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Mr. B.
Lady Davers
Lady B.
Mrs. Jewkes
Mrs. Jervis
Mr. John Andrews
Mr. Williams

 Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded is a novel ,It tells the story of a beautiful
15-year-old maidservant named Pamela Andrews, whose country
landowner master, Mr. B, makes unwanted and inappropriate advances
towards her after the death of his mother. After Mr. B attempts
unsuccessfully to seduce and rape her multiple times, he eventually
rewards her virtue when he sincerely proposes an equitable marriage
to her. The title: Pamela; or Virtue Rewarded is significant as it
prescribed the position of a young lady longing to be virtuous in the
eyes of society. She seeks out to be pure in judgment of her parents by
obeying their wishes and even spends her letters in using apologetic
language if made offense to her parents wishes for her in obtaining
virtue. Along with the expectations of her parents Pamela strives for
the approval of her master Mr.B while debating the disapproval or
scolding of his actions from her parents. Pamela, who is emotionally
fragile and confused by Mr. B's manipulation, accepts his proposal. In
the novel's second part, Pamela marries Mr. B and tries to acclimatize
to upper-class society

Samuel Richardson
Date of birth: August 19, 1689
Date of death: 4. July 1761
Samuel Richardson was an eighteenth-century
English writer and publisher. He is best known for
his three epistolary novels: Pamela: Or, Virtue
Rewarded, Clarissa: The History of a Young Lady
and The History of Sir Charles Grandison.
Richardson was a well-established printer and
publisher for much of his life and has published
nearly 500 different works, including magazines.
Richardson lost his first wife, along with his five
children, and ended up marrying again. Although
with his second wife had four daughters who
reached adulthood, they did not have a male heir to
continue managing the printing and publishing
house. While his charting was gradually falling, at
age 51 he wrote his first novel and immediately
became one of the most popular and admired writers
of his time.

 The protagonist, Pamela's boss, is based on an entire work as Mr. B-,
without a name. Researchers believe that his name is true Mr.
Brandon, and the author intended to preserve someone's name from
non-fiction. The author was a typographer, writing letters to writing-
writing individuals, and thus creating the Pamela novel by
combining letters that had aroused interest. Forcing the participation
of this part is plot is plausible.

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