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 RADO AFRIZA (A1B0080032)

1 Definition
 1.1 Examples of self-access centers
2 Advantages and disadvantages of implementing and int
egrating self-access learning centers

 2.1 Advantages
 2.2 Disadvantages
3 Types of self-access learning centers
• Self-access language learning is closely related to
learner-centered approach, learner autonomy
and self-directed learning as all focus on student
responsibility and active participation for
his/her own learning
Examples of self-access centers

The Multimedia English Learning Center at the

National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology in
Taiwan has 60 computers, 2 service desks, 2 counseling rooms and
discussion areas with sofas and tables. It is divided into two sections: a
self-access program based on the university's intranet and self-directed
learning materials available in the facility. It has 3 pedagogical goals: 1) to
support English courses by reducing teacher workload 2) to make up for
the limited time that large classes have for listening and speaking and 3)
to foster autonomy and self-directive study strategies among students. [4]
The Language Learning Center at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska USA
offers holds classes in 10 different language and provides self-learning
materials in 57 languages. The center also has 22 computers with access
to online language classes as well as a variety of self-paced learning

Some of the advantages of this form of learning is that students at

the very least set the pace of their work. Depending on the
individual center, students can also set the level and content of
their work. Students can use these centers voluntarily or can have
assignments to complete there. The major advantage, therefore, is
flexibility, with the purpose of giving the students themselves the
opportunity to tailor the course more to their learning needs and
styles than a more traditional mode of teaching. [1]
Use of multiple technologies in a more independent setting has
been shown to improve motivation and increase students’ ability
to work independently by taking more responsibility for their
own learning. Students also report feeling more “empowered” by
such modes of instruction.

The major disadvantages of this mode has basically to do with the ability of both
students and teachers to adapt and integrate this method effectively. Many students are
not used to working independently, creating the need to provide guidance as to the use
of this kind of center, at least in the beginning.[7] One study reports that students do not
seem to want too much freedom in their use of technology. 73% reported that they
preferred a regularly scheduled lab time, with the facilitative presence of a teacher.
Significantly less than half reported that they preferred completely free access to the lab
or to do work at home on their own computer.
For teachers, the 'letting go' of control can be equally disorienting and it may seem that

giving students such control depreciates teachers' skills and experience. [3] Traditionally,
teachers are used to being the center of student activity, controlling how, when and why
students do what they do. Students have been expected to work in "lock-step" with the
teacher orchestrating what students do to a very high degree. Teachers, in turn, rely on
textbooks that allow little variation. Use of self-access center materials steer students
way from the rigidity and "security" of this paradigm, causing teachers to lose their "all-
powerful" and "all-knowing" position. This can cause problems integrating a self-access
center due to political and institutional constraints. [8]
Other possible problems have to do with availability of physical resources
Types of self-access learning centers

1. Fully Independent Learning

2. Semi-Guided Learning
3. Self-access center combined with English-
language writing center
4. Online self-access learning
5. The KELP Project
Self-access Learning Centre (SALC)
Be an independent learner!
Identify your needs and wants
Choose the language skills you need to improve

Resources we have:

Reference books Online language games

Audio materials


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