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Guide to

Business Process Modelling

1.1 xyz
1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz
 What is business process modelling?

 What is process mapping?

 Why and when is process mapping used?

 How to produce a process map

 Draw and label the swimlanes

 Add in the process flows

 Swap lanes and show decision points

 Complete the process map 1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

 Example process map

1.1 xyz

 Further assistance
1.1 xyz

What is business process modelling?
Business process modelling is a means of
representing the steps, participants and decision logic
in business processes.
There are three main types of process models:
1. Descriptive models: written explanations of the

2. Active models: a working model that represents

the processes (eg. computer simulations)

3. Diagrammatical models: a diagram that shows

1.1 xyz
the processes and the relationships between 1.1 xyz

them (eg. process maps and flowcharts.)

1.1 xyz

This guide will focus on process maps. 1.1 xyz

What is process mapping?
Process mapping is a technique of
diagrammatical modelling.
The diagram represents a series of
processes and how they are related.
Process mapping provides a representation
of who does what and in what order.

1.1 xyz
1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

Why and when is process mapping
Process mapping helps to clarify the steps
involved in a particular process.

It is used for:
• understanding the current processes
• clarifying responsibilities
• identifying process inefficiencies
1.1 xyz

• designing new procedures

1.1 xyz

• training
1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

How to produce a process map
• Consult with the experts. These are the people managing and working with
the process.
• Identify the boundaries. Where does the process begin? where does it end?
• Identify the participants. What roles are involved in the processes?
• Hand draw the process in front of the expert, getting then to confirm the
• Identify the steps. What is done first? What is done next? By who?
• Identify the decision points. What are the alternatives? What determines
which alternative is chosen?
• Draw an initial process flow. Draw and label the swim lanes (see next slide
for details) using standard symbols.

1.1 xyz
1.1 xyz
Check for completeness. Are all participants represented?
Are all processes shown? Are there any alternatives that
have not been considered? Refine and finalise. 1.1 xyz

• Review with the experts to ensure completeness. 1.1 xyz

Draw and label the swim lanes




1.1 xyz
The swim lanes represent the area of involvement of each 1.1 xyz

participant who has a role in the processes being mapped.

1.1 xyz
The participant may be an individual, a team, a department
or an organisation. 1.1 xyz

Add in the process flows
1.1 Fill out 1.2 Submit
Employee expense form expense form



Starting at top left with the start symbol. 1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

Draw processes along the swim lane, and use arrows to

1.1 xyz
represent the sequence.
Each process is given a number, and starts with a verb. 1.1 xyz

Swap lanes and enter decision points
1.4.1 notification
1.1 Fill out 1.2 Submit to employee
Employee expense form expense form

1.4 1.5 Submit

1.3 Receive Expenses authorised
expense form Valid? expense form
Supervisor Yes


1.1 xyz
When a process is performed by a different participant 1.1 xyz

switch lanes. If the next step depends on a decision show

1.1 xyz
this as in the example above, labelling the alternatives and
showing the steps that follow. 1.1 xyz

Complete the process map
Remove any unused swim lanes.
Make sure there is one start point and all flows have
an end point.
Check that all decision points have all options
labelled and have flow arrows to the next step.
Review with participants for verification.
An example of a completed process map is shown
on the next slide.
1.1 xyz
1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

Business process 1 – Process expense claim

1.1 Fill out 1.2 Submit

expense expense 1.4.1 notification 1.8.1 notification
form form to employee to employee

Employee m m No

1.3 Receive 1.4 1.5 Submit

expense Expenses authorised
form Yes expense
m Valid? form m

1.6 Receive 1.8 Make

expense form payment
m 1.1 xyz
sol 1.1 xyz

1.7 Log
Administration expense form
1.1 xyz

1.1 xyz

M = manual Sol = facilitated by solution 11

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