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• Achieving balance between number of visitors
and the capacity of the given environment.
• Greatest interaction and enjoyment with the
least destruction.
• is development that satisfies the needs of the
present without compromising the capacity of
future generations, guaranteeing the balance
between economic growth, care for the
environment and social well-being.
• Sustainable tourism is an industry committed
to making a low impact on the environment
and local culture, while helping to generate
future employment for local people. The
positive of sustainable tourism is to ensure
that development is a positive experience for
local people; tourism companies; and tourists
themselves. (Wikipedia)
• Sustainable development is development
that meets the needs of the present, without
compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs."
• Sustainable development is the organizing
principle for meeting human development
goals while at the same time sustaining the
ability of natural systems to provide the
natural resources and ecosystem services
upon which the economy and society depend
• The United Nations World Tourism Organization defines sustainable
tourism as tourism that meets the needs of present tourists and
host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunity for the
future. Rather than being a type of product, it is an ethos that
underpins all tourism activities. As such, it is integral to all aspects of
tourism development and management rather than being an add-on
component. The objective of sustainable tourism is to retain the
economic and social advantages of tourism development while
reducing or mitigating any undesirable impacts on the natural,
historic, cultural or social environment. This is achieved by balancing
the needs of tourists with those of the destination.(WTO)
Stages of Destination Development
Stage 1: Discovery
• The stage of exploration
• A destination begins as a relatively unknown
place and visitors initially come in small
numbers restricted by lack of access,
facilities, and local knowledge
Stage 1: Discovery : Boracay during
Stage 2: Development
• The stage of growth
• As more people discover the destination, the
word spreads about its attractions and the
amenities are increased and improved.
Stage 2: Development during 1980’s
Stage 3: Success
• The stage of maturity
• Tourist arrivals then begin to grow rapidly toward
some theoretical carrying capacity which involves
social and environmental limits.
• Often happens rapidly
Stage 3: Success
Stage 4: Decline
• Possible trajectory of a destination after the stage of
• The stage of saturation and alienation
• Increased congestion and unsustainable development
caused the resources that originally drew visitors to the
destination to become corrupted, or no longer exist.
• The destination has become saturated.
• The appeal of the destination has disappeared and the
tourists now look for unaltered destination.
Stage 4: Decline
Stage 5: Rejuvenation
• Possible trajectory of a destination after the
stage of stagnation.
• Technological developments or
infrastructure improvements leading to
increased carrying capacity can help
rejuvenate a destination.
Resources for Developing Tourism
• Resources can be divided into 4 categories:
• Capital
• Labor
• Materials
• Knowledge
• In tourism, materials include natural and human-
made assets.
Carrying Capacity
• The largest number of people a destination can
efficiently manage within its given environ and
management capabilities.
High Quality Attractions
• Attractions draw visitors
• Offers experiences that visitors want and need
• The goal of sustainable tourism development is
the preservation of the attractions so that future
generations can enjoy them
Research the following:
• What are the Characteristics of Sustainable
• What are the Sustainable Goals of Tourism?
• Requirements of Sustainable Tourism
• Practice of Sustainable Tourism
• Incentives for Sustainable Tourism
5 Characteristics of Sustainable Tourism

• 1. Benefits Local Economic Development

• 2. Ensures Tourism Development Benefits Both
Community and Environment
• 3. Meets Both Profitability and Viability
• 4. Becomes Part of the Local Culture
• 5. Reinvests in the Local Region

• Eradicate poverty and hunger, guaranteeing a

healthy life.
• Universalize access to basic services such as water,
sanitation and sustainable energy.
• Support the generation of development
opportunities through inclusive education and
decent work.

• Foster innovation and resilient infrastructure,

creating communities and cities able to
produce and consume sustainably.
• Reduce inequality in the world, especially
that concerning gender.

• Care for the environment combating climate

change and protecting the oceans and land
• Promote collaboration between different
social agents to create an environment of
peace and sustainable development.
Requirement of Sustainable Tourism
• Meets Both Profitability and Viability
• Community support and tolerance
• Government assistance at all levels
• Personal security and safety of tourists
• Code of ethics and behavior of tourists

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