Leaves: Reference: Stern, Jansky and Bidlack. 2003. Introductory Plant Biology, Ninth Edition. The Mcgraw Hill Companies

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tern, Jansky and Bidlack. 2003. Introductory Plant Biology,
Ninth Edition. The McGraw−Hill Companies
LEAF Adaxial surface

• Function
1. Light capture
2. Photosynthesis
3. Transpiration

Abaxial surface
• 99% of water absorbed by plant is
lost by transpiration
4. Guttation
• available water is high,
transpiration is low
5. Abscission
• allows plant to shed leaves
6. Conserves (melestarikan) water
7. Gas exchange
Stoma = opening in the leaf for gas
Petiole exchange, water evaporation
• If a typical leaf is cut transversely and examined with
the aid of a microscope, three regions stand out:
epidermis, mesophyll, and veins (referred to as
vascular bundles in our discussion of roots and stems)
The Cuticle
• A coating of waxy cutin
(the cuticle) is normally
present, although it may
not be visible with
ordinary light
microscopes without
being specially stained.
• In addition to the cuticle,
many plants produce
other waxy substances on
their surfaces.
Leaves has a transparent protective
layer of cells
• The flattened surfaces of
leaves, which are
completely covered with
a transparent protective
layer of cells, the
epidermis, admit light to
all parts of the interior.
• Many leaves twist daily
on their petioles so that
their upper surfaces are
inclined at right angles to
the sun’s rays throughout
daylight hours
• Most photosynthesis takes
place in the mesophyll
between the two epidermal
layers, with two regions
often being distinguishable.
• The uppermost mesophyll
consists of compactly
stacked, barrel-shaped or
post-shaped parenchyma
cells that are commonly in • The lower region, consisting of
two rows. loosely arranged parenchyma
• This region is called the cells with abundant air spaces
palisade mesophyll and may between them, is called the
contain more than 80% of spongy mesophyll that also
the leaf’s chloroplasts. have numerous chloroplasts
Monocot leaves

• Monocot leaves, besides having parallel veins, usually do not have

the mesophyll differentiated into palisade and spongy layers.
• Some monocot leaves (e.g., those of grasses) have large, thin-
walled bulliform cells on either side of the main central vein
(midrib) toward the upper surface
• Under dry conditions, the bulliform cells partly collapse, causing
the leaf blade to fold or roll; the folding or rolling reduces

• Veins (vascular bundles) of various sizes are scattered

(tersebar) throughout the mesophyll
• They consist of xylem and phloem tissues surrounded by a
jacket of thicker-walled parenchyma cells called the bundle
sheath. The veins give the leaf its “skeleton.”
• The lower epidermis of most
plants generally resembles
(mirip) the upper epidermis,
but the lower is perforated
(berlubang) by numerous tiny
pores called stomata.
• Some plants (e.g., alfalfa,
corn) have these pores in
both leaf surfaces, while
others (e.g., water lilies) have
them exclusively on the upper
epidermis; they are absent
altogether from the
submerged leaves of aquatic
Guard cells

• Stomata are very numerous, ranging from about 1,000

to more than 1.2 million per square centimeter (6,300
to 8 million per square inch) of surface.
• An average-sized sunflower leaf has about 2 million of
these pores throughout its lower epidermis.
• Each pore is bordered by two sausage- or dumbbell-
shaped cells that usually are smaller than most of the
neighboring epidermal cells.
• These guard cells, which originate from the same
parental cell, are part of the epidermis, but they, unlike
most of the other cells of either epidermis, contain
• Semua daun berasal dari primordia pada
tunas (buds), terlepas dari ukuran maupun
bentuk daun tersebut.
• Pada saat dewasa/matang, sebagian besar
daun memiliki tangkai, yang disebut petiole,
dan helaian daun (blade/lamina) tipis yang
memiliki jaringan pembuluh (vascular
• Sepasang leaflike, scalelike, or thornlike
pelengkap, disebut stipules, kadang terdapat
didasar tangkai daun.
• Kadang kala, ada daun yang tidak memiliki
tangkai (petiole), yang disebut dengan
• Leaves of deciduous trees normally live
through only one growing season, and even
those of evergreen trees rarely function for
more than 2 to 7 years
• Different types of glands
(kelenjar) may also be
present in the epidermis.
• Glands occur in the form Bolivian coriander leaf showing
oil glands
of depressions,
protuberances (tonjolan) ,
or appendages
(tambahan) either directly
on the leaf surface or on
the ends of hairs
• Glands often secrete sticky
• Leaves are attached to stems
at regions called nodes, with
stem regions between nodes
being known as internodes.
• The arrangement (susunan) of
leaves on a stem (phyllotaxy)
in a given species of plant
generally occurs in one of
three ways.
• In most species, leaves are attached alternately or in a spiral along a
stem, with one leaf per node, in what is called an alternate
• In some plants, two leaves may be attached at each node, providing an
opposite arrangement.
• When three or more leaves occur at a node, they are said to be
• Leaves may be simple or compound.
• A simple leaf has a single blade, while
the blade of a compound leaf is
divided in various ways into leaflets.
• Pinnately compound leaves have the
leaflets in pairs along an extension of
the petiole called a rachis, while
palmately compound leaves have all
the leaflets attached at the same point
at the end of the petiole.
• Sometimes, the leaflets of a pinnately
compound leaf may be subdivided
into still smaller leaflets, forming a
bipinnately compound leaf.
Leaf Shape
Leaf Margin
Leaf Venation
Primary veins
• In pinnately veined leaves, there is one
primary vein called the midvein, which
is included within an enlarged midrib;
secondary veins branch from the
• In palmately veined leaves, several
primary veins fan out from the base of
the blade.
• The primary veins are more or less
parallel to one another in monocots (Fig.
7.5) and diverge from one another in
various ways in dicots (Fig. 7.9).
The branching
arrangement of veins
• The branching arrangement of
veins in dicots is called netted, or
reticulate venation.
• In a few leaves (e.g., those of
Ginkgo), no midvein or other large
veins are present. Instead, the
veins fork evenly and
progressively from the base of the
blade to the opposite margin.
• This is called dichotomous
Sun & shade
Portions of cross
sections of maple
(Acer) leaves. The
chloroplasts are
stained red.
• A. A leaf
exposed to full
• B. A leaf
exposed to
Note the reduction
in mesophyll cells
and chloroplasts in
the shade leaf
• A single tree may have leaves that superficially all
appear similar, but close inspection may reveal
various differences.
• For example, because leaves in the shade receive
less total light needed for photosynthesis, they
tend to be thinner and have fewer hairs than
leaves on the same tree that are exposed to
direct light.
• Shade leaves also tend to be larger and to have
fewer well-defined mesophyll layers and fewer
chloroplasts than their counterparts in the sun
Leaves of Arid Regions
• Karena ketersediaan air yang terbatas, rentang temperatur yang
luas, dan intensitas cahaya yang tinggi, tanaman yang tumbuh di
daerah kering telah mengembangkan adaptasi yang
memungkinkan mereka untuk berkembang di bawah kondisi
seperti itu.
• Banyak yang memiliki daun yang tebal dan kasar serta jumlah
stomata yang lebih sedikit atau stomatanya berbentuk cekung
dibawah permukaan, dimana semua ini bertujuan untuk
mengurangi kehilangan air melalui transpirasi.
• Beberapa modifikasi, termasuk stomata yang cekung, kutikula
yang tebal dan lapisan dengan dinding sel yang tebal (disebut
dengan hypodermis) dibawah epidermis.
• The leaves of compass plants face east and west, with the blades
perpendicular to the ground, so that when the sun is overhead,
it strikes only the thin edge of the leaf, minimizing moisture loss.
• There are many plants whose
leaves are partly or completely
modified as tendrils.
• These modified leaves, when
curled tightly around more rigid
objects, help the plant in climbing
or in supporting weak stems.
• The leaves of garden peas are
compound, and the terminal
leaflets are reduced to whip like
strands that, like all tendrils, are
very sensitive to contact.
Spines (duri)
• The leaves of many
cacti and other desert
plants are modified as
• This reduction in leaf
reduces water loss
from the plants, and
the spines also tend to
protect the plants
from browsing animals
• Like grape and other
tendrils, many spine like
objects arising in the axils
of leaves of woody plants
are modified stems
rather than modified
• Such modifications
should be referred to as
thorns to distinguish
them from true spines.
• The prickles of roses and raspberries,
however, are neither leaves nor stems but are
outgrowths from the epidermis or cortex just
beneath them
Storage Leaves
• Desert plants may have succulent
leaves (i.e., leaves that are modified
for water retention).
• The adaptations for water storage
involve large, thin-walled
parenchyma cells without
chloroplasts to the interior of
chlorenchyma tissue just beneath
the epidermis.
• These nonphotosynthetic cells
contain large vacuoles that can
store relatively substantial amounts
of water.
• If removed from the plant and set
aside, the leaves will often retain
much of the water for up to several
• The fleshy
leaves of onion,
lily, and other
bulbs store large
amounts of
which are used
by the plant in
the subsequent
growing season
Flower-Pot Leaves
• Some leaves of Dischidia (Fig.
7.16), an epiphyte (a plant that
grows, usually non-parasitically,
on other plants) from tropical
Australasia, develop into
urnlike pouches that become
the home of ant colonies.
• The ants carry in soil and add
nitrogenous wastes, while
moisture collects in the leaves
through condensation of the
water vapor coming from the
mesophyll through stomata.
Window Leaves
• In the Kalahari desert of
Botswana and South Africa,
there are at least three plants
belonging to the Carpetweed
Family (Aizoaceae) that have
unique adaptations to living in
dry, sandy areas.
• Their leaves, which are shaped
like ice-cream cones, are
about 3.75 centimeters (1.5
inches) long (Fig. 7.17) and are
buried in the sand; only the
dime-sized wide end of a leaf
is exposed at the surface
Reproductive Leaves
• Some of the leaves of the
walking fern are most unusual
in that they produce new
plants at their tips.
Occasionally, three generations
of plants may be found linked
• The succulent leaves of air
plants (Fig. 7.18) have little
notches along the leaf margins
in which tiny plantlets are
produced, complete with roots
and leaves, even after a leaf
has been removed from the
parent plant
Floral Leaves (Bracts)
• Specialized leaves known as
bracts are found at the
bases of flowers or flower
• In the Christmas flower
(poinsettia), the flowers
themselves have no petals,
but the brightly colored
floral bracts that surround
the small flowers function
like petals in attracting
pollinators (Fig. 7.19).
• In dogwoods and a few other
plants, the tiny flowers in their
buttonlike clusters do have
inconspicuous petals.
• However, the large white-to-
pink bracts that surround the
flower clusters, which appear
to the casual observer to be
petals, are actually modified
• In Clary’s annual sage (Salvia
viridis), large colorful bracts
are produced at the top of
flowering stalks, well above
the flowers (Fig. 7.20).
Insect-Trapping Leaves
• Highly specialized insect-
trapping leaves have
intrigued humans for
hundreds of years.
• Almost 200 species of
flowering plants are
known to have these
• Insectivorous plants grow
mostly in swampy areas
and bogs of tropical and
temperate regions
Insect-Trapping Leaves; Pitcher Plants
• The blades of leaves of many
pitcher plants are flattened
and function like those of any
other leaves.
• Some of the leaves of these
curious plants, however, are
larger and cone-shaped or
• In some species, these larger
pitcher leaves have umbrella-
like flaps above the open
ends (Fig. 7.21), but the flaps
don’t prevent a little rain
water from accumulating at
the bottom
Insect-Trapping Leaves; Sundews
• The tiny plants called sundews often
do not measure more than 2.5 to 5.0
centimeters (1 to 2 inches) in
• The roundish to oval leaves are
covered with up to 200 upright
glandular hairs that look like
miniature clubs.
• There is a clear, glistening drop of
sticky fluid containing digestive
enzymes at the tip of each hair.
• As the droplets sparkle in the sun,
they may attract insects, which find
themselves stuck if they alight
Insect-Trapping Leaves;
Venus’s Flytraps
• The Venus’s flytrap , which
has leaves constructed along
the lines of an old-fashioned
steel trap,
• The two halves of the blade
have the appearance of
being hinged along the
midrib, with stiff hair-like
projections located along
their margins.
• There are three tiny trigger
hairs on the inner surface of
each half.
Insect-Trapping Leaves;
• Bladderworts, which are found
submerged and floating in the
shallow water along the margins of
lakes and streams, have finely
dissected leaves with tiny bladders.
• The stomach-shaped bladders are
between 0.3 and 0.6 centimeter
(0.125 to 0.25 inch) in diameter
and have a trapdoor over the
opening at one end.
• The trapping of aquatic insects and
other small animals takes place
through a complex mechanism
• Plants whose leaves drop
seasonally are said to be
• In temperate climates, new
leaves are produced in the
spring and are shed in the
fall, but in the tropics, the
cycles coincide with wet
and dry seasons rather than
with temperature changes.
• The process by which the
leaves are shed is called
• Abscission occurs as a result
Abscission of changes that take place
in an abscission zone near
zone the base of the petiole of
each leaf (Fig. 7.25).
• Sometimes the abscission
zone can be seen externally
as a thin band of slightly
different color on the
• Hormones that apparently
inhibit the formation of the
specialized layers of cells
that facilitate abscission are
produced in young leaves.
• As the leaf ages, hormonal
changes take place, and at
least two layers of cells
become differentiated

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