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The parameters associated with cell selection and the S-criteria are presented

in below Table :

Pa ra m eter Ob j ect Ra n g e D efa u lt

RSRP qrxlevm in LNCEL -140 to -44 dBm - 130 dBm

based qRxLevMinOffset LNCEL 0 to 62 dB 62 dBm

RSRQ qQualMinR9 LNCEL -34 to -3 dB Not populated

based qQualMinOffsetR9 LNCEL 1 to 8 dB Not populated

ll reselection. If RSRP based cell reselection is used then intra-frequency
measurements are triggered when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRP – qrxlevmin ≤ Sintrasearch
If RSRQ based cell reselection is used then intra-frequency measurements are
triggered when either of the following conditions are satisfied:
Measured RSRP – qrxlevmin ≤ sIntraSearchPR9
Measured RSRQ – qQualMinR9 ≤ sIntraSearchQR9
The parameters used to configure the thresholds for intra-frequency cell
reselection measurements are presented in below Table:

Pa r a m e te r Ob j e ct Ran g e D e fa u lt

Sin trasearch LNCEL 0 to 6 2 d B 62 dB

sI n traSearch PR9 LNCEL 0 to 6 2 d B Not pop u lated

sI n traSearch QR9 LNCEL 0 to 3 1 d B Not pop u lated

Once measurements have started, intra-frequency cell reselection is based upon
ranking the serving cell against neighbouring cells using the following expressions:
Rs = Qmeas,s + Qhyst
Rn = Qmeas,n +Qoffset
Cell reselection towards a neighboring cell is triggered if Rn > Rs during the time-
totrigger, and if the UE has camped on the current serving cell for more than 1
second. Ranking the serving and neighboring intra-frequency cells is always based
upon RSRP rather than RSRQ.
The parameters associated with intra-frequency cell reselection are presented in
below Table:
Pa r a m e te r O b j e ct Ran g e D e fa u l t

q H yst LN CEL 0 to 2 4 d B 2 dB

q OffsetCell I AFI M -2 4 to 2 4 d B 0 dB

tReselEu tr LN CEL 0 to 7 secs 1 sec

q rx levm in in tra F LN CEL -1 4 0 to -4 4 d Bm N ot p op u la ted

q Qu a lMin R9 LN CEL -3 4 to -3 d B N ot p op u la ted

Inter-frequency measurements for cell reselection towards a higher priority layer
are always triggered.
If RSRP based cell reselection is used then inter-frequency measurements to an
equal or lower priority layer are triggered when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRP – qrxlevmin ≤ sNonIntrsearch
If RSRQ based cell reselection is used then inter-frequency measurements to an
equal or lower priority layer are triggered when either of the following conditions
are satisfied:
Measured RSRP – qrxlevmin ≤ sNonIntraSearchPR9
Measured RSRQ – qQualMinR9 ≤ sNonIntraSearchQR9
The parameters used to configure the thresholds for inter-frequency cell
reselection measurements for equal and lower priority layers are presented in
below Table :
Pa r a m e te r O b j e ct Ran g e D e fa u lt

sN on I n trsea rch LN CEL 0 to 6 2 d B 16 dB

sN on I n tra Sea rch PR9 LN CEL 0 to 6 2 d B N ot p op u la ted

sN on I n tra Sea rch QR9 LN CEL 0 to 3 1 d B N ot p op u la ted

Inter-frequency cell reselection towards an equal priority frequency layer is
completedusing the same type of ranking as intra-frequency cell reselection. In
this case, the neighbor cell measurement offset is defined by the IRFIM
parameter qOffCell.

If RSRP based cell reselection is used, inter-frequency cell reselection towards a

higher priority layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRP (target cell) – qRxLevMinInterF > interFrqThrH

If RSRQ based cell reselection is used, inter-frequency cell reselection towards a

higher priority layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRQ (target cell) – qQualMinR9 > interFrqQThrHighR9

If RSRP based cell reselection is used, inter-frequency cell reselection towards a

lower priority layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRP (serving cell) – qrxlevmin < threshSrvLow AND
Measured RSRP (target cell) – qRxLevMinInterF > interFrqThrL
If RSRQ based cell reselection is used, inter-frequency cell reselection towards a
lower priority layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRQ (serving cell) – qQualMinR9 < threshServingLowQR9 AND
Measured RSRQ (target cell) – qQualMinR9 > interFrqQThrLowR9
The time-to-trigger for inter-frequency cell reselection is defined by the
The parameters associated with inter-frequency cell reselection are presented in
Pa r a m e te r O b j e ct Ran g e D e fa u lt

q OffCell I RFI M -2 4 to 2 4 d B N o t p o p u la ted

in terFrq QTh rH ig h R9 I RFI M 0 to 3 1 d B N o t p o p u la ted

in terFrq QTh rLow R9 I RFI M 0 to 3 1 d B N o t p o p u la ted

in terFrq Th rH I RFI M 0 to 6 2 d B 10 dB

in terFrq Th rL I RFI M 0 to 6 2 d B 6 dB

in terTResEu t I RFI M 0 to 7 secs 1 sec

q Qu a lM in R9 I RFI M -3 4 to -3 d B N o t p o p u la ted

q Rx Lev M in I n terF I RFI M -1 4 0 to -4 4 d Bm -1 3 0 d Bm

th resh Srv Low LN CEL 0 to 6 2 d B 4 dB

th resh Serv in g Lo w QR9 LN CEL 0 to 3 1 d B N o t p o p u la ted

Inter-System towards UMTS
Measurements for inter-system cell reselection are triggered using the same
thresholds as inter-frequency cell reselection, i.e. measurements for higher
priority layers are always triggered whereas measurements for lower priority
layers are triggered based upon sNonIntrasearch, sNonIntraSearchPR9 and

If RSRP based cell reselection is used, inter-system cell reselection towards a

higher priority UMTS layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSCP (target cell) – qRxLevMinUtra > utraFrqThrH

If RSRQ based cell reselection is used, inter-system cell reselection towards a

higher priority UMTS layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured Ec/Io (target cell) – qQualMinUtra > utraFrqQThrHighR9

If RSRP based cell reselection is used, inter-system cell reselection towards a lower
priority UMTS layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRP (serving cell) – qrxlevmin < threshSrvLow AND
Measured RSCP (target cell) – qRxLevMinUtra > utraFrqThrL
If RSRQ based cell reselection is used, inter-system cell reselection towards a
lower priority UMTS layer is completed when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSRQ (serving cell) – qQualMinR9 < threshServingLowQR9 AND
Measured Ec/Io (target cell) – qQualMinUtra > utraFrqQThrLowR9
The parameters associated with inter-system cell reselection towards UMTS are
presented in below Table :
Pa r a m e te r Ob j e ct Ran g e D e fa u lt

q RxLevMin Utra UFFI M -1 1 9 to -2 5 d Bm -1 1 5 d Bm

q Qu alMin Utra UFFI M -2 4 to 0 d B -1 8 d B

u traFrq Th rH UFFI M 0 to 6 2 d B 10 dB

u traFrq Th rL UFFI M 0 to 6 2 d B 6 dB

u traFrq QTh rHig h R9 UFFI M 0 to 3 1 d B Not p op u lated

u traFrq QTh rLow R9 UFFI M 0 to 3 1 d B Not p op u lated

tResUtra UFFI M 0 to 7 secs 1 sec

th resh SrvLow LNCEL 0 to 6 2 d B 4 dB

th resh Servin g Low QR9 LNCEL 0 to 3 1 d B Not p op u lated

Inter-System towards GSM
Measurements for inter-system cell reselection are triggered using the same
thresholds as inter-frequency cell reselection, i.e. measurements for higher
priority layers are always triggered whereas measurements for lower priority
layers are triggered based upon sNonIntrasearch, sNonIntraSearchPR9 and
Cell reselection towards GSM is always based upon RSRP (LTE measurements) and
RSSI (GSM measurements). There is no RSRQ based ranking for cell reselection
towards GSM.
Inter-system cell reselection towards a higher priority GSM layer is completed
when the following condition is satisfied:
Measured RSSI (target cell) – qRxLevMinGer > gerFrqThrH

Inter-system cell reselection towards a lower priority GSM layer is completed

when the following conditions are satisfied:
Measured RSRP (serving cell) – qrxlevmin < threshSrvLow AND
Measured RSSI (target cell) – qRxLevMinGer > gerFrqThrL

The time-to-trigger for inter-system cell reselection towards GSM is

defined by the tResGer
The parameters associated with inter-system cell reselection towards GSM are
presented in below Table :
Pa r a m e te r Ob j e ct Ran g e D e fa u lt

q RxLevMin Ger GNFL -1 1 5 to -2 5 d Bm -1 0 5 d Bm

g erFrq Th rH GNFL 0 to 6 2 d B 10 dB

g erFrq Th rL GNFL 0 to 6 2 d B 6 dB

tResGer GFI M 0 to 7 secs 1 sec

th resh SrvLow LNCEL 0 to 6 2 d B 4 dB

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