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Ravi Kant
Lect. Ambica Verma RTb805A05
Introduction to Simulation:

This implies that:

1. All data must be stored symbolically. All operations such as
bitwise operations, arithmetic operations, comparisons and
assignments must also be performed symbolically.
2. For all statements, which split the control-flow, e.g., if-then-
else statements or loops, all possible execution paths must be

Simulation is a formal verification technique, which combines
the flexibility of conventional simulation with powerful
symbolic methods.
The Simulation Algorithm:
Simulation Techniques :
1. Algorithm Visualization
2. Algorithm Animation
3. Algorithm Simulation
1. Algorithm Visualization

Visualization of a sorting algorithm

2. Algorithm Animation

Bubble sort Animation

The challenge is to construct a simulation tool based on this theoretical framework.
A user could then use this simulation tool for examine of states of behavior of
algorithms and data structures.

The goal of Algorithm Simulation is to further the understanding of algorithms and data

Another possible views of Simulation:

1.In the context of a vehicle:
2.The researcher's point of view:
3. An experimental technique: comprising such aspects as model calibration and data
collection as well as experimental design and output analysis.
4.Representation : Representation will always be needed for simulation, since it is by
definition an experimental technique where data generated by each experiment must be
collected, summarized and reported in a meaningful way.
Types of Simulation Algorithms :
Simulation is a homogeneous system that exhibits activities at
different timescales. The simulation have to two different
models of algorithms :

1) Deterministic Algorithms
2) Stochastic Algorithms , but it has an another type is
3) Hybrid Algorithms
1. Deterministic Algorithms
Deterministic algorithms deal with the aggregated quantity of
concentration and rate of change of concentration.
The methods are:

 Euler Forward method

 Euler Backward method
 Trapezoidal method
 Explicit 4th order Runge-Kutta method
 Rosenbrock method (Generalized fourth order Runge-Kutta method)
 Advanced ODE Solver (Adams-Bashforth)
The Trapezoidal method:-

The trapezoidal method is a used to approximate the area

under a curve.  This is done by inscribing or
circumscribing n number of trapezoids under a curve.  The
areas of the trapezoids are then summed.
First start with the area of one trapezoid:

The trapezoids are circumscribed under the curve,

lengths a and b become dependant on:
Animation Algorithms for Trapezoidal Method
2. Stochastic Algorithms

Stochastic algorithms can be used for modeling such stochastic or

random events.
The methods are:
Gillespie's Direct method
Gibson Next Reaction method
Explicit Tau-Leap method

3. Hybrid Algorithms

 StochODE method
Monte Carlo method:
Monte Carlo methods are a class of computational algorithms that rely
on repeated random sampling to compute their results. Monte Carlo
methods are often used when simulating physical and mathematical systems.
The term Monte Carlo Method was coined by S. Ulam and Nicholas Metropolis
in reference to games of chance, a popular attraction in Monte Carlo.

A Monte Carlo method is a technique that involves using random
numbers and probability to solve problems.
Monte Carlo simulation methods are used in studying systems
with a large number of coupled degrees of tools like :

1. Fluids,
2. Disordered materials,
3. Strongly coupled solids, and
4. Cellular structures
Representation of Monte Carlo Method:
The steps in Monte Carlo simulation corresponding to the
uncertainty propagation shown in Previous figure.

For that we need to do is follow the five simple steps listed below:
Step 1: Create a parametric model, y = f(x1, x2, ..., xq).
Step 2: Generate a set of random inputs, xi1, xi2, ..., xiq.
Step 3: Evaluate the model and store the results as yi.
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for i = 1 to n.
Step 5: Analyze the results using histograms, summary statistics,
confidence intervals, etc.
Real life Applications :

Scheduling algorithms are used in:

Computer networks
Operating systems
Real time applications
Network simulator

A network simulator is a software program that imitates the working of a

computer network. In simulators, the computer network is typically modelled
with devices, traffic etc and the performance is analysed. Typically, users can
then customize the simulator to fulfil their specific analysis needs. Simulators
typically come with support for the most popular protocols in use today, such
as IPv4, IPv6, UDP, and TCP.
Scheduling in RTOS

More information about the tasks are known

1.No of tasks
2.Resource Requirements
3. Release Time
4.Execution time
5. Deadlines
Being a more deterministic system better scheduling
algorithms can be devised.
Real-Time Operating Systems

Real-time operating systems are an integral part of real-time

systems. Not surprisingly,
four main functional areas that they support are process
management and synchroniza-
tion, memory management, interprocess communication, and
 Definition : Simulation is a formal verification technique, which combines the
flexibility of conventional simulation with powerful symbolic methods.
 Use of simulation tool for user is Examine of states of behavior of
algorithms and data structures.
 The goal of Algorithm Simulation is to further the understanding of
algorithms and data structures.
Simulation Techniques :
1. Algorithm Visualization
2. Algorithm Animation
3. Algorithm Simulation

 Types of Simulation Algorithms :

1. Deterministic Algorithms
2. Stochastic Algorithms
3. Hybrid Algorithms
 Real life Applications :
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