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Prof. Jenny Malabrigo
September 2018
20 Common Characteristics of
Highly Intelligent People
Right/Left Brain Dominance Test

Add the number of "A" responses. Sum:______

Add the number of "B" responses. Sum:______

If you have more "A" responses than "B“

responses, then you are left-brained dominate.
If you have more "B" responses than "A"
responses, you are right-brain dominate.
This means you........
• are very rational
• analyze people and situations
• usually favor the subjects of math/science
• are methodical
• are a sequential thinker
• use logical reasoning
• like to work with things that can be seen or
This means you.......
• are very creative
• are usually emotional
• like to be different from others
• handle situations easily
• like to think abstractly
• enjoy the arts(music, art, drama)
• are a divergent thinker
 The right side of your body is controlled by the left side of
your brain.
 The left side of your body is controlled by the right side of
your brain.
 Most people are left-brain dominate, even people who are
left-handed writers.
 The left side of your brain controls speech, reading,
writing, and math.
 The right side deals with spatial relationships,
abstractions, and your feelings.
The differences between Right
& Left Brain Thinking
 Right brain or creative thinkers gather information by
feelings and intuition. This information is retained by
using images and patterns and are able to visualize the
whole idea as we gather our research.
 Left Brain or Critical Thinkers collect information using
logic and sense. This information is retained using words,
numbers and symbols. Unlike right brain thinkers who see
the whole concept, left brain thinkers see only parts of the
whole idea that guides them in their logical, step-by-step
gathering of information.
Modern scientists know that your left brain is your verbal and rational brain while
your right brain is you nonverbal and intuitive brain.

Prof. Jenny Malabrigo
September 2018
 The Leader
 How to Become a Good Leader
 The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a
 Transformational Leadership
 The Seven habits of highly effective
 A person who is followed by others

 According to Peter DeLisle, is the ability
to influence others, with or without
Becoming the Person Others
Will Want to Follow

“ If you can become the leader you

ought to be on the inside, you will be
able to become the person you want
on the outside. People will want to
follow you. And when that happens,
you’ll be able to tackle anything in
this world.”
How to become a good Leader?

 The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

by John C. Maxwell

 The important of Transformational leadership

to an organization

 The seven habits of highly effective people

The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader

1. Character 8. Focus 15. Relationship

2. Charisma 9. Generosity 16. Responsibility

3. Commitment 10. Initiative 17. Security

4. Communication 11. Listening 18. Self-Discipline

5. Competence 12. Passion 19. Servanthood

6. Courage 13. Positive Attitude 20. Teachability

7. Discernment 14. Problem Solving 21. Vision

The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
1. CHARACTER: Be a Piece of the Rock
Every person must know about character:
• Character is more than talk
• Talent is a gift, but character is a choice
• Character brings lasting success with people
• Leaders cannot rise above the limitations of
their character
To improve Character:
 Search for the cracks
 Look for patterns
 Face the music
 Rebuild
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
2. CHARISMA: The impression Can Seal the
Pointers to make yourself the kind of person
who attracts others:
• Love Life
• Put a “10” on Every Person’s Head
• Give People Hope
• Share Yourself
To improve Charisma:
 Change your focus
 Play the first impressions game
 Share yourself
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
3. COMMITMENT: It Separates Doers from
True nature of Commitment:
• Commitment Starts in the Heart
• Commitment is Tested by Action
• Commitment Opens the door to
To improve Commitment:
 Measure it
 Know what’s worth dying for
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
4. COMMUNICATION: Without it you Travel
Four basic truths to be more effective
• Simplify your Message
• See the Person
• Show the Truth
• Seek a Response
To improve Communication:
 Be clear as a bell
 Refocus your attention
 Live your message
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
5. COMPETENCE: If you Build It, They will

To cultivate competence:
• Show up Every Day
• Keep Improving
• Follow Through with Excellence
• Accomplish More than Expected
To improve Competence:
 Get your head in the game
 Redefine the standard
 Find three ways to improve
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
6. COURAGE: One Person with Courage Is a
Truths about courage:
• Courage begins with an Inward Battle
• Courage is Making things Right, Not Just
Smoothing Them Over
• Courage in a Leader Inspires Commitment from
• Your Life Expands in Proportion to Your
To improve Courage:
 Face the music
 Talk to that person
 Take a giant step
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
7. DISCERNMENT: Put an End to Unsolved
Important things to maximize effectiveness of a
• Discover the Root Issues
• Enhance Your Problem Solving
• Evaluate Your Options for Maximum Impact
• Multiple Your Opportunities
To improve Discernment:
 Analyze past success
 Learn how others think
 Listen to your gut
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
8. FOCUS: The Sharper It Is, the Sharper
You Are

Guidelines to focus your time and energy:

• Focus 70% on Strengths --- develop
• Focus 25% on New Things ---growth
• Focus 5% on Areas of Weakness ---minimize
To improve Focus:
 Shift to strengths
 Staff your weakness
 Create an edge
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
9. GENEROSITY: Your Candle Loses Nothing
When It Lights Another
Tips to cultivate the quality of generosity in your life:
• Be Grateful for What you Have
• Put People First
• Don’t Allow the Desire for Possessions to Control You
• Regard Money as a Resource
• Develop the Habit of Giving
To improve Generosity:
 Give something away
 Put your money to work
 Find someone to mentor
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
10. INITIATIVE: You Won’t Leave Home
Without It

Qualities Leaders Possess to make things happen:

• They Know What They Want
• They Push Themselves to Act
• They Take More Risks
• They Make More Mistakes
To improve Initiative:
 Change your mind-set
 Don’t wait for opportunity to knock
 Take the next step
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
11. LISTENING: To Connect with Their Hearts, Use Your
S-i-l-e-n-t ------------ L-i-s-t-e-n

Keep your ears open to these people:

• Your Followers
• Your Customers
• Your Competitors
• Your Mentors

Two purposes of listening: to connect with people and to learn.

To improve Listening:
 Change your schedule
 Meet people on their turf
 Listen between the lines
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
12. PASSION: Take This Life and Love It

Truths about passion:

• Passion is the First Step to Achievement
• Passion Increases your Willpower
• Passion Changes You
• Passion Makes the Impossible Possible
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
What makes it possible for people who might
seem ordinary to achieve great things?
Fact: More than 50% of all CEOs of Fortune 500
companies had C or C-averages in college
Fact: Nearly 75% of all US Presidents were in the
bottom half of their school classes
Fact: More than 50% of all millionaires entrepreneurs
never finished college
They All HAD PASSION, it Makes a
To improve Passion:
 Take your temperature
 Return to your first love
 Associate with people of passion
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
13. POSITIVE ATTITUDE: If You Believe You
Can, You Can
Think of the following to be more positive:
• Your Attitude Is a Choice
• Your Attitude Determines Your Actions
• Your People are a Mirror of Your Attitude
• Maintaining a Good Attitude is Easier Than
Regaining One
“Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration”
To improve positive attitude:
 Feed yourself the right food
 Achieve a goal every day
 Write it on your wall
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
14. PROBLEM SOLVING: You Can’t Let Your
Problems Be a Problem
Five qualities of Leaders with good problem-solving
• They Anticipate Problems
• They Accept the Truth
• They See the Big Picture
• They Handle One Thing at a Time
• They Don’t Give Up a Major Goal When They’re Down
To improve Problem Solving:
 Look for trouble
 Develop a method
 Surround yourself with problem
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
15. RELATIONSHIPS: If You Get Along,
They’ll Go Along
Three things a person can do to manage and
cultivate good relationships as a leader:
• Have a Leader’s Head—Understand People
• Have a Leader’s Heart—Love People
• Extend a Leader’s Hand—Help People
To improve Relationships:
 Improve your mind
 Strengthen your heart
 Repair a hurting relationship
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
16. RESPONSIBILITY: If You Won’t Carry
the Ball, You Can’t Lead the Team
Characteristics of people who embrace
• They Get the Job Done
• They Are Willing to Go the Extra Mile
• They Are Driven by Excellence
• They Produce Regardless of the Situation
To improve Responsibility:
 Keep hanging in there
 Admit what’s not good enough
 Find better tools
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
17. SECURITY: Competence Never Compensates
for Insecurity

Common traits of insecure leaders:

 They don’t provide security to others;
 They take more from people than they give;
 They continually limit their best people;
 They continually limit the organization
To improve Security:
 Know yourself
 Give away the credit
 Get some help
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
18. SELF-DISCIPLINE: The First Person You
Lead Is You

Action points to follow:

• Develop and Follow Your Priorities
• Make a Disciplined Lifestyle Your Goal
• Challenge Your Excuses
• Remove Rewards Until the Job Is Done
• Stay Focused on Results
To improve Self-Discipline:
 Sort out your priorities
 List the reasons
 Get rid of excuses
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
19. SERVANTHOOD: To Get Ahead, Put Others

A true servant leader:

• Puts Others Ahead of His Own Agenda
• Possesses the Confidence to Serve
• Initiates Service to Others
• Is Not Position-Conscious
• Serves Out of Love
To improve Servanthood:
 Perform small acts
 Learn to walk slowly through the
 Move into action
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
20. TEACHABILITY: To Keep Leading, Keep
Five guidelines to help you cultivate and maintain a
teachable attitude:
• Cure Your Destination Disease
• Overcome Your Success
• Swear Off Shortcuts
• Trade in Your Pride
• Never Pay Twice for the Same Mistakes
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader

Why should you keep GROWING?

 Your growth determines who you are.
 Who you are determines who you attract.
 Who you attract determines the success of your
 If you want your organization to grow, you
have to remain teachable.
To improve Teachability:
 Observe how you react to mistakes
 Try something new
 Learn in your area of strength
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
21. VISION: You Can Seize Only What You Can

Things to be understand to handle vision:

• Vision Starts Within
• Vision Draws on Your History
• Vision Meets Other’s Needs
• Vision Helps you Gather Resources
The 21 Indispensable qualities
of a Leader
 It leads the leader

 It paints the target

 It sparks and fuels the fire within, and draws

him forward
 It is also the fire lighter for others who follow
that leader
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Walt Disney
To improve Vision:
 Measure yourself
 Write it down
 Do a gut check
A leadership style focused on effecting revolutionary
change in organizations through a commitment to
the organization’s vision . (Sullivan & Decker, 2001)

Transformational leaders have a clear collective vision… They

are the role models….. They inspire employees to put the
good of the whole organization above self interest….
Stimulate employees to be more innovative… take personal
Transactional VS Transformational

Transactional Leadership
Relied mainly on centralized control - Managers
controlled most activities

Transformational Leaders
Trust their subordinates and leave them space to
breathe and grow
Transformational Leadership


Why is transformational
leadership important for
organizational functioning?
 Significantly increases organizational performance;
 Is positively linked with long term market share and
customer satisfaction
 Generates higher commitment to the organization from their
 Increases employee trust in management and organizational
citizenship behaviors (extra-role work related behaviors
such as conscientiousness, unselfishness and sportsmanship
that are unrestricted, not related to the formal reward
system of the organization);
 Enhances employee satisfaction with both their job and the
 Reduces employee stress and increases well-being
Video: Transformational Leadership Video
Transformational Leadership


How do transformational leaders


Video: Transformational Leadership

 Articulate a compelling vision of the future;
 Use stories and symbols to communicate their vision and message;
 Specify the importance of having a strong sense of purpose and a
collective mission;
 Talk optimistically and enthusiastically and express confidence that
goals will be achieved;
 Engender the trust and respect of their followers by doing the right thing
rather that doing things right;
 Instill pride in employees for being associated with them;
 Talk about their most important values and beliefs;
 Consider the moral and ethical consequences of decisions;
 Seek different perspectives when solving problems;
 Get employees to challenge old assumptions and to think about problems
in new ways;
 Spend time teaching and coaching;
 Consider each individual employee’s different needs, abilities and
Components of Transformational

1. Charisma
2. Inspirational motivation
3. Intellectual stimulation
4. Individualized consideration

Video: Transformational Leadership Example

The seven habits of highly
effective people

1. Be Proactive
2. Begin with the end in mind

3. Put first things first

4. Think win-win

5. Seek first to understand… Then to be understood

6. Synergize

7. Sharpen the saw

Video- The7 habits of highly effective people

Midterm Exam
September 8, 2018

 Disaster Management and Environmental
 National Security Concerns

 Values Development and Self Awareness

 Leadership

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