Classification of Instruments

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Classification of Instruments
In music, there are five different types of
instruments. Every instrument that is played falls
into one of these five categories. They are:

• Aerophones
• Chordophones
• Idiophones
• Membranophones
• Electrophones
Aerophone Instruments
• An aerophone produces its sound by the vibration of

• The two main families that are aerophones are

woodwind and brass instruments.

• Woodwinds use the air and reeds to vibrate.

• Brass use air and the player’s lips to vibrate.
• Some keyboard instruments also use air as
the source of vibration and can be considered

• Can you name any Aerophones?

Chordophone Instruments

• Chordophones are part of the string instrument family.

• They produce sound by the vibrating of

• To make the sounds: pluck, bow or strike the strings.

• This is done by a pick, bow or the musician’s hand.

• Can you name any Chordophones?

Electrophone Instruments
• This is the newest category of instruments. They have
only been around since the 20th century.
• Electrophones produce an electronic sound.

• The two main families of electrophones are electronic

instruments and amplified acoustical

• What are some Electrophones that you have heard?

Membranophone Instruments
Membranophones produce sound
when a stretched
skin (membrane) vibrates.
• Different materials can be used to make
membranophones, some include wood, metal, or
• These instruments may have definite or indefinite
pitch. What does this mean?
• These belong to the percussion family. How
many different kinds of drums do you know?
Idiophone Instruments
• Idiophones produce a
sound by the vibration of
the actual instrument
• These instruments can be
struck, rubbed, shaken or
• This category belongs to
the percussion family.
• How many can you
Let’s Review
• Instruments can be classified into what
5 categories?
• Aerophones produce sound by the vibration of
• Chordophones produce sound by the vibration of
• Electrophones produce what kind of sounds?
• Membranophones produce sound by vibrating
• Idiophones use the vibration of what?
• Can you give examples of each category?
Instrument Match
• Aerophone • Flute
• Conga
• Chordophone • Mandolin
• Synthesizer
• Idiophone • Pipe Organ
• Timpani
• Membranophone • Guiro
• Amplified Acoustic
• Electrophone Guitar
• Castinets
• Cello

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