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 SAR – Search and Rescue

 MRCC – Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre
 RCC – Rescue Control Centre
 SMC – SAR Mission Co-Coordinatior
 MRSC – Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre
 OSC – On Scene Co-ordination
 ERC – Emergency Rescue Center
 To link SAR response plan of the company, the
passanger ship and relevant SAR service

 To eneble the early and efficient establishment of

contact in the event of emergency between the
passanger ship, shore based emergency response
system and the SAR service.
 VOLUME I – Organization and Management discusses
the global SAR system concept, establishment of
national and regional SAR systems.
 VOLUME II – Mission Co-ordination assists personnel
who plan and coordinate SAR opeartions and excercise
 VOLUME III – Mobile Facilities is intended to be
carried aboard ships, aircraft and rescue units to help
with perfomance of search, rescue or on-scene
 Activate its emergency contingency plan immediately upon being
notified of an emergency
 Open a communication line between vessel and emergency response
center in Seattle
 Establish communication with RCC and share/updates of status
regulary and coordinate actions.
 Transmit souls onboard lists to RCC and ports/authorities
 Assist master with stability analysis and supplement decision support
 Contact flag state, class underwriters
 Ensure port agents and local authorities are notified
Seabourn Encore will:
 Alert RCC and company at earliest possible and give initial
 Establish initial open communication line with RCC and
ERC Seattle immediately
 Asses damage to vessel
 Activate damage control plan
 Treat injured persons
 Request medevac as needed
 Determine need for evacuation
 Keep passangers updated about the situation
Medical facilites onboard:
 Medical Center is located on Deck 4, MVZ 4 port side
 The backup Medical Center if needed is located on Deck
10, MVZ 2 stbd in the SPA.

 Vessel is not designated for helicopter landing
 Preferred helicopter winching area forward deck 7
 Approach from Port Quarter or from Astern
SAR Data Provider:
 Falmouth Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC)

SAR Plan:
 Aim of SAR co-operation planning is to enhance
mutual understanding between a ship, a company and
SAR services so that, in the event of an emergency, all
three parties will be able to work together efficiently.

 SOLAS CHAPTER III Part B Regulation 17-1

 All recovery operations shall be initiated by the Master

 When attempting to recover persons from the water,

the safety of the rescue personnel involved shall never
be compromised
Recovery operation:
 BRM/ERM – consider going to yellow/red manning depending on the
situation. The designated man over board alarm shall be sounded to
initiate emergency response.
 Execute on man over board protocol
 All personnel must be fully briefed of the actions required of them
 Passengers shall be informed by means of announcements and shall
be kept updated
 All parties involved with the recovery operation must have the means
to clearly communicate with the bridge.
 Sufficient lookouts shall be posted around the vessel
 Clear means of communication between the lookouts and command
team shall be established
Selection of Recovery methods:
 Rescue boat or tender

 Pilot ladder

 Tender platform (Marina)

 Lines or equipment passed to person being recovered from

the water

 Transferring of casualties to the ship via helicopter basket

Bringing Persons Onboard the ship:
 Once persons are in position from which they can be
recovered, the next part of task is to bring them on
board the ship
This will depend on:
 Weather and sea condition
 Condition of the person to be recovered
 Size of the ship
 Equipment available
Treatment of Persons Recovered
from the water:
 Immediate medical attention
 Medical staff, support teams and full emergency
equipment shall be prepared and ready for immediate
 Effective de-brief of the survivors shall be conducted
as soon as possible, with all information to be recorded
 All information shall be relayed to the Company and
the MRCC.
 Regular drills shall ensure that the crew are familiar
with the plans, procedures and equipment

 Proper planning and preparation of the training

exercises and drills shall be conducted

 During such training exercises and drills all necessary

safety procedures and precautions shall be followed.

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