Etiologi Terjadinya Bintik-Bintik Merah Di Tangan Dan Kaki Pada Skenario ?

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Etiologi terjadinya bintik-

bintik merah di tangan

dan kaki pada skenario ?
11 ruam kulit tersering pada
• Hives (atau welts) • Insect Bites

• Heat Rash
• Eczema
• Contact Rash
• Viral Illness
• Impetigo
1. Chicken Pox
• Facial Rashes
2. Fifth Disease
• Ringworm
3. Roseola • Warts

4. Coxsackie • Molluscum Warts

• Hives

• Eczema

• Chicken Pox

• Fifth Disease
• Roseola

• Coxsackie

• Heat Rash

• Contact Rash
• Impetigo

• Ringworm

• Warts
Petechiae & Purpura
• pewarnaan merah (/ keunguan) yang ditandai oleh
pecahnya pembuluh darah setempat di permukaan

• Petechiae (D <1 cm) < Purpura

• Congenital :

• Hereditary Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia ( Osler-Weber-Rendu

Syndrome )

• Connective Tissues Disease ( Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and

Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum )

• Congenital Cytomegalovirus & Congenital Rubella

• Acquired causes such as severe infections (septicaemia,

meningococcal infections, measles)

• Allergic Causes Henoch-Schlonein Purpura, Connective Tissues

Disorders [SLE, RA]

• Drug-induced (Steroids, sulfonamides)

• Other causes (senile purpura, trauma, scurvy,

dependent purpura with venous hypertension and
factitial purpura)
Thrombocytopenic Purpura
• Impaired platelet production:

• Generalised Bone Marrow Failure (leukemia, aplastic anemia, myeloma,

tumors infiltration)

• Selective Reduction in Megakariocytes (drugs : cotrimoxazole,

chemicals, viral infections)

• Excessive platelets destructions :

• Immune Problems ( Immune Thrombocytopenia, Secondary Immune

Thrombocytopenia - SLE, Viral Infections, drugs - Post transfusion

• Coagulation Problems ( Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation [DIC],

Immune Thrombocytopenia, Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome )
Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Associated Disease :

• Bacterial Infections (meningococcal septicaemia, streptococcal septicaemia,

diphtheria) & Viral Infections (smallpox, chickenpox, measles, parvovirus,
Haemorrhagic fevers)

• Allergic Vasculitis Purpura (anaphylactic reaction - HSP, caused by B-Haemolytic

streptococcal infections)


• Strong Steroids

• Blood Transfusions

• Pigmented purpuric dermatoses

• Amyloid ( - pinch purpura)

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