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College of Arts and Sciences

University Utara Malaysia

Course Name:
Course Code:
Dr. Ismail Hussein Amzat
Week 1-2
Leadership History
• The term connotes images of powerful,
dynamic persons who command victorious
armies, direct corporate empires from top……
• It starts with:
– Military
– Political
– Religious
– Social leaders
Leadership History
• The birth of scientific research on leadership:
– Leadership effectiveness
– Behavioral:
• Traits
• Abilities
• Source of power
• Situation
Defining leadership

Scholars and other writers have offered

more than 350 definitions of the term
leadership’ and concludes that leadership
‘is one of the most observed and least
understood phenomena on earth.
Defining Leadership:
In 50s:
• Leadership is:
– the behavior of an individual
– directing the activities of a group toward a shared goal
(Hemphill & Coons, 1957).
In 60s:
• Leadership is:
– a particular type of power relationship characterized by a
group member’s perception
– prescribing behavior patterns regarding his activity as a
group member (Janda, 1960).
(cited byYukl,1989)
Defining Leadership:
In 60s
• Leadership is:
– interpersonal influence exercised in a situation
– directed through communication process to attain a
specified goal or goals (Tannenbaum, Weschler, &
Massarik, 1961).
In 70s
• Leadership is:
– an interaction between persons
– presenting convincing information to others about the
outcomes (Jacobs, 1970).
(cited byYukl,1989)
Defining Leadership:
• Leadership is:
– The initiation and maintenance of structure in expectation
and interaction (Stogdill, 1974).
• Leadership is
– the influence increment over and above mechanical
compliance with the routine directives of the organization
(Katz & Kahn, 1978).
In 80s
• Leadership is:
– The process of influencing the activities of an organized
group toward goal achievement (Rauch & Behling, 1984).
(cited byYukl,1989)
Defining Leadership:
– as a process that includes influencing the task objectives
and strategies of a group or organization,
– influencing people in the organization to implement the
strategies and achieve the objectives,
– influencing group maintenance and identification,
– influencing the culture of the organization’ (Yukl and Van,

In 90s
– a process of social influence in which one person can
enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment
of a common task“ (Chemer, 1997).
Understanding Leadership
• Overall, leadership was defined as:

– (a) personality or effectiveness of personality,

– (b) the exercise of influence,
– (c) a function of a set of acts or behavior
– (d) a form of persuasion,
– (e) a power of relationship,
– (f) an instrument of goal achievement,
– (g) an effective interaction,
– (h) a differentiated role,
– (i) the initiation of structure
(Stogdill, 1974)
The Nature of Leadership

• Leadership is both an art and a science.

The Nature of Leadership

• Leadership is an art because many of the

leadership skills and qualities required
cannot be learned and a science because
there is a growing body of knowledge that
describes the leadership process.
The Nature of Leadership in Organizations

• Organizational leadership involves:

– processes and proximal outcomes (such as
worker commitment) that contribute to the
development and achievement of organizational

• Leadership in organization changes as a function of

such variables: organizational level, organizational
structure, environmental complexity, and cultural
and societal parameters.
The Nature of Leadership in Organizations
• It suggest seven fundamental performance
necessities in the life space of organizational
– cognitive,
– social,
– personal,
– political,
– technological,
– financial,
– staffing demands
Leadership and Organizational Purpose

• To help organizational subunits to achieve the purposes for

which they exist within the larger system.

• Organizational purpose is operationalized as a direction for

collective action.

• Leadership processes are directed at:

– defining,
– establishing,
– identifying,
– translating this direction for their followers
– facilitating or enabling the organizational processes that should
result in the achievement of this purpose.
The 10 Commandment of Leadership in
1. Search out challenging opportunities to change, grow, innovate, and
2. Experiment, take risks, and learn from the accompanying mistakes.
3. Envision an uplifting and ennobling future.
4. Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to their values, interests,
hopes and dreams.
5. Foster collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trusts.
6. Strengthen people by giving power away, providing choice, developing
competence, assigning critical tasks, and offering visible support.
7. Set the example by behaving in ways that are consistent with shared
8. Achieve small wins that promote consistent progress and build
9. Recognize individual contributions to the success of every project.
10.Celebrate team accomplishments regularly (p. 18).
(Kouzes & Posner, 1995 and Ricketts, J. C &Rudd, R. D, 2002)

Are schools organizations or communities?

As a community:
…we create our social lives with others who
have intention similar to ours.

As an organization:
…in organization, relationships are
constructed for us by others and become
codified into system of hierarchies, roles and
role expectations.
Sergiovanni (1994)

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