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Ritucharya / Seasonal Adaptations

Divided into two Kala (time)

Six months each-

 Aadaan Kala ( Summers) - Direct sunrays

 Visarga Kala (Winters) - Slanting sunrays

Aadaan - Taking away

Visarga - Giving

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Ritu / Seasons Properties of the season

Shishira Cold and dewy season

Vasanta Spring season

Grishma Summer season

Varsha Rainy season

Sharat Autumn season

Hemant Winter season

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1. Shishira- Jan Feb

2. Vasanta –March April

3. Greeshma – May June

4. Varsha – July Aug

5. Sharat- Sept Oct

6. Hemanta – Nov Dec

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 Shishir, Basant, Greeshma (January - June)

 Sun Strong, Moon Weak

 Rising Heat, Dryness In Air

 More Pungent, Bitter, Astringent Taste in herbs

 Progressive Weakness, Tiredness, Weight Loss

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 Varsha Sharat Hemant ( July - December)

 Moon Strong, Sun Weak

 Moist, cool climate

 Dhatu nourishment

 High stamina

 Rise in Sweet, Sour, Saline tastes in herbs

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Accumulation of Kapha Dosha

Joint Pains, Allergies, Asthma common

Diet Advised -
 Digestion is strong as Pitta directed inwards

 Prefer Hot, Heavy, Sweet, sour and salty food

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 Wine prepared from jaggery (molasses)

 Wheat/gram flour products

 Milk products

 Sugarcane products

 Ghee, oils

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 Abhyanga with oil

 Udvartana with fine paste/powder

 More Exercise

 Warm Clothing

 Exposure to sunlight and fire to keep warm

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 Accumulated Kapha liquefied by the Sun

 Causes diminished Agni

 Triggers Kapha diseases without Kapha activities

 Respiratory, Allergic illnesses, Indigestion

 Best time for preventive Vamana

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 Easily digestible food.

 Barley, honey, roasted meat, mango juice

 Beverages such as Aasava-Arishta, fermented

sugarcane juice, ginger- honey mixed water

 Avoid heavy, cold, sour, sweet, fatty food.

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 Physical exercise

 Dry massage

 Nasya

 Avoid daytime sleep

 Panchakarma for Srotas cleansing

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 Sunrays become strong

 Kapha decreases – More Weakness

 Vata increases day by day

 Sun-stroke, Dehydration, Indigestion

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 Sweet, light and liquid food

 Boiled rice with meat, corn flour, yoghurt

 Drink cold water and Syrups prepared with

sugarcane & date with cardamom powder

 No alcohols

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 Anoint body with cold pastes

 Cold Showers

 Stay in cool places

 Wear light, cotton clothes

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 The digestive activity weakens further

 Vata is vitiated, Pitta accumulates

 Suppress Vata & enhance Agni

 Eczemas, Acidity, Infections common

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 Easily digestible food
◦ Pulses

◦ Meat soups

◦ Old grains; Ama - free

◦ Buttermilk

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 Panchakarma / Abhyanga, Swedana, Vasti,
Nasya, shirodhara

 Apply pleasing natural fragrances; Earth

Element; anti-Vata

 Avoid daytime sleep, exertion, overexposure

to sunlight.

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 Pitta is vitiated, Vata pacified

 Exposure to sunlight after wet, cold season

 Allergies, Skin diseases due to moist heat /


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 Bitter, astringent and sweet food / herbs

 Light, easily digestible food like rice, green

gram, Amlaki, honey and sugar.

 Avoid heavy food, curd, oil, strong liquors.

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Season Accumulation Vitiation Suppression

Vata Summers Rains Autumn

Pitta Rains Autumn Pre-Winters

Kapha Winters Spring Summers

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Herbs / Food of these Rasa TO be consumed /

1. Shishir Bitter
2. Vasant Astringent
3. Grishma Pungent
4. Varsha Sour
5. Sharat Saline
6. Hemanta Sweet

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 To achieve maximum during Visarga &
preserve during Adana

 Nava Ratri for food pattern shift

 Yama Damshtra

 Care towards Ritu Viparyaya

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