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 OS is a program that do the following main

• As an interface between the user with the complex
 Imagine what do you need to do to read a data from a disk
without an Operating System
• As a resources manager
 Manage memory
 Manage processor
 Manage processes
 Manage file
 Manage devices
1. Organize and monitor its resources
2. Enforce the policies that determine who
gets what, when, and how much.
3. Allocate the resource when it’s appropriate.
4. Deallocate the resource –reclaim it when
Organize the memory accordingly e.q whether it’s a
fixed partition, dynamic partition, paging or
Check the validity of each request for memory
space. Allocates a portion for legal request using
certain policies.
Sets up a table to keep track of who is using which
section of memory.
Finally when the time comes to reclaim the memory,
the memory manager deallocates the memory.
Types of Operating Systems
• Operating systems for computers fall into
following five categories:
– Batch
– Interactive
– Real-time
– Hybrid
– Embedded
• Distinguished by response time and how data is
entered into the system
Batch Systems
• Program are run in group or batch
• Process in serial, one by one
• Using punched card or tape (not limited in present
• Efficiency measured in
 throughput -- number of jobs/ given amount of
time (e.g. 30 jobs/hour)
 Turnarround – in hours or days
Types of Operating System
Interactive Systems ( time-sharing systems)

– Required time-sharing software, which allow

each user to interact directly with the
– Give a faster turn-around time and Provides
immediate feedback
– Respond time measured in minutes or
seconds depending on number of users
Real-Time Systems
– Fastest and are used in time-critical
– Data must be processed extremely quickly
because the output influence immediate
– Must be 100% responsive 100% of the time.
Response time measured in fraction of sec
– Used in space flight, military system, airport
traffic control, high-speed aircraft, industrial
processes, sophisticated medical equipment
Types of Operating System
Hybrid Systems

– Combination of batch and interactive

– User can access the system interactively and
get fast response
– Also accepts and runs batch programs in
background when the interactive load is light
– Can take advantage of the free time
– Most large computer system are hybrid
Types of Operating Systems
• Embedded Systems:
– Computers placed inside other
products to add features and
– Operating systems with small kernel
and flexible functions capabilities will
have potential for embedded system

Computer Control
Washing Machine

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