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Nur Signa Aini Gumilas
Departemen Histologi
Junqueira, LC, Carneiro,J & Kelly RO. Basic Histology.
Appleton & Lange.

Young, B & Heath JW. Wheather’s Functional

Histology: a text and colour atlas.

Gartner, LP & Hiatt, JL. Color Textbook of Histology,

2nd Edition. WB. Saunders Company
Learning Objectives
• Central nervous system (CNS)
• Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
• Receptors
• Meninges
Components of
Introduction The Nervous System
The Function of The Nervous System
• Sensory – monitors internal & external
environment through presence of receptors.
• Integration – interpretation of sensory information
(information processing); complex (higher order)
• Motor – response to information processed
through stimulation of effectors.
• Muscular
• Glandular
Structural & Functional Division of
The Nervous System
Central Nervous System (CNS)
• Consists of :
• Brain
• Spinal cord
• Fx : integrating, processing & coordinating
Central Nervous System (CNS)
• White matter  consists of :
• myelinated nerve fibers
• unmyelinated fibers
• neuroglial cells
• Gray matter  consists of :
• neuronal cell bodies
• dendrit
• unmyelinated portions of axon
• neuroglial cells
• Neurophil  axons, dendrites & neuroglial processes
form a tangled network of neural tissues.
• Nuclei  aggregations of neuron cell bodies
Consists of :
• Cerebrum
• Cerebellum
• Brain stem :
• Diencephalon
• Mesencephalon
• Pons
• Medula

The cerebrum show regions of white (white matter)

and gray (gray matter)
• Grey matter (cortex)
• Outer part  cerebral cortex
• Gyri & sulci
• Soma, dendrite, initial segment of axon
• Non-myelinating glial cell
• White matter (medulla)
• Inner part
• Myelinated axon & some unmyelinated axon
• Oligodendrocyte >>
• Molecular layer/plexiform layer
• Horizontal cell (of Cajal), neuroglia
• Outer granular layer
• Stellate/granule cell, pyramidal
cell, neuroglia
Cerebral Cortex
• Outer pyramidal layer
• Pyramidal cell (small) >>,
• Inner granular layer
• Stellate cell, pyramidal cell,
• Inner pyramidal layer
• Large pyramidal cell >>, stelate
cells, neuroglia
• Multiform layer
• Martinotti cells
• Fusiform cells
Cerebral Cortex

Nerve cells in intracortical circuits. This

simple diagram shows the organization and
connections between cells in different layers
of the cortex contributing to cortical afferent
fibers (arrows pointing up) and cortical
efferent fibers (arrows pointing down). The
small interneurons are indicated in yellow.
Cerebral Cortex
Cerebral Cortex – Type of Neurons
Six type of neurons :
1. Pyramidal
2. Stellate/granular cells
3. Fusiform cells
4. Horizontal cells of Cajal
5. Cell of Martinotti
6. Golgi type II
Pyramidal Neurons

Neurons of some regions of the cerebral cortex register afferent (sensory) impulses; in other regions,
efferent (motor) neurons generate motor impulses that control voluntary movements. Cells of the cerebral
cortex function in the integration of sensory information and the initiation of voluntary motor responses.
Pyramidal Neurons

The largest motor neurons

in the cerebral cortex are
those found in the fifth
stratum of the cortex

These are multipolar neurons called pyramidal cells (of Betz). The triangle-shaped cells have one or
more apical dendrites (B) and a basal, or basolateral, axon (A). Nuclei of glial cells (arrowhead), most
likely oligodendrocytes, are components of the neuropil around the pyramidal cell
Cerebral Medulla
• White matter : nerve fibers
• Associated fibers  connecting the cortical portion on
the same side
• Commisural fibers  connect the cortical hemisphere in
the one side to another cortical hemisphere
• Projection fibers  connect the with the subcortex
• Coordination & Balance
• Grey matter (cortex)
• Cerebellar cortex
• Folding cortex  folia
• Neuronal cell bodies & Glial cell
• White matter (medulla)
• Medulla
• Bundles of myelinated axon
Cerebellar Cortex and Medulla
Cerebellar Cortex : Cerebellar Medulla :
• Molecular layer • Climbing fibers
• Dendrite of Purkinje cell
• Unmyelinated axon • Mossy fibers
• Stellate cell
• Basket cell
• Ganglioner layer (Purkinje cell layer)
• Purkinje cells
• dendrites : project into the molecular
• myelinated axons : project into the
white matter
• Basket cell
• Granular layer
• Small granule cell, Golgi cell tipe II
• Glomeruli (cerebellar islands)
The cerebellar cortex is convoluted with
many distinctive small folds, each supported
at its center by cerebellar medulla (M), which
is white matter consisting of large tracts of
axons. X6. Cresyl violet
Immediately surrounding the white matter of the
medulla is the granular layer (GL) of the cortex,
which is densely packed with very small, rounded
neuronal cell bodies. The outer, "molecular layer"
(ML) consists of neuropil with fewer, more
scattered small neurons. X20. H&E.
At the interface between the granular and molecular layers is a single layer
with very large neuronal cell bodies of unique Purkinje cells (P), whose
axons pass through the granular layer (Gr) to join tracts in the medulla and
whose multiple branching dendrites ramify throughout the molecular layer
(Mol). X40. H&E.
Although not seen until well after H&E staining, dendrites of Purkinje cells have hundreds of
small branches, each covered with dendritic spines, which can be demonstrated with silver
stains. Axons from the small neurons of the granular layer are unmyelinated and run
together into the molecular layer where they form synapses with the dendrites spines of
Purkinje cells. The molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex contains relatively few neurons
or other cells. X40. Silver.

Cytoarchitecture of the cerebellar cortex. Note that the cerebellar cortex contains white matter and gray
matter. Three distinct layers of gray matter are identified on this diagram. They are (1) superficially located
molecular layer, (2) the middle Purkinje cell layer, and (3) the granule cell layer adjacent to the white matter.
• Large mass of grisea substance
• Located on each side of the third ventricle
• Form the diencephalon
• Nuclei :
• Reticularis nuclei
• Motoric nuclei
• Sensory nuclei
• Function : forms a highly complex relay & integration
from all parts of the CNS.


This micograph shows the histologic features of the typical thalamus

nucleus consisting of aggregates in neuronal cell bodies crossed by
afferent and efferent nerve tracts
• Consists of
• Basal pons (ventral part)  thick
• Tegmentum (dorsal part)  thin
• Basal pons :
• Longitudinal & transverse bundles  motoric function
• Pontine nuclei
• Middle cerebellar peduncle
• Tegmentum
• Medial lemniscus  sensoric function
• spinothalamic tract  sensoric function
• fifth nerve nuclei
• sixth nerve nuclei
• seventh nerve nuclei
• Peduncle
• Superior  motoric
• inferior

ML : medial lemniscus
SCP : superior peduncle
M : middle cerebellar peduncle
Medula Oblongata
• Top
• Fourth ventricle
• Inferior olivary nucleus  afferent fibers
• Dorsalis olivary nucleus
• Asesorius medialis olivary nucleus
• Bottom
• Funiculus gracilis  sensoric function
• Funiculus cuneatus  sensoric function
• Pyramid  motoric function
• The spinal nucleus of the trigeminal tract
• Hypoglossal nucleus

V : Ventricle
HN : Hypoglossal nucleus
D : Dorsalis olivary nucleus
M : Asesorius medialis olivary nucleus
O : Inferior olivary nucleus
P : Pyramid
FG : Funiculus gracilis
FC : Funiculus cuneatus
SNT : Spinal nucleus of the trigeminal tract
Spinal cord

The posterior gray horn contains axons of sensory neurons and cell bodies of interneurons; the lateral gray
horn contains cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons; and the anterior gray horn contains cell bodies of
somatic motor neurons
Unlike the cerebrum and cerebellum, in the spinal cord the gray matter is internal, forming
a roughly H-shaped structure that consists of two posterior (P) horns (sensory) and two
anterior (A) (motor) horns all joined by the gray commissure around the central canal
Internal anatomy of the spinal cord :
The organization of gray matter and white matter

• Grey matter
• Inner part
• Butterfly-shaped
• Central canal
• Anterior horn (motor)
• Posterior horn (sensory)
• Neuronal cell bodies
• Neuroglial cells
• White matter
• Outer part
• Axons (mostly myelinated)
A cross section of spinal cord shows the transition
between white matter (left) and gray matter (right)

The white matter consists mainly of nerve fibers whose myelin sheaths were dissolved in the preparation
procedure, leaving the round empty spaces shown. Each such space surrounds a dark-stained spot which is
the axon. Neuronal cell bodies, astrocytes, and abundant cell processes predominate in the gray matter.
Comparison of Various Spinal Cord Segments
Peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
• Ganglia
• Cluster of soma
• Satellite cell
• Nerve fiber
• Bundles of myelinated & unmyelinated axon
• Supported with connective tissue
• Motor & sensory nerve fibers
• Nerve endings
• Receptors
• Effectors
• Ganglia are typically ovoid structures containing
neuronal cell bodies and glial cells supported by
connective tissue
• They serve as relay stations to transmit nerve
impulses, one nerve enters and another exits from
each ganglion
• The direction of the nerve impulse determines
whether the ganglion will be a sensory or an
autonomic ganglion
Sensory Ganglia

• Unipolar cell bodies

• Receive afferent impulses that go to the CNS
• Associated with both cranial nerves (cranial ganglia) and
the dorsal root of the spinal nerves (dorsal root/spinal
Sensory Ganglia

A sensory ganglion (G) has a distinct connective tissue capsule (C) and internal
framework continuous with the epineurium and other components of peripheral nerves,
except that no perineurium is present and there is no blood-nerve barrier function.
Fascicles of nerve fibers (F) enter and leave these ganglia. X56. Luxol fast blue.
Sensory Ganglia

The large neuronal cell

bodies of ganglia are
associated with thin,
sheet-like extensions
of small glial cells
called satellite cells
Sensory Ganglia

Higher magnification shows the

small, rounded nuclei of glia
cells called satellite cells (S)
which produce thin, sheet-like
cytoplasmic extensions that
completely envelope each large
neuronal perikaryon, some
containing lipofuscin (L). X400.
Autonomic Ganglia

Autonomic nerves provide motor innervation to smooth muscle and cardiac

muscle and supply secretomotor innervation to glands
Autonomic Ganglia
Sympathetic ganglia Parasympathetic

Neuronal cell located in the thoracic and in the medulla and midbrain
bodies lumbar segments of the spinal and in the sacral portion of the
preganglionic cord (thoracolumbal) spinal cord (craniosacral)
Second neurons/ located in small ganglia along the found in very small ganglia
Postganglionic vertebral column always located near or within
the effector organs
Histology Multipolar cell bodies lack distinct capsules altogether,
Nuclei eccentric + lipofuchsin perikarya and associated
granule satellite cells simply forming a
Less satelite cells loosely organized plexus within
the surrounding connective
Sympathetic Ganglion

Ganglia of sympathetic nerves are smaller than most sensory ganglia, but similar in having large neuronal cell
bodies (N), some containing lipofuscin (L). Sheets from satellite cells (S) enclose each neuronal cell body with
morphology slightly different from that of sensory ganglia. Autonomic ganglia generally have less well-
developed connective tissue capsules (C) than sensory ganglia. X400. H&E
Sympathetic Ganglion

Sympathetic ganglia form a chain along both sides of the vertebral column
Immunostained satellite cells form thin sheets (S) surrounding neuronal cell bodies (N).
Like the effect of Schwann cells on axons, satellite glial cells insulate, nourish, and
regulate the microenvironment of the neuronal cell bodies. X1000. Rhodamine red-
labeled antibody against glutamine synthetase
Parasympathetic Ganglion

The parasympathetic subdivision has cell bodies in the brain and in the sacral portion of the spinal cord.
Postganglionic fibers from the sacral segment innervate the pelvic viscera. The enteric subdivision controls
the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, and pancreas
Parasympathetic Ganglion
Nerve Fiber & Supporting Tissue
• Nerve fiber
• Bundles of myelinated & unmyelinated axon
• Supporting tissue
• Epineurium
• outer sheath of fibrocollageneous tissue

• Perineurium
• surrounds groups of axons and endoneurium to
form a small bundles (fascicles)

• Endoneurium
• surrounds individual axons and their associated
Schwann cells as well as capillary blood vessels
Nerve Sheath
• Groups of fibers are
bound together into
bundles (fascicles) by
a perineurium
• All the fascicles of a
nerve are enclosed
by a epineurium
• Each axon is
surrounded by an
Nerve Fibers
Nerve Fibers
Nerve Fibers
Nerve Fibers
The Process of Sensation

 Stimulation of the sensory receptor

 Transduction of the stimulus
 Generation of nerve impulses
 Integration of sensory input
Classification of Receptors
(a) Free nerve endings, in this case, a cold-sensitive receptor. These
endings are bare dendrites of first-order neurons with no apparent
structural specialization.
(b) An encapsulated nerve ending, in this case a pressure-sensitive
receptor. Encapsulated nerve endings are dendrites of
first-order neurons.
Classification of Receptors
Classification of Receptors
Structure and location of sensory receptors in
the skin and subcutaneous layer


• Mechanoreceptor • Mechanoreceptor
• Capsule (+) • Capsule (-)
• Lamellae of fibroblast & • Merkel cell & Merkel
Schwann cell disks
• Dermal papilla • Epidermis


• Mechanoreceptor : • Nociceptor
pressure • Capsule (-)
• Capsule (+) • Branches of
• Lamellae of fibroblast + unmyelinated nerve
schwann cell fiber
• Hipodermis, dermis, • Dermis
periosteum, joints capsule,
visceral organs


• Mechanoreceptor, • Mechanoreceptor,
• Capsule (-)
• Capsule (+)
• Branches of
unmyelinated nerve • Bulb formed by
fiber intracapsular fluid
• Dermis, hipodermis, • Genitals, conjunctiva, oral
cavity, nasal cavity,
joints capsule peritoneum
Pacinian Corpuscles

In cross-section, Pacinian corpuscles resemble the cut surface of an onion. Within the thick connective tissue
capsule (arrow), flattened cells and delicate collagen fibrils are wrapped concentrically around an
unmyelinated axon (arrowhead). The concentric lamellae are more closely packed together near the center
of the structure.
Krausse Endbulb
Free Nerve Endings
Two types of proprioceptors :
a muscle spindle and a tendon organ

 In muscle spindles, which monitor changes in skeletal muscle

length, sensory nerve endings wrap around the central
portion of intrafusal muscle fibers
 In tendon organs, which monitor the force of muscle
contraction, sensory nerve endings are activated by increasing
tension on a tendon
 The Golgi tendon organs = neurotendinous organs
Muscle Spindle
Muscle Spindle

In this cross-section through skeletal muscle, an encapsulated muscle spindle (arrow) is located at
the periphery of a fascicle. Note the perimysium, endomysium, and muscle cells.
Muscle Spindle

The intrafusal muscle cells are similar to the extrafusal fibers in their complement of
myofibrils, myofilaments, and proteins.
Golgi Tendon Organ
Golgi Tendon Organ

Skeletal muscle fibers (arrows) surround a tendon that has a sensory nerve ending
(arrowhead). Golgi tendon organs respond to the degree to which the tendon is stretched by
the contractile tension of the muscle fibers.
• The skull and the vertebral column protect the CNS
• Between the bone and nervous tissue are membranes of
connective tissue called the meninges

• Duramater • Piamater
• Dense connective tissue • Thin layer of loose
• Periosteal duramater connective tissue
• Sinus • Close to brain tissue but
• Meningeal duramater not contact
• Epidural space • Fibroblast
• Subdural space
• Trabecular meshwork
• Subarachnoid space - CSF
• Arachnoid villi/arachnoid
Meninges Light micrograph (LM) of the
meninges covering the monkey
brain. The duramater (DM), the
most superficial meningeal layer, is
dense, fibrous connective tissue.
Underlying the arachnoid (Ar), a
more delicate connective tissue, is
the subarachnoid space (*), which,
in life, contains cerebrospinal fluid.
Arterial (A) and venous (V)
branches of cerebral vessels
traverse this space. The pia mater
(PM) is the innermost, thinnest
meningeal layer. Although not sell
seen at this magnification, tissue
of the CNS isseparated from the
pia by a thin layer, called the outer
glia limintans, which is formed by
astrocyte end-fee. The sudural
space (SDS) (between dura and
arachnoid) is a preparation
artifact. 270x. H&E.
Meninges & Glial
Note that astrocytes also send their processes
toward the brain surface, where they contact the
basement membrane of the piamater, forming the
glia limitans. In addition, processes of astrocytes
extend toward tile fluid-filled spaces in the CNS,
where they contact the ependymal lining cells
Meninges in Spinal Cord

Diagram of spinal cord indicates the relationship of the three meningeal layers of connective tissue: the
innermost pia mater, the arachnoid, and the dura mater. The dura fuses partially with the periosteum of
the protective vertebrae, which are not shown. Also depicted are the blood vessels coursing through the
subarachnoid space and the nerve rootlets that fuse to form the posterior and anterior roots of the spinal
nerves. The posterior root ganglia contain the cell bodies of sensory nerve fibers and are located in
intervertebral formamina.
Meninges in Spinal Cord
Section of an area near the anterior median
fissure showing the tough dura mater (D) and
subdural space (SD) lined by flattened
epithelial-like cells. The middle meningeal
layer is the thicker weblike arachnoid mater
(A) containing the large subarachnoid space
(SA) and connective tissue trabecular (T). The
subarachnoid space is filled with CSF and the
arachnoid acts as a shock absorbing pad
between the brain and skull. Fairly large blood
vessels (BV) course through the arachnoid
mater. The innermost pia mater (P) is thin and
is not clearly separate from the arachnoid;
together they are sometimes referred to as
the pia-arachnoid or the leptomeninges. The
space between the pia and the white matter
(WM) of the spinal cord here is an artifact
created during dissection; normally the pia is
very closely applied to a layer of astrocytic
processes at the surface of the CNS tissue.
X100. H&E.
Choroid Plexus

The choroid plexus consists of highly specialized regions of CNS tissue

containing ependyma cells and vascularized piamater
that project from specific walls of the ventricles
Choroid Plexus
• Section of the bilateral
choroid plexus (CP)
projecting into the fourth
ventricle (V) near the
cerebrum and cerebellum
• It is elaborately folded with
many finger-like villi
Choroid plexus

each villus is seen to be well-vascularized with capillaries (C) and covered by a

continuous layer of ependymal cells (arrow)
The choroid plexus is specialized for transport of water
and ions across the capillary endothelium and ependymal
layer and the elaboration of these as CSF
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