Type I & Type II Error

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More About Type I

and Type II Errors

O.J. Simpson trial: the situation
• O.J. is assumed innocent.
• Evidence collected:
size 12 Bruno Magli bloody footprint, bloody glove,
blood spots on white Ford Bronco, the knock on the
wall, DNA evidence from above, motive(?), etc…
O.J. Simpson trial: jury decisions
• In criminal trial: The evidence does not warrant
rejecting the assumption of innocence. Behave as
if O.J. is innocent.
• In civil trial: The evidence warrants rejecting the
assumption of innocence. Behave as if O.J. is guilty.
• Was an error made in either trial?
Errors in Trials

Innocent Guilty
“Innocent” OK ERROR


If O.J. is innocent, then an error was made in the civil trial.

If O.J. is guilty, then an error was made in the criminal trial.

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

Null Alternative
hypothesis hypothesis
Do not TYPE II
reject null ERROR
Reject null OK
Definitions: Types of Errors
• Type I error: The null hypothesis is rejected when
it is true.
• Type II error: The null hypothesis is not rejected
when it is false.
• There is always a chance of making one of these
errors. We’ll want to minimize the chance of doing
P(Type I Error) in trials
• Criminal trials: “Beyond a reasonable doubt”. 12 of
12 jurors must unanimously vote guilty.
Significance level  set at 0.001, say.
• Civil trials: “Preponderance of evidence.” 9 out of
12 jurors must vote guilty. Significance level  set
at 0.10, say.
Serious Type I Error
• New Drug A is supposed to reduce diastolic blood
pressure by more than 15 mm Hg.
• H0: μ = 15 versus HA: μ > 15
• Drug A can have serious side effects, so don’t want
patients on it unless μ > 15.
• Implication of Type I error: Expose patients to
serious side effects without other benefit.
• Set  = P(Type I error) to be small  0.01
Not so serious Type I Error
• Grade inflation?
• H0: μ = 2.7 vs. HA: μ > 2.7
• Type I error: claim average GPA is more than 2.7
when it really isn’t.
• Implication: Instructors grade harder. Students get
• Set  = P(Type I error) at, say, 0.10.
Type II Error and Power
• Type II Error is made when we fail to reject the null
when the alternative is true.
• Want to minimize P(Type II Error).
• Now, if alternative HA is true:
• P(reject|HA is true) + P(not reject|HA is true) =1
• “Power” + P(Type II error) = 1
• “Power” = 1 - P(Type II error)
Type II Error and Power
• “Power” of a test is the probability of rejecting null
when alternative is true.
• “Power” = 1 - P(Type II error)
• To minimize the P(Type II error), we equivalently
want to maximize power.
• But power depends on the value under the
alternative hypothesis ...
• Power is probability, so number between 0 and 1.
• 0 is bad!
• 1 is good!
• Need to make power as high as possible.
Maximizing Power …
• The farther apart the actual mean is from the mean
specified in the null, the higher the power.
• The higher the significance level , the higher the
P(Type I error), the higher the power.
• The smaller the standard deviation, the higher the
• The larger the sample, the higher the power.
That is, factors affecting power...
• Difference between value under the null and the
actual value
• P(Type I error) = 
• Standard deviation
• Sample size
Strategy for designing a
good hypothesis test
• Use pilot study to estimate std. deviation.
• Specify . Typically 0.01 to 0.10.
• Decide what a meaningful difference would be
between the mean in the null and the actual mean.
• Decide power. Typically 0.80 to 0.99.
• Use software to determine sample size.
If sample is too small ...
• … the power can be too low to identify even large
meaningful differences between the null and
alternative values.
• Determine sample size in advance of conducting study.
• Don’t believe the “fail-to-reject-results” of a study based
on a small sample.
If sample is really large ...
• … the power can be extremely high for identifying
even meaningless differences between the null and
alternative values.
• In addition to performing hypothesis tests, use a
confidence interval to estimate the actual population
• If a study reports a “reject result,” ask how much
The moral of the story
as researcher
• Always determine how many measurements you
need to take in order to have high enough power to
achieve your study goals.
• If you don’t know how to determine sample size,
ask a statistical consultant to help you.
The moral of the story
as reviewer
• When interpreting the results of a study, always
take into account the sample size.

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