Ob Basics: Introduction To OB Organizational Behaviour

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Chapter 1.


Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

To equip students with the knowledge of basics of
Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Instructional Objectives
Objectives of this chapter are:
• Explain Organizational Behaviour and its features

• Explain the nature of Organizational Behaviour

• Explain the contributing disciplines of Organizational Behaviour

• Describe the scope of Organizational Behaviour

• Describe the challenges and opportunities of Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Introduction and Definition - OB

• Organizational Behaviour (OB) is a study of the impact of individual, groups, and structures on human
behaviour within an organization. It helps to understand, anticipate and possibly impact human behaviour in
order to achieve higher performance levels. The continuous change in an organization’s mission and structure
greatly impact the nature of its Organizational Behaviour.

• Keith Davis and John Newstrom (1985) has defined Organizational Behaviour as "the study and application of
knowledge how people act or behave within an organization. It is a human tool for human benefit. It applies
broadly to the behaviour of people in all types of organizations such as business, government, schools and
service organizations."

• In the opinion of Robbins, "OB is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and
structure have on behaviour within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards
improving an organization's effectiveness".

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Concept of OB
• There are two main concepts of Organizational Behaviour:

• Individual approach
• Perception
• Whole person
• Motivated Behaviour – Positive and Negative
• Value of human beings

• Social System – Formal and Informal
• Mutual Interest
• Ethics

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Features of OB
• The main features of Organizational Behaviour are:






Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Reasons to study OB
• OB is a combination of Organization and Behaviour.

• Organizations are social systems wherein we have a group of people working towards a common goal.
Behaviour is the way people respond to others and situations. Therefore, OB is referred to as the study of
Human Behaviour in Organizations.

• OB mainly deals with three aspects i.e.

 Understanding Behaviour

 Predicting Behaviour

 Controlling Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

1) Which is not a factor affecting nature of people?

a) Perception
b) Ethics
c) Whole person
d) Individual Approach

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

2) Work group influences the individual as well as the organization.

True or False?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

3) Which of the below is not an aspect that is dealt by OB?

a) Degrading Behaviour
b) Understanding Behaviour
c) Predicting Behaviour
d) Controlling Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the two classification of social systems?

2. What are the two main concepts of OB?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Nature of OB
• A separate field of study – Human behaviour perspective to management

• A normative science

• A science and art

• Directed towards organizational objectives

• System Approach

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

4) Which of the following is not a nature of OB?

a) Science and Art
b) Normative Science
c) Directed towards Corporate Objectives
d) Aggressive approach

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

5) OB tries to integrate the objectives of both individuals as well as the

organization to achieve both at the same time. True or False?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

6) Organizational helps in solving the complexities of human behaviour by

a) Integrated approach
b) System approach
c) Aggressive approach
d) Individual approach

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

7) Which element appeals to logic and reason?

a) Ethos
b) Pathos
c) Logos
d) Rhetors

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Short Answer Questions

3. Why is OB a separate field of study?

4. Why is OB a science and art?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Contributing Disciplines of OB
• Psychology
 General, Consulting, Industrial, Experimental, Clinical, Educational

• Sociology
 Association with science: Empirical, Cumulative, Not Ethical, Theoretical

• Social Psychology
 Studies social conflict, decision making, crowd behaviour, communication etc

• Anthropology
 Analyses environmental and human bond of relationship

• Political Sciences
 Understanding structuring of conflicts, resolutions of conflicts,
how people use their power for self-interest

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

8) Which of the following is not a discipline to OB?

a) Psychology
b) Sociology
c) Anthropology
d) Ornithology

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

9) Focus of Social Psychology is towards the dynamics of the group.

True or False?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

10) Anthropology analyses the environmental and human bond of

relationship. True or False?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Short Answer Questions

5. What is the contribution of political sciences?

6. Describe any 3 topics that the social psychology studies?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Scope of OB




Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

11) Individuals are studied through interactions. True or False?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

12) Study of power and politics comes under ?

a) Individual Behaviour
b) Inter-Individual Behaviour
c) Group Behaviour
d) Team Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

13) Conflicts comes under Individual Behaviour. True or False?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Short Answer Questions

7. What are the 3 concepts that the scope of OB combines?

8. What does Group Behaviour study about?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Challenges and Opportunities of OB

• Globalization – Expansion

• Improving people’s skills – Induction, Trainings etc

• Improving quality and productivity – TQM and Re-engineering programs

• Managing diversified workforce – Race, Culture, Community, Age

• Empowering people – Delegating decision making power and responsibilities

• Improving ethical behaviour – Code of ethics through seminars, trainings, workshops

• E-commerce – Listing, Promoting, and Delivering products/services via Internet

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Challenges and Opportunities of OB

• Key features of Quality are:
 Performance

 Added benefits – For example, added features such as calculator, FM radio and alarm clock in a
mobile phone

 Conformance - Meeting industry specifications and standards

 Reliability

 Durability

 After sales services

 Reputation of the manufacturer

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Challenges and Opportunities of OB

• Components of TQM are:
 Intense focus on the customer

 Continuous improvement

 Improvement in each step of operations

 Measurement of improvement

 Empowerment of employees

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

14) Which of the following is not a challenge or an opportunity to OB?

a) Quality and Productivity Improvement
b) Diversified Workforce Management
c) E-commerce
d) Advertisement

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

15) Which of the following is not a component of TQM?

a) Intense focus on the customer
b) Measurement of Improvement
c) Empowerment of employees
d) Rare improvements

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Quiz / Assessment

15) Developing a code of ethics to guide employees is the responsibility of a

manager. True or False?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Short Answer Questions

9. Give any 3 features of Quality.

10. What are the ways to improve people’s skills?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics


“Ridgeview & Co” is engaged in producing and distribution of tortilla chips in Texas and now they want.

To expand their business to California. They have identified San Jose as a place for establishing production unit
for which they have two tenable posts by marketing or production manager since the job involves the skill of
both. There are two potential candidates for the head of the unit:

a). Mr. Dunn(Production Manager)- He has 10 years of experience in Food Industry. He is hard- working, can
Offline Activity handle employee grievances, sincere, pleasant personality, honest, dependable, goes by rule of law in times of
(30 min) difficulty, foresighted, and has a good reputation in industry.

b). Mr. Kay (Marketing Manager)- He has a MBA from Yale. He has the ability to evaluate any critical situation,
maintains distance from workers, Task oriented leader, good communication skills, and is considered to be a
Management Man.

Who would you choose and why?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

Long Answer Questions

1. Explain in brief the reasons to study OB.

2. Elaborate on the features of OB?

3. What are the contributing Disciplines of OB? Describe Psychology in brief?

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

 Organizational Behaviour is a study of the impact of individual, groups, and structures on human
behaviour within an organization.

 Nature of people and Nature of organization are the two concepts of OB.

 Nature of people is affected by factors such as Individual approach, perception, A whole person,
motivated behaviour, value of human beings.

 Nature of organization can be analysed by social system, mutual interest, and ethics.

 Features of Organizational Behaviour includes multi disciplinary approach, humanistic and positive
approach, group – most powerful phenomenon, and ongoing process.

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

 Study of Organizational Behaviour helps in determining the future ability of the company.

 Nature of Organizational Behaviour are : It’s a separate field of study, a normative science, A
science and Art, System approach and directed towards organizational objectives.

 Contributing disciplines of Organizational Behaviour are Psychology, sociology, social psychology,

Anthropology, and political sciences.

 Psychology is used by the manager for understanding behaviour of employees, their values,
characteristics and further helps in solving internal conflicts between employees.

 The scope of OB includes individual behaviour, organization behaviour, and group behaviour.

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

 Challenges and opportunities to use OB includes globalization, improving people’s skills,
improving quality and productivity, empowering people, improving ethical behaviour, managing
work force diversity, and E commerce.

 Global managers are expected to manage workforce with different culture, attitudes, skills, and
character which will help in increasing the productivity of the business.

 Skills of employees can be improved by conducting training sessions, induction programmes,

career development programme etc.

 Total quality management refers to a programme where each and every employee is committed
to maintain a high standard of work in every step of the operation process.

 Work force diversity helps in variety of innovativeness and talents from diverse groups of

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

1. Organizational Behaviour. Retrieved 12 Jun, 2016 from

https://www.boundless. com/management/textbooks/boundless-

2. Nature and Scope of OB. Retrieved 12 Jun, 2016 from


3. Contributing Disciplines of OB. Retrieved 12 Jun, 2016 from

https://changemin or.wordpress.com/2008/10/02/8contributing-disciplines-
Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB
Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics

External Resources
1. Stephen. P. Robbins. (2013). Organizational Behaviour. [Kindle Version].
Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com/

2. Adler, Nancy. (2008). International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. 5th ed.

Mason, OH: Southwestern.

3. Griffin, Ricky W., Gregory Moorhead. (2012). Organizational Behavior: Managing

People and Organizations. 10th ed. Mason, OH: Cengage.

Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1
Chapter 1.1 OB Basics


Organizational Behaviour Introduction to OB

Semester I Module 1

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