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Global Warming : Now and


By: Patrick Cooper

What is Global Warming?
Global warming is the increase in temperature of earth’s near
surface air, atmosphere oceans. In the 20th century the most
observed cause for global warming is the increased levels of
greenhouse gases in the. When we burn things like; fossil fuels,
or deforestation we admit these gases. Greenhouse Gasses take
part in the “Greenhouse Effect.”

The greenhouse effect is the process where radioactive energy

leaving the earth gets absorbed by the gases in the atmosphere,
keeping them on earth rather than releasing them into space.
By the end of this presentation you will find out what are
reasons we have such a climate problem, what this will
mean for us and future civilizations, and things we can do
to help our planet rather than kill it.

My Enjoy it!!

As the world continues to industrialize, we see more gasses

admitted to the atmosphere and more harm done to the planet.
Industrial revolution
Industrializing a country means to expand and utilize its
own resources for socioeconomic growth and development.

America entered our own industrial revolution in the late

1800’s, however this wasn’t the first revolution of its kind in
the world.

In the early 1800’s in parts of Great Britain human labor

had started to be replaced by machine based
Environment after industrialization
As industrialization thrived in the world something bad began
to happen...

Yearly, factories are responsible for 90% of all pollution.

The act of logging or burning trees and plants in
forest for lumber, and fuel.
What About Deforestation?
All around the globe deforestation occurs.

In order to expand land, gain a profit, and obtain resources

needed for industries, we log and burn forest.

It has cause worldly debates as to whether it should be made

illegal to log in forest.
Reasons We Shouldn’t Log and burn down
Can cause climate conditions to change.

Trees and plants store and contain carbon dioxide, and when
we kill a plant or tree the carbon dioxide is released into the air.

It destroys natural habitats for animals.

Can and will cause extinctions if we continue.

Soon to come

All factors contributing to the cause and continuation of global

warming will slowly seal our fate here on earth.
Large Masses of Ice
The polar ice caps, and  The ice sheets are white, the
larger glaciers are melting. white color reflects some sun
light, without these ice sheets the
earth will warm up more.
The melting of these masses
of ice will cause global sea  With the fresh water being mixed
levels to increase. in with salt water will slow down
or even stop ocean currents.
Greenland Ice sheets will
 Fresh water from the melting
cause an estimated 20 foot
glaciers may kill much marine
increase to sea level.
Due to rise in surface and ocean temperatures ice lands will
began to melt causing animals supported by them to no longer

Animals who come out of the water to lay eggs on beaches,

their offspring are threatened by the increased temperatures
and rising sea levels. This will lead to the decline in
population, and eventually…
Present Effects

As we speak we can see evidence of global warming.

Record breaking temperatures
Record keeping for hottest years began in the 1880’s.

The top 20 hottest years have all been after 1983.

4 of the 5 top hottest years occurred in the second miliemium

The hottest year recorded was 2005

Severe Weather
With ocean temperatures rising this will mean more frequent and
stronger hurricanes, this was displayed in 2004 and 2005.

Warmer climates will bring much heavier rainfall which will

cause more floods.

Quick water evaporation will cause droughts worldwide.

Climates warming up will cause hotter weather, also will bring

killer heat waves.
Economic Ties
Severe weather will cause severe damage, costing billions of
dollars in damage.

Real estate prices will rise because there will be less land available.

Manufactures for water related products will benefit due to more

water available.

Businesses in the wrong area and that aren’t able to adapt will
quickly go bankrupt, while many jobs become obsolete.
Our Potential Fate

Greenhouse Effect’s
Poster Child
Its therorized as have been
similar to earth billions of
years ago, it had mild
temperatures, and water on
the surface. Somewhere
between then and now the
water has virtually vanished,
and is the hottest planet in
our solar system. With
extremely high levels of
Co2, heat from the sun light
stays on the planet rather
than being reflected.
To Conclude….
Here in the present all the effects shown now are the
result of things that have built up from our past. More
recently we have been taking steps to slow and decrease
effects of global warming; recycling, fuel efficient
vehicles, less buring of fossil fuels, and using solar energy.
In time we will see if these actions will have an impact on
our planets future….

The End




All images came from Google images


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