the social environment,
person-in-environment, and other
multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks
in interventions with clients and
 Elaborated to co-workers about how environment effects people and
that our clients are effected also.
 Our client’s behavior is based immensely on their environment.
8.3 Use inter-professional collaboration
as appropriate to achieve beneficial
practice outcomes.
 Attended meetings and gave useful information.
8.4 Negotiate, mediate, and advocate
with and on behalf of diverse clients
and constituencies.
 Attended meetings pertaining to clients and advocated for changes to
help work on clients goals.
 Spoke to supervisor about how I have witnessed caretakers just sitting
around and conversating amongst each other instead of working on
their clients goals and how that is an injustice to the clients and the
likelihood of them obtaining their goals.
8.5 Facilitate effective transitions and
endings that advance mutually
agreed-on goals.
 I was in charge of coordinating and putting together the information
that will be used in each of our new 14 stations to help the clients work
on and obtain their goals.

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