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Case Presentation

By: Keyona Hardison

Conceptual Framework

Practice Behavior Theory

 Offers an explanation of certain behaviors or situations and broad
guidelines about how those behaviors or situations can be
changed. Practice theory serves as a road map for an intervention
that will bring about a certain type of change.
Background Information
 Client is a Caucasian male, who came from an abusive home.
 Client is father of 2 boys, ages 12 and 14.
 Oldest son has been in therapeutic foster care for 6 weeks.
 Youngest son is in kinship placement.
 Client’s wife, which is also the boys’ mother is not a part of their lives.
They have no contact with her at all.
 Client has full custody of his boys.
 Client has a history of inappropriate discipline, mainly why CPS is
 Client also has a history of domestic violence in previous
relationships as well as his current relationship with his 20 year old
girlfriend who lives in the home; client is 37 years old.
Problem Statement

Client has issues with meaningful relationships,

communication, and parenting.

 Client receives psychotherapy counseling for mental health.

 Family Therapy
 Therapeutic Services
 Therapeutic Foster Care

 Client really loves his children; he is very family oriented.

 Works hard to provide for his children.
 Makes an attempt to attend meetings and therapy sessions.

 Client is unable to read; has the educational level of a 5th grader.

 Lacks parenting skills.
 Anger issues
 Inappropriate discipline
 Domestic Violence
 Lacks communication.
Assessment Goals

 To develop better coping mechanisms for anger

 Be able to provide appropriate discipline and develop better
parenting skills.
 Develop better social skills to deal with authority figures and people
in general.
 Develop a sense of self-sufficiency.
Specific Interventions With Timeframes

 Every Tuesday at 2 pm client meets with therapist.

 Client and therapist will meet until goals are met.
 Child Family Team Meetings (CFT) will be held every 90 days to discuss case
and goals concerning his oldest son who is in therapeutic foster care.
 If therapist recommends, social worker suggests that client have a
psychiatric evaluation and medication if needed.
 Oldest son on will remain in therapeutic foster care until of all his goals are
 Youngest son will remain in kinship placement until his goals are met as well.
Biases Going Into The Interview
 Being a student intern; I thought client would not open up to me or take me seriously.
 I thought his anger issues would sway the interview.
 I thought client would become inpatient.

Value Differences
 Client has different perspective of discipline.
 Client is not faith-based.
 Client thinks that education/college is not important and a waste of time especially
for “older people”.
 Client believes that money solves every issue.
Client Life Experiences

 Client’s childhood has played a huge role in his adult life.

 Client was abused and neglected as a child.
 Client’s neighborhood, past and present, has affected his adult life.
 Low income neighborhoods
 Drug exposure
 Client has many changes in intimate relationships.
 Client was married
 Children are exposed to every woman he is intimately involved with.
Staff Recommendations About
Diagnosis, Intervention, or Treatment
 Social worker recommends that client continue to see therapist for his
mental health issues. Therapist is working with him concerning his cognitive
behavior. Therapist will refer client to psychiatrist for further evaluation.
 Bipolar Disorder
 Medication adherence for mood stabilization
 Family-focused therapy
 Anger Management Classes
What Does Research Say?

Research says that parents who have cognitive behavior issues, anger
issues, or have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder are more likely to
abuse and neglect their children due to a spectrum of manic highs to
devasting lows; especially parents who have trouble managing their
Changes For The Agency

 Have access to more mental health counseling

 The agency only has 2 in the county that they use

 Refer more parents who have mental health issues to

psychiatrist, especially clients who are in case management
Competencies & Practice Behaviors

 Competencies Used:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
 Behaviors Used:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2,
6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4

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