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Stress Analysis (ME-416) 1

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Theories of Stress Strain

• Elastic and Inelastic Material Behavior
• Torsion
• Bending
• Thin Wall Structures
• Thick walled Cylinders and Rotating Discs
• Advanced Topics in Stress Analysis
• Stress Concentrations
• Fracture Mechanics
• Fatigue
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

S# Course Learning Outcome Program Bloom's

Learning Taxonomy
Students will be able to:
Analyze stress and strains at a point, transform stresses PLO_1 C3 –
and strains, determine principal stresses and strains and (Engineering Application
principal direction for 3D problems and use elastic Knowledge)
constitutive equations
Use theories of mechanics of materials for analysis of PLO_2 (Problem C4 –
2 stresses and strains of open and closed thick walled Analysis) Analysis
cylinders and rotating disks.
Analyze stresses on non-circular bars subjected to PLO_2 (Problem C4 –
3 torsion, unsymmetrical Bending, curved beams and Analysis) Analysis
stress concentration problems.
Perform failure analysis using yield criterion, fracture PLO_2 (Problem C4 –
4 mechanics and fatigue analysis. Analysis) Analysis
Analyze complex mechanical engineering problem PLO_3 (Design C6 –
5 relating to stress analysis. and Development Evaluation
of solution)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Lecture 1. Introduction and Revision of previous concepts

Lecture 2. Introduction and Revision of previous concepts
Lecture 3. Introduction and Revision of previous concepts
Lecture 4. State of stress at a point, vector product, directional cosine, stress at an oblique
Lecture 5. Transformation of stresses, octahedral stresses, mean and deviator stress, plane
Lecture 6. Principal Stresses
Lecture 7. Principal Stresses
Lecture 8.Differential equations of motion, deformable body,
Lecture 9.Principal strains, strain compatibility relations
Lecture 10. Small displacement theory.
Lecture 11. Multiaxial state of stress, yield criterions.
Lecture 12. Comparison of yield criterions, shafts subjected to combined loads.
Lecture 13. General yielding, elastic plastic bending.
Lecture 14. Yield criterion
Lecture 15. Torsion of circular prismatic member, SVSI Method.

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 4

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Lecture 16. SVSI Method boundary conditions, Equilateral triangular member using SVSI
Lecture 17. Soap film analogy
Lecture 18. Narrow rectangular cross section member in torsion using soap film analogy.
Lecture 19. Hollow thin wall members
Lecture 20. Hollow thin wall members
Lecture 21. Bending in straight beams, symmetric and non-symmetric bending
Lecture 22. Non-symmetric bending
Lecture 23. Non-symmetric bending
Lecture 24. Non-symmetric bending
Lecture 25. Thin walled members, effect of shear stress.
Lecture 26. Approximation of shear center
Lecture 27. Shear center calculation for C-section member
Lecture 28. Thick walled cylinder
Lecture 29. Thick walled cylinder
Lecture 30. Shrink fit thick walled cylinder

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Lecture 31. Rotating Disks-I

Lecture 32. Rotating disks-II
Lecture 33. Stress concentration-I
Lecture 34. Stress concentration-II
Lecture 35. Stress concentration-III
Lecture 36. Fracture Mechanics –I
Lecture 37. Fracture Mechanics-II
Lecture 38. Fracture Mechanics-II
Lecture 39. Fatigue-I
Lecture 40. Fatigue-II
Lecture 41. Fatigue-III

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 6

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Quizzes 10%,
• Assignments 10%
• Projects 15%
• Mid-semester Exam 25%
• Final Exam 40%
NOTE:Minimum cutoff mark
at 35%.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Advanced Mechanics of Materials

6th Edition by Arthur P. Boresi and Richard J. Schmidt

Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis

2nd Edition by Richard G. Budynas

Mechanics of Materials
6th Edition by Beer, Johnston and Dewolf

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• As per FME policy, you are required to enter the

class at least 05 minutes past the lecture time later
the hall will be locked.
• You are not allowed to use any gadgets (mobile,
laptop, tablet etc.) in the class room. To note lecture
use notebooks.
• 80% attendance is mandatory for appearing in

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

As an Engineer, two questions you want to answer

whenever you design something.
1. Is the material strong enough?
2. Is the material stiff enough?
We will learn to answer these questions in this course
Main objective of course is to provide the
engineering methods of analyzing various machines
and structures
Design and analysis of a given structure involve the
determination of stresses and deformation
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• The main objective of the study of Stress Analysis is to

provide the future engineer with the means of analyzing
and designing various machines and load bearing

• Both the analysis and design of a given structure involve the

determination of
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Stress is the intensity of internal forces. It can also be

defined as force per unit area , or intensity of the force
distributed over a given section
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 =
SI Units
1 kPa 103 Pa 103 N/m2
1 MPa 106 Pa 106 N/m2
1 GPa 109 Pa 109 N/m2
British Units
1 psi 1 lb/in2
1 ksi 1000 lb/in2 Kip/in2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Any material or structure may

fail when it is loaded
1 Strength – The structure must be strong enough to
carry the applied loads.
2 Stiffness – The structure must be stiff enough such
that only allowable deformation occurs.
3 Stability – The structure must not collapse through
buckling subjected to the applied compressive loads.

Stress analysis provides analytical, numerical and

or experimental methods for determining the
strength, stiffness and stability of load-carrying
structural members

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Stent expansion process

Artery after stent inflation

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 14

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 15

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Initially ship building – mostly riveted joint

• WW-II mass production
• These ships first to have all welded joint
• 2700 Liberty ships were mass produced (some in 5 days)
• 1000 suffered significant failure
• Some broke suddenly into two because of low temperature
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• World’s first commercial jetliner into service in 1952

• Previously propeller planes – low altitude
• During first year of service – 28000 passengers and 104 million
• US Civil Aeronautics Administration has refused to grant Comet
airworthiness certificate. Reason Stress concentration
• Large size crew escape window
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• After 9000 hours of equivalent flying failure in fuselage was found

• Small crack growth in the corner of escape latch window – cause of
• Fatigue Failure (Stress Concentration)
• Boeing took lesson from Comet failure
• Major loss for De Havilland
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• In stress analysis, a force can be categorized as either external

or internal
• External Force (applied surface loads, force of gravity and support
• Internal Force (resisting forces generated within loaded structural
• The moment of a force is a measure of its tendency to
cause a body to rotate about a specific point or axis

Point Load Distributed Load

Moment about the beam–column
Stress Analysis (ME-416) connection 24
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Types of Forces
1. normal force, F, which is perpendicular to the cross-section;
2. shear force, V, which is parallel to the cross-section;
3. bending moment, M, which bends the material; and
4. twisting moment (torque), T, which twists the material about its
central axis.

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 25

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Equilibrium system
1. the resultant of all applied forces, including support reactions, must
be zero;
2. the resultant of all applied moments, including bending and
twisting moments, must be zero.

The two equilibrium conditions are commonly used to

determine support reactions and internal forces on cross-
sections of structural members.

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 26

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• The force per unit area, or intensity of

the internal forces distributed over a
given section, is called the stress on that

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 27

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• The resultant of the internal forces for an axially loaded member is

normal to a section cut perpendicular to the member axis.
• The corresponding stress is described as a normal stress. normal
stress in a member under axial loading:

• Stress at a given point Q of the cross section

• The normal stress at a particular point may not be equal to the

average stress but the resultant of the stress distribution must satisfy

• The detailed distribution of stress is statically indeterminate, i.e., can

not be found from statics alone.
Stress Analysis (ME-416) 28
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• A uniform distribution of stress in a section infers

that the line of action for the resultant of the
internal forces passes through the centroid of the
• A uniform distribution of stress is only possible if
the concentrated loads on the end sections of two-
force members are applied at the section
centroids. This is referred to as centric loading.
• If a two-force member is eccentrically loaded, then
the resultant of the stress distribution in a section
must yield an axial force and a moment.
• The stress distributions in eccentrically loaded
members cannot be uniform or symmetric

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 29

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Forces P and P’ are applied transversely to the member

• Corresponding internal forces act in the plane of section
C and are called shearing forces.
• The resultant of the internal shear force distribution is
defined as the shear of the section and is equal to the
load P.
• The corresponding average shear stress is,

• Shear stress distribution varies from zero at the member

surfaces to maximum values that may be much larger
than the average value.
• The shear stress distribution cannot be assumed to be

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 30

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 31

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Axial forces on a two force member

result in only normal stresses on a
plane cut perpendicular to the
member axis.
• Transverse forces on bolts and pins
result in only shear stresses on the
plane perpendicular to bolt or pin
• Either axial or transverse forces may
produce both normal and shear
stresses with respect to a plane other
than one cut perpendicular to the
member axis.
Stress Analysis (ME-416) 32
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Normal and shearing stresses on an oblique


• The maximum normal stress occurs when the

reference plane is perpendicular to the
member axis,

• The maximum shear stress occurs for a plane

at ± 45o with respect to the axis,

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 33

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• It follows that only 6 components of stress

are required to define the complete state of
• at a given point, shear cannot take place in
one plane only; an equal shearing stress must
be exerted on another plane perpendicular
to the first one.

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 34

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• For an element subjected to multi-axial

loading, the normal strain components
resulting from the stress components may
be determined from the principle of
superposition. This requires:
1) strain is linearly related to stress
2) deformations are small
• With these restrictions:
 x  y  z
x    
 x  y  z
y    
 x  y z
z    
E E E L3-4 - 35
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Plot of Shear stress vs. shear strain is

similar to normal stress vs. normal strain
except that the strength values are
approximately half.
 xy  G  xy  yz  G  yz  zx  G  zx

Stress Analysis (ME-416) 36

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• From Hooke’s Law:

• From the definition of strain:

• Equating and solving for the deformation,

• With variations in loading, cross-section or material


Stress Analysis (ME-416) 37

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Interested in stresses and strains of

circular shafts subjected to twisting
couples or torques

• Turbine exerts torque T on the shaft

• Shaft transmits the torque to the


• Generator creates an equal and

opposite torque T’

6 - 38
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Multiplying the previous equation by the

shear modulus,

G  G max

From Hooke’s Law,   G , so

  max

The shearing stress varies linearly with the

J  12  c 4
radial position in the section.
• Recall that the sum of the moments from
the internal stress distribution is equal to
the torque on the shaft at the section,
 
T    dA  max   2 dA  max J
c c
• The results are known as the elastic torsion

J  12  c24  c14  formulas,
Tc T
 max  and  
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Ductile materials generally fail in shear.

Brittle materials are weaker in tension
than shear.

• When subjected to torsion, a ductile

specimen breaks along a plane of
maximum shear, i.e., a plane
perpendicular to the shaft axis.

• When subjected to torsion, a brittle

specimen breaks along planes
perpendicular to the direction in which
tension is a maximum, i.e., along
surfaces at 45o to the shaft axis.

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Pure Bending: Prismatic members

subjected to equal and opposite couples
acting in the same longitudinal plane
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Internal forces in any cross section are equivalent

to a couple. The moment of the couple is the
section bending moment.
• From statics, a couple M consists of two equal
and opposite forces.

• The sum of the components of the forces in any

direction is zero.
• The moment is the same about any axis
perpendicular to the plane of the couple and
zero about any axis contained in the plane.

• These requirements may be applied to the sums

of the components and moments of the statically
indeterminate elementary internal forces.
Fx    x dA  0
M y   z x dA  0
M z    y x dA  M
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Beam with a plane of symmetry in pure

• member remains symmetric
• bends uniformly to form a circular arc
• cross-sectional plane passes through arc center
and remains planar
• length of top decreases and length of bottom
• a neutral surface must exist that is parallel to the
upper and lower surfaces and for which the length
does not change
• stresses and strains are negative (compressive)
above the neutral plane and positive (tension)
below the neutral plane
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Consider a beam segment of length L.

After deformation, the length of the neutral
surface remains L. At other sections,

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• For a linearly elastic material,

 x  E x   E m
   m (stress varies linearly)

• For static equilibrium,

• For static equilibrium,
y  y 
Fx  0    x dA     m dA M    y x dA    y   m  dA
c  c 
  I
m M  m  y 2 dA  m
0  y dA c c
c Mc M
m  
First moment with respect to neutral I S
plane is zero. Therefore, the neutral y
Substituting  x    m
surface must pass through the section c
centroid. My
x  
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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

• Eccentric Loading: Axial loading which

does not pass through section centroid
produces internal forces equivalent to an
axial force and a couple

• Transverse Loading: Concentrated or

distributed transverse load produces
internal forces equivalent to a shear force
and a couple

• Principle of Superposition: The normal

stress due to pure bending may be
combined with the normal stress due to
axial loading and shear stress due to shear
loading to find the complete state of stress.

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

1. Failure by excessive deflection

a) Elastic deflection
b) Deflection caused by creep
2. Failure by general yielding
3. Failure by fracture
a) Sudden fracture of brittle materials
b) Fracture of cracked or flawed members
c) Progressive fracture (fatigue)
4. Failure by instability

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